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1、Building industry opens up new world of entrepreneurial struggle to build a three provinces of regional central cities-in the Communist x counties the six plenary session members and comrades: today, I was commissioned by the County party Committee Standing Committee, reports to the General Assembly

2、. Consideration of all members and alternates, and comrades attending advice. A, and this year yilai of work recalled this year yilai, in municipal of right led Xia, County solidarity led County people, to science development views for guide, to good activities for mainline, according to a city four

3、 modernizations three more of development thought, concentrated poly force, work hard, political, and economic, and culture, and social and party of construction are made has new progress, County rendering out wind fresh are, and career prosperity, and social settled, and people mind into of good si

4、tuation. (A) facilitating the construction of the project. Firmly establish the scratch project is economic, grasping development project is to hold philosophy, to extraordinary efforts to promoting the construction of key projects. Plot 108 key projects for the year, with a total investment of 29.3

5、 billion yuan, iron plate, Josh stone cement waste heat power generation and 13 projects completed, worship of 1.2 million tons of pellets, Hua Yu 80,000 sets of grandparent chicken farming, 47 projects under construction, completed investment of 3.95 billion yuan, annual plan of 69.3%. The first ha

6、lf of the Countys gross domestic product is expected to reached 8.5 billion yuan, and total revenue of 943 million Yuan. (B) structural adjustment achieved remarkable results. Actively transforming the pattern of economic development, industrial ecology, and agricultural modernization and industrial

7、ization of services. High x-County • Tin iron circular economy demonstration area, and further expand economic development zone Jing Dian recycle economy ecology industry Park, Park, circular economy and rapid economic development. Focus more on the dialectical relationship between development

8、 and environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction projects play an important role. Vigorously developing agriculture, ecological agriculture, agriculture, modern agricultural clearing along the River Promenade begins to take shape. Key tourism projects is going well, WA Palace area

9、 was named top ten most influential cultural relics in Hebei province landscape. Develop new services, and services with new developments. (C) urban-rural integration process. Promoting three-year difference campaign, battle of two large demolition completed 32 days of 530,000 square meters, exceede

10、d the annual Task 7 months in advance. General big building jiangjun road, bridge and highway bridges, the green heart of the city and other urban construction projects, and focus on building new countryside and new housing model villages, urban and rural areas improve. Highway opened to traffic, Li

11、u Zhang, Qing LAN high-speed x-County section completed by the end of August. Urban and rural “创先争优”先进个人材料米吉提阿不拉,男,维吾尔族,生于1968年1月,和田市人,1990年加入中国共产党,现任和田新生医院院长。1990年从新疆医科大学医疗系毕业后,分配到和田地区人民医院外科工作,一干就是十多年,十多年来,他一边热心为患者看病治病,一边潜心钻研业务,从一名普通的神经外科医生,做到科室离不开的业务骨干。医院领导发现他是个勤奋、爱钻研的苗子,先后派他到北京、上海、广州等地的医科院校进修,为了不

12、断提高自己的医疗技术水平,也多次参加过日本、加拿大、香港、上海等国内、外卫生组织举办的学术研讨会。2002年参加了在澳大利亚首都悉尼举办的“第12届神经外科学术研讨会”。在长期医疗实践中,米吉提阿不拉积累了丰富的临床经验,成为了和田地区医院外科“一把刀”。 还多次荣获自治区总工会“五一文明岗”、“再就业之星”、和田“十大杰出青年”、和“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号,被评为2008年、2009年度和田地区第六、第七两届拔尖人才。2010年5月称为自治区医药行业商会副会长,中国医院协会民营医院分会委员,自治区民营医院管理协会常务理事,被群众亲切称为“爱心院长”;新生医院也先后荣获全国“颅内血肿微创清除术


14、看病而造成小病拖、大病扛,结果小病拖成了大病,大病拖成了重病,有的甚至因延误治疗时间而失去了生命。身为一名医生,米吉提阿不拉更是看在眼里,急在心里,由此他便产生了一种愿望,开办自己的一家医院,为更多没钱看病的农牧民患者解除疾病痛苦。于是他毅然放弃了地区人民医院的“铁饭碗”,辞去公职,积极筹建开办自己的医院。2003年米吉提阿不拉创办了和田新生医院,现为二级综合性民营医院,医院现有职工350名,卫生专业技术人员296名,其中主任、副主任医师12人,主治医师10 人。平均门诊量5万余人次,住院病人14000余人次,病床使用率99 % ;2004年荣获全国颅内血肿微创清除术协作单位;2005年曾获诚




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