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1、2023学年度菏泽市定陶县第一学期八年级期末考试英语试卷听力局部(共20分)一、听对话。选择正确的图画。对话读两遍。(5分)1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 二、听问句,选择最正确答语。对话读两遍。(5分)6AA doctor BSchoo1 CRobot7AYes,and Ive got two tickets。 BIm sure of that CIm not sure8AOf course BI agree。 CI dont agree9ANo problemBNo,I wont。 CI will,thank you10AThats rightBYesIm sure of thatCYes,

2、 there are三、请听对话,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5分)11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_ 四、请听对话,根据问题选择最正确答案。请听第一段对话,答复第1617小题。16Where are they talking AAt home BAt sch001 CIn a restaurant17What would Jack like to eat ASome chicken BA cake CSome fish请听第二段对话,答复第l820小题。18What are they talking about AJims school BJims illness CThe food fo

3、r breakfast19Where are they talking AAt Jims home BAt Jims schoolCAt the doctors20Whats wrong with Jim AHe has a stomachceBHe has a coldCHe has a toothache笔试局部(共100分)一、词汇。(共10小题,每题l分;总分值l0分)A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1Li Ping is s_ than Jim2It is too noisyWould you mind t_ down the music3Beethoven and Mozart

4、are great m_4You have a toothacheWhy dont you go to see a d_5He is fightI a_ with himB)用括号内单词的适当形式填空。6I used_ (1isten)to music7Michael is fond of_ (fish)8Hobbies can bring us_ (happy)9It is one of _ (interest)books in the library10He taught_ (he)English二、单项选择。(共l5小题,每题l分;总分值l5分)1It was an _ soccer g

5、ame, The soccer fans were very_Aexciting,excitingBexciting,excitedCexcited,excitedDexcited,exciting2Grace likes sports very muchShe _ half an hour in the gym every day Atakes Bpays CcostsDspends3Its rainingYou _ out nowAhad better not goBhad not better goCshould go Ddidnt have better go4She didnt an

6、swer the question,her mother kept her _ for an hour Astanding Bto stand Cstood Dstand5_we keep the room clean enough all the time一No, you _AMust:doesnt have to BDo;dont have toCMust;dont have to DMust;mustnt6一_forget your camera 一OK! I will remember _ it hereADont:to bring BDont;bringingCDont;to tak

7、e DDont;taking7_ too much TV isnt good _ our eyes AWatchto BWatching,for CWatch,forDWatching,to 8MrsBlack eats _meat,so she is _fatAtoo muchmuch too Bmuch too,too many Ctoo much,too many Dtoo many,much too 9Whats _with her 一She was _headache。Athe wrong, a Bthe matter,a Cmatter,a Dwrong,10一Where is M

8、iss Wang _ she is in the office nowGo and find her AShould BMay be CMaybe DMay11_fine weather today! AWhat a BWhat CHow a DHow12一Do you know Song Zuying 一YesShe is famous _ her folk songs Aas Bby Cfor Din13Its _ riverAa 8-meterdeepBa 8 meters deepCan 8-metersdeep Dall 8-meterdeep14一Thats not good! D

9、ont do that again _. AOK,I will BOK,I wont CThank you DSorryI will15Sun Lei made faces and made her sister _ Ato laugh Blaughed Claugh D1aughing三、句型转换。(共5小题,每题2分,总分值l0分) 根据以下各句给出的要求,变换句型。每空限填一词。1The boy isnt old enough to go to school(变为同义句) The boy is _ young _ go to school2He wrote a letter to his

10、 friend yesterday(用at this time改写成过去进行时)He _ _ a letter to his friend at this time yesterday3It took him twenty minutes to walk to the school yesterday(变为同义句) He _twenty minutes _to the school yesterday4You visited the Great Wall last year(变为附加疑问句)You visited the Great wall last year,_ _5They built

11、the museum 200 year ago(对划线局部提问) _ did they _ the museum四、情景交际。从方框中选择最正确选项补全对话。(共5小题,每题l分,总分值5分) (L=Lin Tao A=Ann) L: 1 A:speaking! L: 2 A:1 will go to Nanjing by plane with my parents L: 3 A:Bad LuckWhat shall we do L 4 A:But it will take much more time L: 5 A:Good ideaThank you very muchBye-bye! L

12、:Bye!五、完形填空。(共10小题,每题1分;总分值10分) Mike doesnt feel very well these daysHe has a stomachacheToday is SundayHis mother l him to see a doctorBefore seeing the doctor,they 2 wait for some time 3 the nurse 4 white says to them“ Please come inIts your turn! Mike looks、very,nervous 5 he comes into the doctors room “Now tell me,whats wrong 6 you the doctor asks “I feel terrible. I have a 7 stomachache, Mike answers “Well,let me have a 8 ,says the doctor kindly. After 9 his stomach,the doctor says,“


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