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电视银行前端子系统的设计与实现 软件工程专业.doc

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电视银行前端子系统的设计与实现 软件工程专业.doc_第1页
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1、题目电视银行前端子系统的设计与实现摘 要电视银行是随着国务院加快推进电信网、广播电视网、互联网三网融合衍生而来的新型金融服务平台。通过使用普及率最高的数字有线电视网络作为传输载体,以高清机顶盒与数字电视作为显示终端,为客户提供银行卡查询、转账、理财、缴费、支付等金融服务;同时利用电视银行平台可以展示银行的形象,凸显银行的服务特色。本论文是在某公司的电视银行系统基础上编写而成。电视银行系统在技术上采用了OsWorkFlow工作流引擎、Spring2.5.6框架和iBATIS2.3.0数据持久层框架,并通过XML配置文件实现交易的业务处理流程调度与控制。在子系统结构上,电视银行系统由前端子系统和后


3、上线的试运行,电视银行前端子系统能够为银行的电子渠道提供有效的补充,并且提高了银行客户的使用群体数量,同时满足银行个人客户全天候、全方位、个性化使用银行业务的需求,加快了建设全国性电视银行系统的步伐。关键词:电视银行,前端,业务处理流程IIIIAbstractAbstractTV bank is a new financial service platform caused by the The State Council promoting telecommunication network, broadcast network as well as internet merging tog

4、ether. Through using Digital cable TV network as transmission carrier, the high-definition set-top boxes and digital TV as display terminals, to provide customers with bank card inquiries, transfers, financial management, payment, payment and other financial services. At the same time, the use of TV

5、 banking platform can display the image of the bank, highlighting the service features of the bank. This paper is written on the basis of a companys TV banking system.TV bank system adopted OsWorkFlow workflow-engine,Spring2.5.6 frame and iBATIS2.3.0 data persistence layer framework in technology. A

6、nd through the XML configuration file to achieve the transaction business process flow scheduling and control. In subsystem structure, the TV bank system is consist of front terminal subsystem and the backward management subsystem. I participated and completed the design and implementation of front

7、terminal subsystem, finishing the requirement analysis of transfer, credit, querry and four other modules as well as the design of details database and business process and public implementation. The realization of the functions include: current to regular, regular to current, inner-bank transfer, d

8、ebit card balance inquiries, debit card details inquiries, credit card balance inquiries, bill queries, credit card payments and so on. Among them, the more important function in front terminal of inner-bank transfer guarantee the transaction consistency of front terminal the core system of bank by

9、using Java communication connector real-time reconciliation mechanism. The bank transfer within the lines of the bank for television to provide customers themselves or others with their own business of the bank. Transfer, credit card, query, login module provide customers a full range of services. T

10、he main design ideas of the front terminal system of TV bank is that the transaction procedure is simple and the page design style is simple and beautiful. The above function build a whole user experience and function of the use system for TV bank system.After testing and on-line test run, TV bank f

11、ront terminal system can provide effective supplement for electronic bank channels, and increase the number of bank customers use groups, while meeting the bank individual customer all-day, all-round, personalized banking needs to speed up the construction of national TV banking system pace.Key word

12、s:TV bank;The front terminal;Business working flowV目 录目 录摘 要IAbstractIII第一章 绪 论11.1 选题背景及意义11.2 国内外研究现状21.2.1 国内研究动态21.2.2 国外现状41.2.3理论意义、实用价值和社会经济效益51.3 研究内容61.4 论文章节安排7第二章 系统关键技术92.1 系统关键技术92.1.1 Spring92.1.2 OsWorkFolw112.1.3 iBATIS112.1.4 加密算法122.1.5 安全控制142.2技术选型152.3数据库选型152.4服务器选型152.5 开发环境及工

13、具162.6 本章小结16第三章 前端子系统需求分析173.1 功能概览173.2 功能需求183.2.1 登录模块183.2.2 转账模块193.2.3 查询模块193.3 非功能性需求223.3.1 性能需求223.3.2 安全与可靠性需求223.3.3易用性需求233.4 前端交易流程图243.5 本章小结24第四章 系统总体设计274.1系统概要设计274.1.1系统构成284.1.2技术架构294.1.3系统架构314.2数据库设计334.2.1 数据库选型环境334.2.2 数据库系统架构设计344.2.3表结构设计354.3 本章小结37第五章 系统设计与实现385.1主要模块设

14、计385.1.1登录模块385.1.2查询模块405.1.3转账模块415.1.4信用卡模块435.2系统实现465.2.1自助注册475.2.2登录495.2.3退出505.2.4行内转账515.2.5活期转定期545.2.6余额查询565.2.7明细查询585.2.8未出账单查询595.2.9本人本行615.3系统测试655.3.1测试目的655.3.2测试环境655.3.3测试方法655.3.4单元测试665.3.5集成测试675.3.6性能测试675.3.7测试结果685.4本章小结68第六章 总结与展望696.1总结696.2展望69参考文献72致 谢75 VIIIX第一章 绪论第一

15、章 绪 论1.1 选题背景及意义二零一零年一月十三日,在国务院常务会议上,由温家宝提出了有关我国三网融合的决议。这份提议包含了我国的广播电视网、移动通信网和因特网三种信息媒介。假如三网合作,对于用户来说,三大网络媒介的融合,可以带来更多便利,在广播电视、语音通话、数据传输各个方面为用户提供更好的使用体验。三网融合不仅在信息和文化发展上起到了推进作用,还能为社会的经济发展和信息化进程提供动力。三网的合并,使广电、移动通信、因特网三者之间可以更紧密的合作,原有的矛盾在政府决策下化解。以“三网融合”为基础,金融行业将与广播电视网进行更激烈的化合反应,电视银行由此广泛流传。电视银行是以电视为载体,为客户提供金融业务1,电视银行是作为一种新型的银行服务系统,采用了“家居银行”的整体概念,将电视机和机顶盒作为显示器和服务器,利用数字电视网络,实现用户在家就可以利用遥控器自助办理银行业务2。继电话银行、ATM机及网上银行之后,电视银行的出现为用户提供了更加便利的整体式金融服务。在安全上,电视银行采用了新技术对浏览器进行再加密码


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