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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。英语节开幕式主持词篇一:英语节节目主持词(1)Manuscript of the 4th English Festival第4届英语节主持稿一 开场白男: Good morning , dear leaders ,teachers and students , welcome to our English Festival .(尊敬的领导,老师,亲爱的同学们大家早上好!欢迎来到我们的英语节。)女:with the holding of the English Festival ,well find a platf

2、orm to show our talents. And we also find a way to improve our English. (借英语节的举办,我们将找到施展自我的平台,也将找到提高自身英语素质的根本途径。)男:Looking back on the course of our studies , we should say that our gain comes from our growing of environment .(回忆成长的历程,我们的每一份收获,得益于我们成长的环境。) 女:Lets say thank you to our school , to all

3、 the teachers , to everybody who pays attention to our growth.(感谢学校,感谢老师,感谢所有支持我们,呵护我们成长的每一位仁人志士。)二、 外教致辞男:First of all , welcome our dear foreign teachers to give an opening speech.女:首先 ,欢迎亲爱的外教致开幕辞。三、节目开始男:Ok, lets begin our performance , first lets welcome the show from Grade six , the Phonetic s

4、ymbol gesture exercise .演出马上开始,首先欢迎六年级组的同学,他们带来的是音标手势操。男:Our school is famous for the outstanding chorus . They mix the harmonious tones and graceful dance with English. Lets earnestly appreciate their wonderful performance:you raise me up .女:我们小学部有一支出色的合唱队。他们以和谐的音色及优美的动作把英语与音乐完美地结合。让我们用心聆听这天籁之音you

5、raise me up .男:Then , lets enjoy the song from Grade seven.(接下来,欢迎七年级组的同学,他们带来的歌曲是_四、结束语男: Thank you for your hard work and wonderful performance. Lets clap for them again。(谢谢大家的努力和精彩的表演。让我们再一次把热烈的掌声送给他们。)男:The English Festival has been our carnival of English learning and become a traditional event

6、 of school culture. Your wonderful singing, dancing, performing, smiling and laughing in the past English Festival are still echoing in my mind! I firmly believe the English Festival this year will be more fascinating!英语节已经成为我们英语学习的狂欢节,成为我们校园文化的传统。上届英语节中,你们精彩的歌唱、舞蹈、表演以及你们的欢声笑语依然回荡在我的脑海中!我坚信,本届英语节会是更

7、加精彩! 女:At last, I would like to wish the English Festival a great success and I hope you will enjoy yourselves!最后,我预祝英语节取得圆满成功,也希望大家能享受英语节的乐趣!合:Thank you very much篇二:英语节主持词英语节主持稿尊敬的各位领导,老师亲爱的同学们丁:Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls.合:大家好!王:又是一个阳光灿烂的五月,又是一个鲜花盛开的五月,丁:五月是美丽的季节;五月是欢乐的时光王:青春是美好的,青春也是短暂

8、的,丁:青春时光,色彩斑斓,青春的时光使我们拥有最多最美的梦想,王:校园文化节是属于青春梦想的盛会。让我们在这梦想的盛会尽情地挥洒快乐,收获精彩吧!丁:English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school , all the teachers and students love English very much .Today , well show you ourenthusiasm and interest for English . I hope youll enjoy it .(英语在我

9、们的日常生活中正变得越来越重要。在我们学校,所有师生都非常热爱英语。今天,我们将向你们展示我们对于英语的热情和兴趣。希望大家喜欢。)合:洪泽外国语中学首届英语节文艺晚会现在开始!丁:下面,有请洪泽外国语中学校长孙欣宣布首届校园英语节开幕。(孙校长宣布开幕)(鼓掌)男:快乐的时光总是那么短暂女:团聚的日子特别让人感动男:今天我们欢歌笑语女:今天我们畅想未来男:让我们记住今天女:让我们期待明天男:xxx集团庆元旦联欢会到此结束女:让我们明年再相会合:恭祝大家元旦快乐,合家幸福!Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! 尊敬的女士们先生们,Good afternoo

10、n, my dearest teachers and friends敬爱的老师们,朋友们, (合)大家下午好Dancing snow flies in the sky and brings the warm winter飞舞的雪花带来冬日的温情,At this moment, we have felt the breath of joy在这一刻,我们已经感受到了欢乐的气息Today, we meet here and enjoy this wonderful time;今天,我们相约在这里,享受缘分带给我们的欢乐,享受这段美好时光; Today we gather here with love

11、 against the cold;今天,我们相聚在这里,一起用心来感受真情,用爱来抵御寒冷;Today we gather here, open our hearts, release our passion;今天,我们相聚在这里,敞开我们的心扉,释放我们的激情;Today we gather here to welcome the coming of the New year.今天,我们相聚在这里,共同迎接新年的到来!让新年的快乐响彻云霄! 第二届艺术节即将拉下帷幕,她将成为我校历史的一页。However, beautiful memories will be alive forever,

12、 many moving songs will keep in our mind.然而,许多精彩的片段犹然历历在目;许多动人歌乐依旧余音绕梁。 the Festival time is short, but the art space is unlimited.艺术节的时间虽然短暂,但艺术的空间却是无限的。Lets put our enthusiasm into motivation of learning, open the door to the ideal with our knowledge, create our art lives with our ability 让我们将参加艺术

13、节的热情转化为学习的动力,用知识开启理想之门,用才干塑造艺术人生by the steps of Youth, we come to 2023, singing all the way, laughing all the way踏着青春的节拍,我们向温暖的2023年走来,一路欢歌,一路笑语 By the vigorous youth, we walk towards 2023, laughing all the way, singing all the way.激扬着青春的风采,我们走向2023,一路笑语,一路欢歌。Walk Into the New Year, walk into the br

14、illiant and fashion world 走进新年,走进蓬勃的希望,每一颗青春的心都焕发出缤纷的色彩walk into the new year, walk into the vibrant hope, the world is spreading the bright future.走进新年,走进时尚的动感地带,世界在我们眼前灿烂地展开Now our dearest teachers and friends, lets fire all the sincerity, wisdom and hard work to create a more brilliant future!同学们

15、,朋友们,让我们将所有的热诚、智慧和勤奋重新集结,再去创立一个更加辉煌的未来!Thanks to the parents. Thanks to the teachers. Thanks to the schoolmates. Thanks to all the people whod helped me. Have a heart of feel grateful. The world will be more beautiful.感谢父母,感谢老师,感谢同学们,感谢所有给予过我们帮助的人们.怀有感谢之心,这个世界将更美好.在此,我们向所有参加本次英语艺术节及所有热爱英语艺术的老师、同学献上最

16、衷心的感谢和最真挚的祝福。Thats all for the closing ceremony of English and Art Festival of No8 Middle School.Thank you for being with us. 临沂八中第二届英语艺术节到此结束!一 开场白周:Good afternoon,Ladies and Gentlemen , boys and girls.女:女士们,先生们,亲爱的小朋友们下午好!周:Were so excited to welcome all the honoured guests . TheyreThank you for join us .女:欢迎各位来宾与我们共聚红梅新村小学,他们是请允许我们代表所有师生对于你们的到来表示热烈欢迎。(鼓掌)周:Your coming w


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