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1、2023年季度工作总结ppt模板 2023年季度工作总结ppt模板 这篇2023年季度工作总结ppt模板的文章,是无忧考网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!一、抓好每季度集中学习一次的两级公司党委中心组理论学习,催促各基层党支部上半年必须坚持两周集中学习一次,下半年每月集中学习一次。二、学习的主要内容1、宣传和学习贯彻落实中共中央宣传部、国务院国资委关于加强和改良新形势下国有及国有控股企业思想政治工作的意见。2、加强广西壮族自治区实施国有企业领导人员廉洁从业假设干规定方法的学习和落实。3、认真组织学习贯彻集团公司董事长、总经理xx同志代表公司董事会和党委作的工作报告及2023年工作会议精神

2、。4、认真学习贯彻集团公司内控制度。5、认真学习贯彻2月28日集团公司党政领导班子工作务虚会议精神。为推进今年 “抓工作落实年奠定根底。为“走基层,抓落实营造良好的气氛。三、创先争优活动1、党员公开承诺与抓工作落实相结合,推进工作落实。公开承诺要通过支部大会、张榜公布等方式,把党组织和党员要干的实事向群众公开,每一个党员在认真总结去年履行承诺的情况,利用2个月的时间重新修订充实今年的公开承诺书,完成截止时间为5月底。2、4月份集团公司党委举办了一期党支部书记培训班,各主体分公司党委书记及在柳基层党支部书记、党务干部等约50多人参加了培训。3、结对共建活动的开展(与xx村xx村党支部开展共建活动



5、出了xx集团公司方阵队精彩的表现画面。系列活动的开展使xx良好的社会形象得到进一步展现。7、召开集团公司纪念建党90周年暨创先争优表彰会。五、 做好党建带团建工作,进行五四表彰及启动导师带徒活动(青年员工的培养)、争创首届xx集团“十佳青年“活动。六、6月10日召开了xx集团报下半年宣传报道专题会议,研究部署下半年宣传工作。加强xx集团报、宣传橱窗等宣传阵地的建设,适时做好对外宣传工作,营造凝聚人心、鼓舞斗志、促进开展和谐向上的良好气氛。there After ignition, combustion should focus its attention on what Reducing bo

6、iler hot loss measures DC-what are the main characteristics of the boiler Boiler steam after Bao Biwen how when shutdown to control steam drum wall temperature difference From a run standpoint, what are the main measures to reduce coal consumption for power supply Talk about how to control the water

7、 level Generator after splitting, 6KV why to promptly exit the standby power switch Why the current transformer secondary side in the operation are not allowed to open Why synchronous generator excitation circuit of the degaussing switch can be changed into a lively breaker Generator step-up process

8、, why the rotor and stator currents to monitor Why are rotor one point ground prone to 2nd after ground Try 380V discussed following the grounding of auxiliary power system, wiring for three-phase five-limb terminal of PT secondary voltage change Generator incomplete phase operation principle is wha

9、t Yn,d11 (Y0/-11) connection of generator-transformer systems, generator open-phase running any help Why to install 100% stator grounding protection for large generator Why does not allow running secondary short circuit Generator excitation, excited, what is the of the overexcitation limit Generator

10、 loss of excitation in the running, what is the impact on the system and the generator itself Anti-cuozhong on the prevention of excitation system of generator caused by fault what damage try discussing what are the measures of improving power system dynamic stability What is a switching operation o

11、f the electrical equipment main content switching operation of power plants and power systems are there Try discussing malignant electric misoperation, which misuse personal, most of the equipment Switch service power fast cutting device in several ways in the alternate to the State, the standby pow

12、er switch refused to deal with Try discussing switching operations should focus on preventing misoperation accident New operation or after majorrepair of transformers why test Try discussing steps measured with a Megger insulationresistance of electrical equipment Lu method is used to find DC ground

13、ing considerationarewhat when there are two point grounding with the polarity should be . 1.600MW supercritical supplementary questions, blank mini disk can be divided into manual and two oil turbine; oil turbine disc wheel car, the turning speed of the rotor can be controlled at around 80120 RPM (h

14、igh speed), and it is fulfilled by controlling access to the oil-pressure turbine oil turning on/off and speed level. Medium-speed Coal mill explosion-proof steam from a wind room, _, _ separator casing into the ground to prevent the mill explosion in the process of starting and stopping. Mill load

15、is to accept current signal to the coal control proportional pressure relief valve size, change of hydraulic accumulators and hydraulic cylinders, to achieve load changes. Sealed Air for coal pulverizer drive, Rod bearings, roller. Cold wind of a user with a sealed air blower air, sealed air, ground

16、 coal to a cold wind. Turbine sealing oil primary oil source is air-side seal oil pump, the first alternate oil sources (mainly alternative oil source) is the main oil pump of turbine. When the primary oil source failure, the first spare source automatic put into operation. Second alternate oil sources primary alternate supply AC electric s


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