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1、The normal structure of the eyeball Terms 角膜:cornea Corne/o-,Cornea角膜,Megacornea大角膜,Microcornea小角膜,Kerat/o-,Keratitis角膜炎,Keratomalacia角膜软化症 巩膜:sclera Scler/o-,Scleritis巩膜炎,Episcleritis表层巩膜炎,Episclera巩膜上层(epi-,beyond something),epidermis表皮,上皮 Epidermal表皮的,外皮的 虹膜:iris ,Irid/o-,Iridotomy虹膜切开术,iridectom

2、y虹膜切除术,iridocyclitis虹膜睫状体炎 睫状体:ciliary body 脉络膜:choroid ,Choroid/o-,choroidal脉络膜的,choroidoretinitis脉络膜视网膜炎 视网膜:retin/o retinitis视网膜炎,retinopathy视网膜病变,diabetic retinopathy糖尿病视网膜病变 瞳孔:pupil,Pupill/o-,pupillomotor瞳孔运动的,pupillometer瞳孔计 玻璃体:vitreous ,Vitre/o-,vitreous玻璃体的,Vitrectomy玻璃体切除术,Vitreretinal玻璃体

3、视网膜的,Vitreretinopathy玻璃体视网膜病变 晶状体:lens 视盘:optic disk 黄斑:macular 视神经:optic nerve 中央凹:Fovea Diabetic retinopathy Definition Causes Symptoms Risk factors Tests and diagnosis When to seek medical advice Complications Treatments and drugs Prevention Definition Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of di

4、abetes that results from damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye(retina).cause Diabetic retinopathy can happen to anyone who has type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes.Causes When you have diabetes,your body doesnt use sugar(glucose)properly.Causes If your blood

5、sugar level is too high,your natural lens may swell which can blur your vision.Causes Eventually,too much sugar in your blood can damage the tiny blood vessels(capillaries毛细血管)that nourish the retina.This can result in diabetic retinopathy.capillary,Capill/o-,n.&adj.毛细管(的)Capillaritis毛细管炎 Symptoms A

6、t first,diabetic retinopathy may cause no symptoms or only mild vision problems.Symptoms You can have diabetic retinopathy and not know it.In fact,symptoms are unusual in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy.Symptoms Eventually,however,diabetic retinopathy can result in blindness.In China,diabet

7、ic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness in adults.symptoms In fact,up to 45 percent of adults diagnosed with diabetes in China have some degree of diabetic retinopathy,according to the National Eye Institute.symptoms And the longer you have diabetes,the more likely you are to develop diabetic

8、 retinopathy.Symptoms Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.Symptoms As the condition progresses,diabetic retinopathy symptoms may include:A)Spots floating in your vision B)Blurred vision C)Dark streaks or a red film that blocks your vision D)Poor night vision E)Vision loss Diabetic retinop

9、athy is usually classified as early or advanced.Early diabetic retinopathy.Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy(NPDR)is the most common type of diabetic retinopathy.It can be described as mild,moderate or severe.NPDR:(Non Prolifertive Dibetic Retinopthy)非增殖性糖尿病视网膜病变 When you have NPDR,the walls of

10、the blood vessels in your retina weaken.Tiny bulges(凸起)protrude(伸入)from the vessel walls,sometimes leaking or oozing fluid and blood into the retina.These bulges are called microaneurysms.Microaneurysms:微动脉瘤,微血管瘤 In the early stages of diabetic retinopathy,the walls of the blood vessels in your reti

11、na weaken.Tiny bulges protrude from the vessel walls,sometimes leaking or oozing fluid and blood into the retina.As diabetic retinopathy progresses,new blood vessels may grow and threaten your vision.As the condition progresses,the smaller vessels may close entirely and the larger retinal veins may

12、begin to dilate(扩大)and become irregular in diameter(直径).Nerve fibers in the retina may begin to swell.Sometimes the central part of the retina(macula)begins to swell,too.This is known as macular edema.Macula:黄斑 Macular edema:黄斑水肿 terms Extensive:广泛的,大量的 Intraretinal microvascular abnormalitis(IRMA)视

13、网膜内微血管异常 Intraretinal:视网膜内部的 Microvascular:微血管的 Cotton wool spots:棉绒斑 Hemorrhage:出血 Roots that means blood:Hemo-,hema-,hem-,haemo-,haema-,haem-rrhage,出血,流血 Gastrointestinalrrhage 消化道出血 Advanced diabetic retinopathy.Proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR)is the most severe type of diabetic retinopath

14、y.When you have PDR,abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina.Sometimes the new blood vessels grow or leak into the vitreous(the clear,jelly-like substance that fills the center of your eye).玻璃体:vitreous,Vitre/o-,vitreous玻璃体的,Vitrectomy玻璃体切除术,Jelly-like:胶状的 Eventually,scar tissue stimulated by the g

15、rowth of new blood vessels may cause the retina to detach(脱离)from the back of your eye.If the new blood vessels interfere with the normal flow of fluid out of the eye,pressure may build up in the eyeball.This can damage the optic nerve.(The nerve that carries images from your eye to your brain).Peri

16、pheral:外围的,不重要的 Peri-,外围的,周围的 Perinatal 围产期的,出生前后的 Periportal 门静脉周的,Periarteritis 动脉周围炎,periappendicitis 阑尾周炎 Exudative maculopathy:渗出性黄斑病变 Hard exudates:硬渗出物 Hard exudates and hemorrhages lateral to macula:单侧性黄斑硬性渗出和出血 Lateral:侧部的 Apparent:明显的 Quadrant:象限,四分之一圆 Prominent:显著的 Risk factors Diabetic retinopathy can happen to anyone who has diabetes.The risk is highest if you:Risk factors Have poor control of your blood sugar level Have high blood pressure Have high cholesterol Are pregnant Are bla


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