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1、天道酬勤研究创始文学理论的新时代研究创始文学理论的新时代 本文关键词:文学理论,新时代,创始,研究研究创始文学理论的新时代 本文简介:姚文放新着从方式主义到历史主义:晚近文学理论向外转“的深层机理探究紧紧抓住晚近文学理论向外转“的大趋势,着重从九个代表性方面阐述向外转“的深层机理,做到宏观与微观的高度统一;从中西方经历出发,重新考量国外学术前沿研究创始文学理论的新时代 本文内容:姚文放新着从方式主义到历史主义:晚近文学理论向外转“的深层机理探究紧紧抓住晚近文学理论向外转“的大趋势, 着重从九个代表性方面阐述向外转“的深层机理, 做到宏观与微观的高度统一;从中西方经历出发, 重新考量国外学术前沿

2、与中国征询题的关系, 着重强调研究的立场是回归和处理中国征询题, 做到西方论域与中国征询题的有机结合;在体例上独具匠心, 将组织方式与写作方法、研究方法有机交融, 追求文体方式的完满。关键词:姚文放; 文学理论; 方式主义; 历史主义; 向外转;Creating a New Realm in the Literary Theory StudyAbstract:The new book From Formalism to Historicism:A Study on the Deep Mechanism for Late Literary Theory Outward Turning by Ya

3、o Wenfang keeps in step with the trend of literary theory outward turning“ in recent years.It emphatically expounds the deep mechanism for outward turning“ from nine representative aspects, and realizes a high unity between the macroscopic and the microscopic levels.From the view of Chinese and West

4、ern practices, the work reconsiders the relationship between overseas academic frontier and the Chinese literary theory problems.It emphasizes that the purpose of the research is to return and solve the problems, and realize the organic combination of western domain of discourse and literary problem

5、s in China. Moreover, the book has great originality in style.It organically integrates the layout, writing method and research method to pursue a perfect literary form.Keyword:Yao Wenfang; literary theory; formalism; historicism; outward turning;20世纪以来, 西方文学理论流派众多, 纷繁复杂, 把戏不断翻新, 令人眼花缭乱。众多的文论流派和思潮纷纷涌入国门, 构成了宏大的冲击和震荡, 给我国文学理论的开展带来了机遇和挑战。但是, 我们细心考量后觉察, 我国文学研究存在明显的重西轻中“和重西隔中“现象, 许多文学理论研究者的学术兴趣和精力主要集中在西方文学理论流派、命题和开展趋势等方面, 由此产生了一批批学术成果。关于中国文学理论而言, 尽管自新文化运动以来, 一代代学人审时度势, 开风气领潮流, 不断致力于中国文论话语的建构, 但是在传统与现代、西方与外乡之间的竞赛中不断无法找到出路, 无法在与西方文论对话的根底上研讨文论开展的中国征询题、无法发


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