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1、7A Unit5 Go shopping period 3 Reading(2)一. 翻译以下词组1. 正在找一些足球卡片_ 2. 等一下_3. 相当贵_ 4.有足够的钱买书_ 5. 确信_6. 没关系_7. 等待_ 8. 和相配得好_二根据句意及首字母填空1. There is a d_ on last y_ clothes. They are quite cheap now.2. Thirty m_ means half an hour.3. These clips are beautiful, and they m_ her favorite T-shirt.4. Whats the _

2、(高的) price of the computer5. They are _(等) for you at the school gate.6. How much does the book _(值)7. He wants to buy _(某物) good in the shop.三用所给词汇的适当形式填空1. How many _(kind) of subjects do you have at school2. _ (be) there a pair of shoes3. Listen! Someone _(knock) at the door.4. How about_(play) f

3、ootball tomorrow 5. Which is your favourite _(shop) mall6.Simon usually spends 30 minutes _(run) in the morning.7. Do you want me _(help) you _ (carry) the box8. why not _(go) out for a walk9. How much _(do) this pair of shoes _(cost)10. Our teacher_ (not wear) glasses.11Amy is busy _ (do) her homew

4、ork. 12. Look! Whose _ (Walkman) are these Perhaps they are the twins. 13. Is there an _ (electric) shop in your town 14. Amy wants to buy some presents for _ (they). 四单项选择( )1. The dress is vey nice. Can I try it _ A. away B. on C. in D. out ( )2. How much do you spend _this computer A with B to C

5、on D in ( )3. Simon has two _ of _ A pair, shoes B pairs, shoes C pairs, shoe D pair, shoe( )4. Look, his shit _ his shoes. A is fit B means C likes D matches( )5. Daniel is _ his purse, but he cant _ it. A looking for, find B seeing, look for C finding, look at D looking at, see.( )6. The dress is

6、600 yuan. - Good, I _ like it. Ill take it. A dont B really C can D only( )7. Those flowers _ Kate $56. A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent ( )8.They need the teacher _them. A helps B helping C help D to help( )9.We spend one hour _our homework every dayA to do B do C doing D does ( )10.Cound you come

7、here,please I want some help.A I come B come here C Im come D Im coming( )11. Amy _Simon a present yesterday A is buying B buys C bought D buy( )12. He has as_me A much money as B many money as C much money than D much money 五翻译以下句子1. 这个发夹和他最爱的毛衣相当搭配,但是太贵了。_2. 这种类型的衣服打折吗?_3我相信这条牛仔裤很适宜你。 _4请问,我能看一下那些

8、随身听吗_5他今天有空,所以他有足够的时间去购物。_6他们在等哪路公共汽车?_7今年的羽毛球卡片打折吗?不打折。8这条牛仔裤多少钱_9 购物中心有很多新玩具,你想和我一起去吗_六完型填空It is not 1 for a woman like me to go shopping. Why do I say that Firstly, I have three children to look 2. My husband doesnt even know how to 3 them. I think its my own fault. I always do all the things mys

9、elf instead of(而不是) teaching 4. So I feel very 5 every day though I am a homemaker(家庭主妇). Maybe I think I feel even more tired than my husband. How can I find free time to 6 If I do, how should I do with my three children The oldest of them is only five years old. Secondly, I am getting much 7. So i

10、ts hard for me to find clothes that fit me well. Lastly, and I think its the most 8. We dont have enough 9 for pretty clothes. We have to raise(养育) so many children with the little money that my husband gains. Oh, how I regret(懊悔) that I had so many children that I am living such a 10 life.( ) 1. A.

11、 important B. easy C. difficult D. interesting( ) 2. A. at B. for C. after D. out( ) 3. A. dress B. watch C. read D. wear( ) 4. A. them B. him C. myself D. us( ) 5. A. happy B. unhappy C. interesting D. tired( ) 6. A. eat B. shop C. rest D. sleep( ) 7. A. healthier B. fatter C. taller D. shorter( ) 8. A. beautiful B. interesting C. important D. hard( ) 9. A. time B. children C. shops D. money( ) 10.A.happy B. rich C. poor D. free


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