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1、题目:广西电信政企客户服务营销体系探讨摘 要通讯行业的三大巨头中国联通、中国移动和中国电信是三家同时具备全业务运营能力的电信运营商,经营范围包括了宽带、固话以及移动电话的服务内容。三家运营商三分天下,这说明中国的通信业开始依靠融合业务竞争市场的时代。根据市场的“二八”法则,政企大客户群体是广西电信的重点客户群,与此同时,广西的另外两家通讯行业巨头移动和联通也在极力争夺扩展政企客户高端群体的市场份额。这样,广西电信市场占有能力急需提升,怎样有效的开拓广西电信政企客户的数量,怎样给完美无缺的服务营销策略进行准确的定位和如何挖掘政企客户通信潜力以此来迎合政企客户群的对通信业务领域的要求,这对提高广西


3、通信业公司的政企客户服务营销策略进行了比较,找出存在的问题,提出应对的策略建议。关键词:广西电信公司 政企客户群 服务营销策略AbstractWith the fact that “China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom” situation of tripartite confrontation times arriving, the three telecom operators with a qualified full-service operations have stepped into the white-hot competition

4、 situation henceforth. Government and enterprise customers are the strategic customer group of Guangxi Telecom, are also the competition focal point of the other telecom operators at the same time. Developing the government and enterprise customers market of Guangxi telecom, using the high-quality a

5、nd perfect service marketing strategy to tap the communication potentialities of government and enterprise customers, satisfying the communication needs of government and enterprise customer group not only can meet the requirements of Chinas social informationize development, but also is the availab

6、le approach to improve enterprise operation effectiveness, and increase operating income. At present, the three operators have a homogeneous core products of communication, in addition to the temporary differences between the size of the network, the costs of the core services product are similar. T

7、herefore, only taking the customers demand as the guidance, establishing the high level of the service marketing system can develop the new prospects continuously based on upholding the existing government and enterprises customer market.In this paper, analysing the currently market environment of G

8、uangxi Telecom, overviewing the current situation of the domestic service marketing communications industry, and then reviewing the related services marketing theory involved the research, as the basis of the research papers. In order to further discovery problems thorough in the process of service

9、marketing for government and enterprise customer group in Guangxi Telecom, a detailed description of the status quo and the service marketing strategy of the government and enterprises customer group have been done, and then the comparation of the groups customer service marketing strategies between

10、 the same industry have been done, the SWOT analysis method has been adopted to analyse the advantages, disadvantages and opportunities of the service marketing strategy of the government and enterprises customer group in Guangxi Telecom, some deficiencies existed in the service marketing of the gov

11、ernment and enterprises customer group has been summarized lastly, and the corresponding strategic suggestation recommendations have been recommendated.Key words:Guangxi telecom Government and enterprise customers Service marketing目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 绪论1.1 论文研究的背景(1)1.2 论文研究的目的与意义(2)1.3 电信、移动、联通服务营销模

12、式综述(2)1.4 本文研究的主要内容(9)2 服务营销理论综述2.1 服务市场定位(10)2.2 服务产品及品牌策略(12)2.3 服务定价策略(13)2.4 服务渠道策略(14)2.5 服务促销策略(14)2.6 服务人员内部营销策略(15)3 广西电信政企客户服务营销现状与问题分析3.1 广西电信政企客户服务营销现状(19)3.2 广西电信政企客户服务营销策略回顾(26)3.3 广西移动、广西联通政企客户服务营销现状(33)3.4 广西电信政企客户服务营销SWOT分析(36)3.5 广西电信政企客户服务营销存在的问题(39)4 广西电信政企客户服务营销策略4.1 精准定位目标客户(41)

13、4.2 政企客户关系营销策略(43)4.3 构建提高政企客户忠诚度体系(45)4.4 政企客户体验式服务营销策略(47)4.5 强化政企原有客户维系工作(49)4.6 通过内部营销促进政企客户服务营销策略(51)结束语(54)致 谢(55)参考文献(56)V1 绪论1.1 本课题研究的背景从中国电信提出“综合信息服务提供商”,后来中国移动提出了“移动信息专家”的概念,这说明我国电信行业已由以前的“通信服务”逐渐向“信息服务”领域拓展。2008年对于中国来说是极不平凡的一年,对于中国电信来说同样里程碑式发展的一年,在零八年的五月二十三日,中国通信行业拉开了大规模整合的序幕。其中中国铁通并入中国移

14、动产生新的中国移动公司,中国电信和中国联通C网整合成新的中国电信,联通G网也和中国网通合并成中国联通公司。从而在通信行业形成了三足鼎立的局面。在2009年1月7日,三大通信巨头分别获得了3G牌照,这标志着中国通信行业跨入三足鼎立的 1时代。市场格局重新被分割,中国通信行业进入发展的快车道。重组后的电信、联通、移动各有千秋,中国电信的优势在于两个亿的固定电话用户群,以及几千万的宽带用户群,使电信在通信领域里独树一帜,占有一席之地。但其软肋在于移动业务用户较少,在三大巨头里位居第三。在三大巨头中,联通的移动用户有1.34亿,而合中国移动相比更是差之甚远了。但是,移动和联通两家和在一起的宽带用户和固


16、SP信息服务提供商一较高下也面临着巨大的挑战。1.2 研究本课题的目的和意义信息技术行业的飞速发展,也是通信行业的发展不断升级,通信行业的产业链的在向各方面延伸,国家行业政策不断调整,我们通信行业跨入飞速发展的阶段3。政企客户群是三大运营商保持核心竞争优势以及收入持续增长的重要市场领域,其战略意义可见一斑,因为拥有高份额的政企客户市场,直接关系着运营商未来的市场地位和发展方向。在三大运营商战略转型的关键时期,如果能够掌握政企客户群这个关键资源,并不断提升其通信消费潜力,特别是从话费消费转至流量消费来推动ARPU值的高速增长,将会为运营商带来稳定的利润增长。所以说,政企客户群成为了三大通信业巨头争夺的对象。政企客户不仅


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