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1、6B期中练习班级_姓名_等第_听力局部 (20分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组和句子。每题读两遍;5分( ) 1. A. street B. strong C. slow( ) 2. A. warm B. winter C. weather ( ) 3. A. than B. when C. rain ( ) 4. A. more B. most C. many( ) 5. A. hotel B. history C. heavy( ) 6. A. pick apples B. pick oranges C. pick pears ( ) 7. A. get on B. get off

2、 C. get stronger( ) 8. A. run fast B. jump far C. swim fast( ) 9. A. Its cool most of the time. B. Its cool some of the time. C. Its cool every day.( )10. A. How many stops are there B. How far is it from hereC. How many seasons are there二、听录音,选择正确的应答。每题读两遍;5分 ( ) 1. A. Im tall.B. Im taller. C. No,

3、Im tall.( ) 2. A. I usually swim.B. Its cool and sunny. C. Its beautiful. ( ) 3. A. Its two. B. Its about two kilometers away. C. Its far. ( ) 4. A. Yes ,it is. B. Yes, it does.C. Yes, they do.( ) 5. A. Because I can go swimming.B. I like winter best. C. Yes, it is.三、听录音,判断以以下图片与所听内容是否相符,相符的用“表示,不相符

4、的用“表示。每题读两遍;5分 1.2.3. ( )( )( ) 4. 5. ( )( )四、听录音,完成以下短文,每空一词。每题读三遍;5分The _is far from _ home. Its about _ kilometers away. This morning I wanted to _a book about animals. I walked along the _ and then turned _ at the _crossing. I took _ No.2 and got_ at the History Museum. Soon I got_.笔试局部共80分一、单词辩

5、音 选出划线局部读音与其余三个不同的选项。6分( )1. A. blouseB. out C. cloudy D. four( )2. A. seasonB. breadC. weather D. head( )3. A. whichB. where C. what D. who( )4. A. bird B. skirt C. girl D. summer( )5. A. mineB. minute C. big D. give( )6. A. morningB. short C. work D. for二、词汇。(共20分) A英汉词组互译10分 1. 第一个十字路口 _2. 和.一样重_

6、3. 最喜欢的季节 _4. 擅长画画 _5. 问路 _ 6. in the countryside _7.most of the time_8.go along the street _ 9. do more exercise_10. bank of China _B) 用括号内容单词的正确形式填空10分1.Do (much) exercise. Well get (strong).2.Nancy is good at music. She can sing and dance (beautiful).3.I usually go (fish) with my father. 4.This i

7、s (I )book, (you) is over there.5.There are stops and get off at the (three ) stop.6. Who (run) (fast), you or Nancy三、选择填空。10分 ( )1. Mr Smith is _in Nanjing now. A. live B. lived C. living D. liveing( )2. Yang Ling _ _than all the other students.A. read, better B. reads, better C. reads, well D. rea

8、d, better( )3. Which season do you like _, spring or summerA. well B. good C. betterD. best( )4.Whose school bag is heavier, A. you or me B. your or me C. yours or mine D. you and I( )5.Do more exercise, youll be . A. small B. thin C. fatter D. strong.( )6.The school is your left. You miss it. A. on

9、, cant B. cant , on C. in, can D. on, can ( )7. Its _. We can fly kites. A. rainy B. windy C. cloudyD. raining( )8. -_ do you like summer best -Because its hot and I can go swimming. A. What B. Why C. Which D. How( )9. Take a taxi. You will get there_. A. lateB. slowerC. earlierD. later( )10. I _man

10、y people in the park last Sunday. A. lookedB. saw C. see D. watch四、按要求改写句子。16分;1-5题,每空一词,每词1分;6-7题;每题 2分1. You can take a bus. (同义句) You can get there _ _ .2. My mother is younger than my father. (改为一般疑问句,并作否认答复) _ _ mother younger than your father No, _ _.3. He likes summer best because he can go s

11、wimming. (对划线局部提问) _ does he _summer best4.He ran out of the classroom quickly yesterday.( 改为否认句 ) He_ _ _ out of the classroom quickly yesterday.5. Her favourite season is autumn. (改为同义句) She_ autumn _.6. English, well, Mike, does, and, in ,Chinese( 连词成句 )_.7. way, can ,to, Museum, you, tell, the, me, the, History ( 连词成句 )_五、根据中文提示,完成句子翻译。每空一词,13分 1.在上海你最喜欢哪个季节?_season do you like _ _ Shanghai2.谁起床早,杨玲还是南希?_ _ up _, Yang ling or Nancy


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