1、煤矿基层党支部事迹 先进基层党组织事迹材料柳泉煤矿采煤二区党支部现有党员8名,积极分子3名,已申请入党6名。采煤二区党支部在公司矿、党政正确领导下,认真贯彻学习党的十七大精神,紧紧围绕矿党委工作部署和企业工作目标,牢固树立“平安第一的生产方针,以创立学习型党支部为载体,针对现场管理重点,突出抓政治思想教育,工程质量、顶板管理、提升运输、一通三防和井下生产环境治理,深入开展严制度、严措施、防漏洞。在全区形成了全员、全过程、全方位的平安监督和管理体系。积极构筑平安生产的坚实防线,不断加强党建和思想政治工作,深入开展创先争优活动。自觉践行“三个代表,增强党支部的凝聚力和战斗力,使采煤二区党支部202
4、工,发挥群体智慧,扎实工作,迎难而上,开拓进取,与时俱进,不断创新,切实抓好队伍建设和稳定工作,努力把支部各项工作做的更好。工作强度大职工劳动时间长。面对恶劣的工作环境,支部,定措施。会上,认真分析了当前困难和存在的问题,提出了“举旗帜、抓班子、带队伍、攻难关、促开展的工作思路, the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the
5、situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can no
6、t solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other
7、 specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit the moment can not solve or do not have the conditions to solve, to explain, and report to the Bureau (. Ten) the existence of false statements of work in the situation. The outlook appears deviation, did not sink in the heart, in the investigation and management of security risks, fighting rule violations and other specific work, only the data that go up, the work has been done on the surface, good, so in the statistical data and submit