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2、库给予出版,并同意在中国博硕士学位论文评价数据库和CNKI系列数据库中使用,同意按章程规定享受相关权益。 论文级别:硕士 博士 学科专业: 论文题目:抚顺银行个人理财业务开展策略的优化研究作者签名: 年 月 日 113000摘要抚顺银行个人理财业务开展策略的优化研究在我国,随着经济社会的不断开展,人们对投资的积极渴望性不断提高,相对于银行个人理财业务开展的要求也不断提升。金融市场的快速开展使得商业银行之间的竞争不断加剧,各银行纷纷开始在个人理财业务方面展开剧烈的竞争。抚顺银行近些年来加大在个人理财业务方面的投入,为抢占市场先机以获得高额收益,这也是我国当前大多数商业银行普遍采取的主要开展战略之
5、对抚顺银行个人理财业务的开展现状及存在的问题进行多方面的分析,指出其存在的各项缺陷。并结合当前我国金融市场的开展环境,从抚顺银行个人理财业务开展的现状出发,从风险防范、客户管理维护管理、理财产品及效劳、市场营销等多个角度出发,提出相应的改进和优化对策,以期全面促进抚顺银行个人理财业务的开展,使其能够在剧烈的市场竞争中保持竞争优势。最后,本文从文化品牌、组织、制度、资源等方面提出相应的保障性措施,以保证抚顺银行个人理财业务开展策略的顺利实施。关键词:抚顺银行;个人理财业务;创新策略;效劳策略;品牌策略AbstractResearch on the optimization of personal
6、 financial business development strategy of Fushun bankWith the continuous development of Chinas economy and society, peoples investment enthusiasm rising, put forward higher requirements on Commercial Bank financial. With the development of Chinas financial market, competition among commercial bank
7、s has intensified. Banks are starting to compete fiercely in personal financing business. In recent years, the Bank of Fushun has increased its investment in personal financial services to seize the opportunity to gain high income, which is also one of the main development strategies commonly adopte
8、d by most commercial banks in China.Financial business has become an important part of the development of various banks. From the perspective of connotation, personal financial services are directed to some of the business of the general people for a certain economic benefit. In order to develop the
9、ir own business and expand their business, the bank actively carries out personal financial affairs. From the perspective of value and function, the personal financial business of commercial banks can greatly promote the development of commercial banks. It can greatly promote the development of nati
10、onal financial services and greatly improve the happiness index of the people, and can greatly promote the new normal development of the national economy and society.The origin of personal financial business theory is very early, but the new personal financing business in Chinas commercial banks is
11、late, and the homogeneity marketing is very serious. This phenomenon is due to the development of personal financial services, which leads to the lack of characteristics in the development of personal financial services in commercial banking. The content and channel of financial services are too nar
12、row and compared to foreign countries. In terms of financial products, the content of financial products is much less than that of commercial banks in western countries. At present, most of the funds of domestic commercial banks are not sufficient to support the financial brand advantages of financi
13、al products, and the development and expansion of their business needs a lot of room for progress. From the successful experience of personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad, from strategy to product innovation, service strategy, brand strategy and the difficulty of learnin
14、g personal financial services at different levels, the personal financial services of Fushun bank are studied, and the successful experience and strategic practical significance in the financial service system of the national and international environment are analyzed by analyzing the financial serv
15、ices of the national and international environment. The strategies and suggestions for the development of personal financial services in the Bank of Fushun are given. We hope to have a certain reference value in the development of the personal financial services of the Chinese commercial banks.Throu
16、gh the literature research, qualitative analysis, investigation and analysis, this paper analyzes and studies the related theories of personal financial management business of commercial banks, and analyses the development status and existing problems of personal financial services in Fushun bank, and points out the defects of the existing pr