1、时间竞争条件下企业本钱核算与控制研究 时间竞争条件下企业本钱核算与控制研究(12023字) 摘 要:八十年代开始,企业竞争逐渐由原本的质量竞争转移到时间竞争来,时间成了竞争的核心因素。随着时间成为竞争的核心要素,对企业时间缩短活动的经济性进行分析是企业盈利的根底和获得竞争优势的保障。许 .时间竞争条件下企业本钱核算与控制研究(字)摘 要:八十年代开始,企业竞争逐渐由原本的质量竞争转移到时间竞争来,时间成了竞争的核心因素。随着时间成为竞争的核心要素,对企业时间缩短活动的经济性进行分析是企业盈利的根底和获得竞争优势的保障。许多企业虽然对时间竞争相关理念有所了解,但实际操作中仍然延续之前单纯降低本钱
2、的方法,没有对时间相关本钱进行专门研究和管理。企业需要快速地响应顾客需求,从而获得比竞争对手更大的利润、市场份额、更低的本钱和更好的产品质量。而本钱的核算与控制,那么不应仍然局限于原本降低本钱的状态,应当将时间因素参加本钱,考虑时间对于本钱计量和分析方法的影响,才能实现企业本钱控制的优化。关键词:时间竞争;本钱核算;本钱控制Research on Costs Accounting and Control under Time-based Competition ConditionAbstract:Starting in the 1980s, the enterprise competition
3、 gradually from the original quality competition transferred to time competition, time became the core factor of competition. Over time, the core elements become competition of enterprise time shorten activities of economy analysis is corporate earnings basis and gain competitive advantage safeguard
4、. Many businesses compete for time though understanding related ideas, but in practice still continue simply cost reduction methods before, did not respond to specific research related to time management and cost. Enterprises need to quickly respond customer needs, thus achieved more than rivals gre
5、ater profit, market share, lower cost and better product quality. And cost accounting and control, we should not still confined to originally lower the cost of state, shall join cost, time factor consideration time for cost measurement and analysis method can realize the effect of cost control, the
6、optimization. Key words:Time-based Competition; Costs Accounting;Costs Control日语应酬语的变迁(9500字)摘 要:在人与人的交往中应酬语起着润滑剂的作用。日语应酬语的种类丰富多彩,从这点上看来日语很兴旺。应酬语在日语中占据着重要的地位。从其特点上可以体现出日本复杂的历史背景和地理环境。正如人们所说的 “应酬语用的好,人际关系就好”一样, 在日本,应酬语作为社交生活的重要一环,担负着促进人际关系顺利进行的重要角色。日本人相互之间打招呼时会根据不同的对象、地点使用不同的应酬语。在日本,生活中如此
7、频繁地使用应酬语与日本社会、历史、文化有密不可分的关系。同其他的语言比拟起来日语中的应酬语带有很明显的定型化特征。在日常生活中,与人交往时如果能很好地运用应酬语的技巧,就可以弥补人际关系的缺乏。这样一来,就有减少社交摩擦、建立起良好的人际关系的可能。 本稿以几个日常用的应酬语为例,如“上午好”、“下午好”、“多谢款待”、“再见”等等,介绍有关日语应酬语的起源、特征等。此外,还通过考察应酬语使用上的变化来表现日本社会文化的变迁。关键词:应酬语;变化;社会文化日本語挨拶言葉変遷 要旨:挨拶言葉人人間交流
8、潤滑剤役割果。日本語、挨拶言葉、点日本語発達。挨拶言葉日本語中重要位置占。特徴複雑歴史的背景地理的環境挙。挨拶上手上手、日本挨拶社交生活重要一環、人間関係円滑進重要役割担。日本人互挨拶交時、対象、場所、異用語挨拶。日本人日常生活頻繁使挨拶言葉日本人会社、歴史、文化切離関係持。他言語比較、日本語挨拶言葉明確定型化特徴。日常生活、人付合時挨拶腕振、人間関係缺乏。、社交的摩擦避、好人間関係作出可能。本稿日常的挨拶言葉例、日本語挨拶言葉起源特徴紹介。、日本人挨拶言葉使用上変化変化現日本社会文化変遷考察。 :挨拶言葉、変化、社会文化摘 要本设计的题目为“某工业大学变电所电气局部设计。首先进行主变压器的选
10、的根本要求和原理以及对变压器进行电流速断保护和过电流保护的设计计算;配电装置局部说明其类型、应用和设计步骤,采用的是成套配电装置;防雷保护采用避雷针防直击雷保护。此次设计综合运用电气局部的知识对10KV变电所的设计进行了较为详细的说明,其中包括图表说明以及文字阐述,语言通俗易懂。 关键词:变电所;电气主接线;短路计算;继电保护 AbstractThe design was entitled “Liaoning University of Technology electrical substation part of the design. First choice for the main
11、transformer; main electric wiring of choice in accordance with the characteristics of the main cable, select the various levels of voltage wiring, integrated, choose the best connection mode; After a short-circuit current calculations, according to short-circuit current calculation of electrical equ
12、ipment choice of generators and transformers for protection of the design; after the Lightning Protection in conjunction with the actual drawing design drawings, including floor plans, profiles, the main electric cable Plans, protection plans and mine access maps.Liaoning University of Technology el
13、ectrical substation main connection of high-pressure side of the single-bus wiring, low-pressure side of the single-section of the bus main electric connection forms; calculated according to the load on the main transformer right to choose; calculated short-circuit some of the harm, including short-
14、circuit, Short circuit, and the choice of specific numerical calculation; Electrical equipment options include the classification of electrical equipment, high-voltage circuit breakers, switches isolation, current transformers and voltage transformer and the choice of checking; relay designed mainly to relay that the basic requirements and principles of the transformer and a current speed off Over-current protection and the protection of the design calculated that its distribution of the types of devices, applications and design step