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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。新初一英语自我介绍645qO$淘0q O$斨0 O$有0 0qO$时6O$在623645q!O$eV622763O$eV768Q O$被0Q!O$乨0!O$二0 01O$p0QO$小0QO$eV622747O$eV7631!O$01O$庨小编导语:运动会开幕式英语主持词是小编为大家准备的运动会开幕式英语主持词。又到了一年一度的运动会时间!以下是小编整理的运动会开幕式英语主持词,供你学习参考!A: Fellow honorable teachers.尊敬的各位老师B: Dear parents.亲爱的爸爸妈妈,A:

2、 Dear students.亲爱的同学们,(Together:) Good Morning!合:大家早上好!(慢)B: We are very happy as we have all come together on this beautiful spring day at Xiuwen International Academy.在这春风浩荡、鸟语花香的日子里,淄博修文外国语学校一片喜气洋洋,A: Today is the7th Sports festival of The Xiuwen International Academy at Zibo.因为在今天我们迎来了修文外国学校的第七届

3、春季运动会B: Before the ceremony begins, we wish to note that the teachers and students have worked and trained themselves very hard for this occasion by running on the tracks every morning.在本次运动会前,学校老师和同学们严格训练,每天早晨都能看到老师们在百米跑道上挥洒着汗水,A: Our students have also trained hard with their P.E teachers.我们同学们也不甘

4、示弱,运动场上到处是我们刻苦训练的身影,B: At this moment, let us thank our teachers and our parents; we hope the students who will take part in this sports festival be successful and win many medals.在此,我们首先向辛勤付出的老师、同学和爸爸妈妈们表示最真挚的感谢,同时也预祝同学们在今天的比赛中取得好成绩!A:The next is the Wushu parade ,the aerobics performance and Latin

5、 dance. Lets welcome!下面进行武术操、健美操、队列队形、拉丁舞表演。B: Thanks for their amazing performance. Applaud .让我们用热烈的掌声感谢同学带给我们的精彩表演。A: The opening ceremony begins.下面进行第七届运动会入场式:请各各方阵入场:口令:(上台,敬礼,礼毕)B: Next is the flag-raising ceremony. The flag-raisers are_.The flag-protectors are _. Applaud .下面举行升旗仪式,进行第一项,出旗!今天担

6、任荣耀的升旗手的是-,-;担任护旗手的是-,-,大家掌声欢迎!(主持人下)A: Now, raise the flag while the National Anthem plays.第二项,升国旗,少先队员行队礼B: Lets sing the National anthem together. The directors for each class please come forward.第三项,齐唱国歌,请各班小指挥出列。A: Now, lets welcome our schoolmaster: Mr_ to give us the opening speech. (Applaud)

7、进行第四项,下面请尊敬的( )致开幕词,大家掌声欢迎!B: Thank you Mr._ for your wonderful speech. Now, lets welcome the judges representative Mr. Feng to give us a speech. Applaud.感谢( )的精彩发言,下面请裁判员代表冯超老师宣誓.A: Thank you Mr. Feng for your wonderful speech. Now, lets welcome the athletes Representative_to give us a speech. Applaud!感谢( )的精彩发言,下面请运发动代表 5.5安丙坤同学宣誓.体育老师调整队伍,宣布比赛开始。


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