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1、九年级上仁爱版英语Unit 1 Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly Section C教学设计The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and useful expressions:communication, quick, keep in touch with, far away, sort, rapid, progress, make progress, already, succeed2. Go on

2、learning the present perfect tense: (1)My granny has lived in Beijing for more than forty years.(2)Beijing has made rapid progress.3. Compare the living conditions in the past with those at present. Learn the great changes in China.4. Tell the students to cherish the life at present and study hard t

3、o make China stronger. Teaching aids 教具录音机/投影仪/旧北京城的图片/新北京城的图片/自己家乡新旧变化的图片 . Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (检查作业。让学生在小组中交流自己的报告,然后小组推荐出一名学生向全体同学报告。师生互动,谈论父母或爷爷奶奶的童年生活。)For example:T:What do you think of your life at presentSs:We live a happy life. T:Who can tell us

4、what your grandparents life was like in the pastS1:Let me try. My granny had a hard life during her childhood. Her family was very big and poor. Her parents couldnt afford her education. S2:My grandpa used to be a child laborerS3:T: Very good. So you should enjoy todays life and study hard.2. (开展全班讨

5、论活动,主题为“我和爷爷奶奶比童年,复习新社会的幸福生活,感受社会进步。并逐一汇报。)S1: We have a balanced diet.S2: We can wear different kinds of clothes.S3: We can also get a good education. For example, we have chances to draw pictures, play musical instruments and receive some other training.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)1. (用多媒体或

6、图片展出旧北京城和现代北京城的照片并做比较,从而引出生词。)T:Lets look at the place which Kangkangs granny lived in. It was old Beijing. What were Beijings roads like Look at todays Beijing. What are Beijings roads like nowS1:In the past Beijings roads were narrow. S2:But Beijings roads are wide now. T:Youre right. Do you know

7、how to keep in touch with our friends far away(板书narrow,要求理解。)narrow(板书,讲解且要求掌握。)far away, keep in touch withS1:We can keep in touch with our friends on the Internet. S3:We can also use fax machines. S4:We can use cellphone to keep in touch with our friends. T:Great. But do you know how people kept

8、in touch with their friends in the pastS1:They used to write letters. T:Yes, good. At that time if we wanted to keep in touch with others, we could also send telegrams. OK, we know, in the past we could write letters, and send telegrams to keep in touch with our friends. But nowadays we can use many

9、 sorts of communications methods, such as telephones, cellphones, fax machines, the Internet and so on.(板书telegram, fax,要求理解。板书sort和communication,要求掌握。)fax, telegram, sort, communicationT: In the past the communications were slow, but todays communications are very quick. So we can say, China has ma

10、de rapid progress. (板书,掌握生词quick, rapid, progress)quick, rapid, progress2. (学生翻开书,快速阅读1a,完成1b,找出每段的中心句。)T: Open your books, read 1a quickly and find out the main ideas of four paragraphs. (1) Kangkangs granny has seen the changes in Beijing herself. (2) In the 1960s, the living conditions in the cit

11、y were poor.(3) China has developed rapidly since 1978. (4) It is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future.3. (仔细阅读1a, 并答复以下问题, 提高阅读理解能力, 用幻灯片出示问题。) (1) How about Beijings roads in the past (2) Could most families get enough food in the past (3) Why didnt the ch

12、ildren have a chance to go to school (4) What about peoples lives nowadays in Beijing (教师核对答案, 并加以纠正。)4. (学生跟读课文录音, 找出文中的疑难点, 并分组讨论。对大局部学生不能理解的难点,教师给以板书并讲解。)succeed in doing sth.successbe successfulseeoneselfnarrow(要求理解)sothatin sth.in doing sth.relativefar awayin sth.in doing sth.not onlybut alsoal

13、readyChina has developed rapidly since 1978.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 稳固(时间:12分钟)(让学生再次阅读。两人一组填表格, 加深对北京今昔变化的了解。)(用投影仪出示表格。)In the pastNowadaysRoadsHousesCommunicationsLiving conditionsStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8分钟)1. (再次呈现新旧北京城的图片, 参照上一步的表格,师生互动, 完成1c。)T: What were Beijings roads like in the pastS:

14、Beijings roads were narrow. T: What has happened to Beijings roads nowadaysS: Beijings roads have changed. They are wider than before. There are more ring roads. T: What will Beijings roads be like in the futureS: I think Beijings roads will be the widest in the world in the future. 2. (分组活动以采访的形式二人

15、一组, 其中一个扮演记者,另一个扮演居住在北京多年的老人,对北京的变化做一个采访,从而提高同学们的口语表达能力,培养热爱生活热爱社会的情感。R=Reporter,M=Man)R: Hello!How do you doM: How do you doR:May I ask you some questionsM: Of course. Go ahead.R:How long have you lived in BeijingM: I have lived here for more than thirty years. R: Oh. Can you describe the roads, houses and living conditions of Beijing in the pastM:OK. I was born in old Beijing. At that time, Beijings roads were narrow and crowded. My house was small and dark and the living conditions were h


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