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1、全县统战、民族宗教工作主持词 全县统战、民族宗教工作主持词经县委、县政府分管领导同意,今天我们在这里召开全县统战、民族宗教工作会议,主要是学习传达上级有关会议精神,回忆总结2023年我县统战、民族宗教工作,部署2023年全县统战、民族宗教工作主要方案,进一步统一思想,提高认识,理清思路,推动全县统战、民族宗教工作在新的一年里取得新的进展。参加这次会议的有县政府张副县长,各乡镇党委统战委员、分管宗教工作领导,县直各系统党委分管统战工作副书记,县工商联、侨联、台工办负责人。2023年全县统战、民族宗教工作情况,部署2023年主要工作任务;三是县委台工办主任讲话;四是宣读20232023年度“五好宗

2、教活动场所表彰决定;五是请有关领导为获奖单位方法颁发奖牌;六是县政府张副县长讲话。这次会议内容较多,请大家认真集中精力,维护会场秩序,把 关闭。下面进行第二项议程,请同志总结我县2023年统战、民族宗教工作,部署2023年主要工作任务。同志们,近年来,我县宗教界发扬优良传统,认真学习贯彻宗教法律法规,坚持与社会主义社会相适应的方向,涌现出一批“爱国主义教育好、遵纪守法好、团结信徒好、自身管理好、社会效劳好的宗教活动场所。为表彰先进,树立典型,决定表彰一批“五好宗教活动场所。现在,请同志宣读表彰决定。下面,请县政府张副县长为受表彰的单位颁发奖状,请受表彰的“五好宗教活动场所负责人依次上台领奖。现


4、表彰。会后,大家要把省委统战工作会议、全省民族工作会议精神和这次全县统战、民族宗教工作会议的情况向单位主要领导汇报,领会精神,做好传达贯彻。下面,两个通知:请各乡镇统战委员、分管宗教工作领导会后到县委统战部办公室领材料;请参加会议的全体同志到华侨酒店四楼用餐。工商联、侨联、台工办的领导请通知本单位的全体人员参加。散会!strengthen rural mass organizations. By strengthening the construction of rural organizations, give full play to advantages of the Communist

5、 Youth League organizations and propaganda advantage, unite and lead the youth in rural areas, around the production development, well-off life, rural civilization, clean and tidy village, the general requirements of democratic management, the enthusiasm of rural youth in the construction of new soc

6、ialist countryside and fully mobilize the initiative, actively participate in the rural material civilization, spiritual civilization and political civilization construction. Adhere to the strong rural village with a focus on strengthening the village organization construction, relying on the indust

7、ry, professional associations, science and technology demonstration area such as the establishment of organizations. Earnestly loose youth paralysis Rectification work, especially for the part of the village branch appears empty phenomenon, vigorously carry out the village school building, village c

8、onstruction enterprises, urban and rural twinning and other practices, focus on the selection of Mission branch secretary, actively recommend them to enter the village committees. The Communist Youth League should take strengthen the county rural organizations, the overall plan of building a new soc

9、ialist countryside, specific measures and implementation measures, to determine the number of village organization construction. two to strengthen the state-owned enterprises, schools, institutions of mass organizations at the grass-roots level. In the process of enterprise restructuring, to adapt t

10、o the requirement of establishing modern enterprise system, enterprise group organization setting and reconstruction, and with the cadres; to adapt to the new situation and new requirements of education reform, to further consolidate the class organization, combined with the actual establishment of

11、organizations in the community and student apartments; adapt to the new changes of the party and government organs reform organization reform and the management system of institutions, timely adjustment and construction of mass organizations at the grass-roots level. three vigorously develop the par

12、k community, two new mass organizations at the grass-roots level. According to the basic situation of the city park construction, formulate the guidance to strengthen the construction of Park Group has been established. The mission of the organization of the development, and strive to identify the i

13、ntegration point between the needs of the Youth Park, the organization can play an active role the group has not yet been established. The organization, through accredited group to build instructors and liaison group to build, establish youth organization, to carry out joint activities, to create co

14、nditions for the Jiantuan. In the whole market to determine a model point, and strive to achieve all of the city park group rate of 100%. to meet the needs of city basic level management system reform in the year. In accordance with the zone Domain coverage, compartmentalization, to block the main p

15、rinciple, formed a street group work committee as the core areaStreet community organizations network group organize relevant units to participate in a wide range of increase. The non-public economic organizations to build the joint efforts, to further improve the Jiantuan, relying on Jiantuan, comm

16、unity group and other groups. Relying on the chamber of Commerce, industry associations, occupation intermediary social organizations and social intermediary organizations, earnestly carry out a new type of social organization group the building work. four deepening 54 League activities. According to the 54 red flag League created on deepening the meas


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