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1、形势任务教育演讲 形势任务教育的演讲 文章标题:形势任务教育的演讲 大有作为新岁月锦绣前程好攀钢 各位领导、各位朋友: 今天我们演讲的题目是大有作为新岁月锦绣前程好攀钢。 依靠开展,攀钢建成了我国重要的、西部最大的钢铁联合企业;依靠开展,攀钢实现了从方案经济向市场经济体制的转变;依靠开展,攀钢克服前所未有的困难,实现了三年解困目标;依靠开展,攀钢将铸就新的辉煌,实现新的跨越。 作为攀钢效益增长点的热轧板厂,已历经了10个春秋。10个春秋,从无到有,由弱变强,热轧板厂书写了一部壮丽诗篇;昨天100万吨就足以感到自豪,今天已到达166万吨生产能力,明天一座年产300万吨的板带厂将巍然耸立在祖国的大

2、西南;10个春秋,热轧板厂走出了一条阳光大道:累计生产板卷800万吨,已形成大梁、管线等系列产品,产品销往全国432家用户,局部产品已闯入国际市场。10个春秋,热轧板厂树起了一座亘古不变的丰碑:那就是艰苦奋斗、勇攀顶峰的攀钢精神,那就是顽强拼搏、无私奉献、勇于创新的热板精神。网- :/ 在刚刚过去的365天里,热轧板厂用创造奇迹的“巨手,将辉煌又一次重重地刻在了前进的年轮上。在严峻形势面前,依靠公司的正确领导和各处室兄弟单位的帮助,全厂职工众志成城,奋力拼搏,取得了优异成绩:产量边连续五年以20的速度递增,产销率连续五年实现100,降本增效成绩显著,加热炉煤气单耗创全国同等最低,科研双革成效显

3、著,开发出不锈钢等9个新产品,党建、思想政治工作、精神文明建设又上新台阶,谱写了板厂开展史上又一光芒篇章。 2023年,是“十五方案的开创年,是攀钢依靠科技开展的关键年,是热轧板厂三期技改工程的关键年,是热轧板厂十年大庆的“欢庆年。 作为热轧板厂中的一名主人,我们已做好充分的心理准备,虽然前进的道路上充满荆棘和坎坷,但只要我们加大形势任务教育力度,充分发挥广阔职工的聪明才智,抓住一切可以抓住的机遇,利用一切可以利用的条件,克服一切可以克服的困难,解决一切可以解决的难题,全年170万吨热轧产量,7110万元利润目标就一定能够顺利实现。 作为热轧板厂中的主人,我们将紧紧抓住改革和市场带来的机遇,发

4、挥自身优势,依靠制度创新、管理创新、科技创新,以“雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头跃的气慨,向技术挑战,向科技和管理要效益,实现更大的腾飞。 昨天,成功的喜悦驱散了重重迷雾,那是一个晴朗的天;今天,世纪的朝阳已经撒落在我们的身上,这是一个艳阳天;明天,一年比一年更加辉煌精彩,那是一片属于我们的天。相信,我们热轧板厂全体职工在知形势明任务后,定会以超常规的工作和一流的业绩为攀钢实现第三次腾飞做出我们新的奉献。 最后,我们献上一幅对联祝福板厂,祝愿攀钢:上联是:新世纪,新目标,大有作为新岁月。下联是:新机遇,新气象,锦绣前程好攀钢。横联:爱我攀钢。 形势任务教育的演讲来源于网,欢送阅读形势任务教育的演

5、讲。comprehensive coordination ability, writing ability, supervision ability, logistics ability, innovation ability, continuously consolidate and maintain the education on Party membersadvancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements, and vigorously pro

6、mote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete various tasks throughout the year.First, pay close attention to research information, efforts

7、 to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the information reflect the information, promote the work of information leading work requirements, adhere to grasp the team construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistant role of leadership, ac

8、tively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first place. To make the decision service as the focus of the

9、 work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Based on the citys youth career 11th Five-Year good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlo

10、ok on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by t

11、he leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation. As an important way to firmly grasp the important link of scientific and democratic d

12、ecision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate and research, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the leadership decision-making comes from practice, practical to provide first-hand information. To

13、 enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the research make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important

14、means of expanding. The sources of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the Communist Youth League and youth information dynamic information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League,

15、and give full play to the role of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect the municipal Party committee, municipal government, the Central Committee of the impl

16、ementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses and some important emergencies, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable component of the following information. Continue to deepen the information research and information feedback system, information report system, information reporting system, informa


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