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1、农村信用联社工作方案 农村信用联社工作方案过去的一年年是进一步深化信用社改革的的关键年,我社在联社的正确确领导下,全体职工团结一心心、尽职尽责、努力拼搏,认认真贯彻落实联社年初工作精精神,圆满地完成了联社的各各项方案。2023年我们全全体职工将以更加饱满的工作作热情,认真落实十七大精神神,用科学的开展观为指导,积极效劳新农村建设,扩大大信贷规模,深化支农内涵,争取更大创造更大的成绩。为了更好的作好2023年年各项工作,根据联社整体工工作目标,结合xxxx信用用社工作实际将明年工作方案划如下:奋斗目标:2023x年我社存款余额方案到到达3600万元,人均纯增330万元,日均3500万元元。各项贷

2、款年末余额29000万元,实现利息收入4330万元。全年安全运营无事事故。具体措施一、狠抓抓增存工作不放松。存款是是立社本,是兴社之源,只有有占有了绝对多的存款,信合合的开展才有后劲。年初,约约社将有1000多万元的退退耕款到位,但这局部存款不不会在我社停留太多的时间, 2023年是我社辖区大大灾之年,大局部村子绝收,村民们全等着这局部钱过年年。过了阴历年,又要准备春春耕生产,资金的缺口相对往往年更大一些。xxxx镇大大局部地区都是山坡地,农民民种田是靠天吃饭,再加上金金融危机影响,农村闲置资金金少,吸收存款困难。我们绝绝不能盲目乐观,指望着这点点涉农资金,要下大力气增加加存款。需要继续多方寻

3、找、开辟储源,继续提升效劳质质量,利用绒毛旺季、肉、蛋蛋、蔬菜价格较往年有大幅度度上升的时机,积极发动种养养殖大户把钱存入信用社,信信贷员在下乡催贷收息期间继继续详细掌握外出务工人员情情况,把外出务工人员的打工工收入通过自治区网络支本文文来源: :/付系统汇入信用社,力力争年末超额完成联社存款任任务。二、作强小额信用贷贷款,加大贷款投放力度,有有力支持春耕生产,严格控制制贷款风险,清收不良贷款 农户小额信用贷款是目前联联社主抓的信贷产品,风险相相对较小,流动性强收益高。经过两年多的推广已形成一一定的市场,操作性强,200xx年我社84%的贷款投投放全是小额信用贷款,其利利息收入全部利息收入的8


5、不放 人情贷款不放放,不符合条件的贷款不放,违规贷款不放,垒大户贷款款不放。认真做好贷款五级分分类,严格控制贷款风险。加加强贷后检查,对个别不能按按时结息的贷户,进行摸底排排查,逐笔分析原因,采取各各种行之有效的催收、化解措措施。对存在逃废债贷款,将将依法起诉,对转移用途挪作作他用的贷款有针对性的清收收。力争将不良贷款的比例降降至最低,尽可能的降低贷款款风险。三、抓好贷款按季季结息工作,培养贷户的信贷贷习惯加大利息催收工作,做到应收尽收。通过2023x年的后三个季度的结息情情况来看,贷款户对用结算账账户进行转帐结息还不是很熟熟悉,不习惯用结算账户进行行结算。在结息日仍有一大部局部客户带现金前来


7、社职工文化水平普普遍较低法律意识不强的实际际情况,我社制定学习方案,由主任带头学习业务、法律律知识,提高全体职工业务技技能和依法合规经营的意识。坚持这项学习制度,把每周周一、三、五作为学习日,重重点学习相关法律、法规,行行业内控制度、业务操作流程程和计算机的应用等。狠抓抓内控制度不放松,严格按操操作流程办理每一笔业务,严严格执行自治区联社制定的各各项规章制度,加强各岗位营营业人员行为考察,杜绝人为为的操作风险和道德风险。加强财务管理,保证每笔财务务开支都确为业务开展所需,加强应收息管理,真正 education on Party membersadvancement activities an

8、d enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements, and vigorously promote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete v

9、arious tasks throughout the year.First, pay close attention to research information, efforts to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the information reflect the information, promote the work of information leading work requirements, adhere to grasp the team construction, mechanism cons

10、truction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistant role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a)

11、 adhere to the decision in the first place. To make the decision service as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Based on the citys youth career 11th Five-Year good bureau and the Communi

12、st Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp

13、 the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investig

14、ation. As an important way to firmly grasp the important link of scientific and democratic decision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate and research, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the lea

15、dership decision-making comes from practice, practical to provide first-hand information. To enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the research make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effective

16、ness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of expanding. The sources of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the Communist Youth League and youth information dynamic information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine


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