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1、英语绘本故事故事教学同时也是小学英语教学的重要组成局部,适合幼儿的英语绘本故事有哪些今天小编就与大家分享适合幼儿的英语绘本故事,仅供大家参考!幼儿的英语绘本故事篇一A Silly ManFred was going to school. When he passed a park, he saw a man sawing a big branch from a tree. The man was on a ladder and the ladder was against the big branch he was sawing. “Hi, it is dangerous.&rdq

2、uo; Fred shouted. “After you cut off the branch, you will fall, too.” But the man didn’t believe him, and said angrily, “Go away, you little thing. It’s none of your business.”Fred could do nothing, so he left. He didn’t go far before he heard something cras

3、hed. He rushed back and found the man lying on the ground.Fred asked some men for help. They carried the man to the hospital.一个愚蠢的人弗雷德走在上学的路上。路过一个公园时,他看见一个人在锯一棵大树的树枝。“嗨,你这么做很危险的。”费雷得喊道:“你锯了那树枝后,你会摔下来的。”而那个人不相信他,愤怒地说:“快走开,小东西,没有你的事。”费雷德没趣地离开了。他没有走多远就听见一声响,他急忙跑回去,发现

4、那个人躺在地上。幼儿的英语绘本故事篇二A little rabbit is picking mushrooms in a forest. A wolf is coming. He is very hunguy. &Oh,a little rabbit! This is my favourite food!& The rabbit sees the wolf, but she is not afraid. She pretends to be poisoned by the mushrooms. The wolf thinks, &If I eat her, I will be poisoned

5、, too.& So he goes away. Then the rabbit is very happy. She continues to picking the mushrooms.一只小兔子正在森林里采蘑菇,一只狼来了,他很饿。“哦,一只小兔子!这是我最喜欢的食物!”小兔子看见了狼,但是她并不害怕,她假装吃蘑菇中毒了。狼想到, “如果我吃了她,我也会中毒的。” 所以他走开了。小兔子非常快乐,她继续去采蘑菇。幼儿的英语绘本故事篇三There is a great kingdom under the sea. Where all the m

6、erpeople live and swim free. The king of the mermaids, Poseidon the Great, has six pretty daughters-the youngest is eight.Her name is Titania. She's golden hair. She likes to hear stories from grandmother fair. She tells her stories of a land far away where people don't swim-they walk, as th

7、ey say.&When can I see them Can we go now& &When you're sixteen, deer, but not right now.”So every night, when it's time to sleep, she dreams of this land and then falls a sleep.在深深的海底,有一个伟大的国度。在这里,人鱼们自由自在的生活着。统治着人鱼王国的海神有六个美丽的女儿,最小的8岁。她的名字叫泰坦尼亚,她长着一头金黄的长发。她喜欢听祖母讲故事。祖母经常给她讲一个遥远国度的故事。在那个

8、国度里,人们不是游,而是走——他们这样说。“我什么时候能见到他们我们现在可以去吗”“亲爱的,你需要等到16岁。现在还不行。”每当夜幕降临时,小美人鱼都会梦想那个陌生的国度,然后沉沉睡去。幼儿的英语绘本故事篇四Long, long ago, in the days when fairies, witches, giants and ogres still visited the earth, there lived a king who reigned over a great and beautiful country.

9、He was married to a wife whom he dearly loved, and had two most promising children-a son called Asmund, and a daughter who was named Signy. The king and queen were very anxious to bring their children up well, and the young prince and princess were taught everything likely to make them clever and ac

10、complished. They lived at home in their father's palace, and he spared no pains to make their lives happy. Prince Asmund dearly loved all outdoor sports and an open-air life, and from his earliest childhood he had longed to live entirely in the forest close by. After many arguments and entreatie

11、s he succeeded in persuading the king to give him two great oak trees for his very own. 'Now,' said he to his sister, 'I will have the trees hollowed out, and then I will make rooms in them and furnish them so that I shall be able to live out in the forest.' 'Oh, Asmund!' exc

12、laimed Signy, 'what a delightful idea! Do let me come too, and live in one of your trees. I will bring all my pretty things and ornaments, and the trees are so near home we shall be quite safe in them.' Asmund, who was extremely fond of his sister, readily consented, and they had a very happ

13、y time together, carrying over all their pet treasures, and Signy's jewels and other ornaments, and arranging them in the pretty little rooms inside the trees. Unfortunately sadder days were to come. A war with another country broke out, and the king had to lead his army against their enemy. Dur

14、ing his absence the queen fell ill, and after lingering for some time she died, to the great grief of her children. They made up their minds to live altogether for a time in their trees, and for this purpose they had provisions enough stored up inside to last them a year. Now, I must tell you, in an

15、other country a long way off, there reigned a king who had an only son named Ring. Prince Ring had heard so much about the beauty and goodness of Princess Signy that he determined to marry her if possible. So he begged his father to let him have a ship for the voyage, set sail with a favourable wind

16、, and after a time landed in the country where Signy lived. The prince lost no time in setting out for the royal palace, and on his way there he met such a wonderfully lovely woman that he felt he had never seen such beauty in all his life. He stopped her and at once asked who she was. 'I am Signy, the king's daughter,' was the reply. Then the prince inquired why she was wandering about all by herself, an


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