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1、房地产信息管理系统的设计与实现Design and implementation of project management information system:随着计算机及网络技术的迅猛开展和应用,应用软件在诸多应用领域中占据日益重要的地位。管理信息系统(MIS)也被广泛应用到各行各业。政府机构,企事业单位也正加快信息化建设,以提高工作效率和管理水平。工程施工行业是一种分工细致和劳力密集的行业。工程管理具有施工人数众多、工序繁复、分散性、移动性和一次性等特点。根据欧美国家有关调查统计显示:在传统管理模式下,工程设计人员每天约有35%左右的工作时间花费在查阅图纸资料及交流协调上;工程施工管理


3、下一步的工作和研究方向。本系统采用Visual C#.NET为开发语言,后台数据库为Microsoft SQL Server2022,采用基于B/S的三层结构,将系统分成三层:用户界面层、业务逻辑层、数据层。工程信息是非常关键的资源,在当今的计算机与互联网迅速开展的背景下如何利用现代IT技术进行管理值得思考。本工程工程信息管理系统的开发、研究能够是的工程信息得到高效的管理,从而提升整个工程的运营效率,进而提升该工程企业的市场竞争力。关键词:.NET;C#;ADO.NET;SQL Server;工程管理AbstractWith the rapid development and applicat

4、ion of computer and network technology, application software occupy an increasingly important position in many application areas. Management Information System (MIS) has been widely applied to all walks of life. Government agencies, enterprises and institutions also are speeding up the construction

5、of information technology to improve the efficiency and management level. Construction industry is a meticulous division of labor and labor-intensive industries. Construction project management has numerous number of complicated processes, dispersion, mobility and disposable features. According to t

6、he survey statistics show that European countries: In traditional management, engineering staff every day about 35% of working time spent on the exchange of information and coordination of inspection drawings; construction management personnel often need to spend as much as 50% of working time to se

7、arch for necessary information and the exchange of information, severely reducing production efficiency. Flexible organization and management technical documentation, share design information resources, quickly and accurately collaborative design and construction, so that workflow automation has bec

8、ome imperative to improve work efficiency. Order and international standards, the construction industry, an urgent need to adopt advanced science and technology, strengthen scientific management and acceleration information.Use management information system can provide a strong basis for the managem

9、ent and decision-making organizations, and ultimately improve the efficiency and economic benefits. In this paper, revolves around the core technology of the .NET platform will be, starting with the beginning introduces .NET Framework, C # .NET and its core AOO.NET were studied, and then apply the k

10、ey technology, project management information system in-depth study, and its programming. Finally, the results of research and design stage of the system is summarized, and the prospect of future research directions of work. The system uses Visual C # .NET as a development language, backstage databa

11、se is Microsoft SQL Server2022, based on B / S three-tier structure, the system is divided into three layers: the user interface layer, business logic, data layer.Project information is a critical resource in the rapid development of todays computers and the Internet how to use modern IT technical b

12、ackground to manage worth considering. Development of the Project Information Management System, research project information can be obtained and efficient management, thereby enhancing the operational efficiency of the entire project, the project thus enhance their market competitiveness.Key Words:

13、.NET;C Sharp;ADO.NET;SQL Server; Project management.目 录第1章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究意义21.3 国内外研究现状51.4 研究内容和章节安排8第2章 相关理论及技术概述11平台概述11公共语言运行时及类库11语言11效劳12数据连接及访问122简介13的体系结构13关系数据库访问152.3SQL Server数据库平安及备份152.3.1 SQL Server数据库平安152.3.2SQL Server数据库备份162.3.3 SQL Server数据库恢复18数据源访问19以XML的形式获得数据192.4.2 XMLDoc

14、ument对象192.5 工程工程信息系统与工程管理信息系统192.6 本章小结21第3章 系统需求分析与总体设计223.1 系统现状及需求分析22系统情况介绍22系统总体设计要求22系统体系结构24系统开发技术平台263.2 系统具体功能介绍263.2.1 系统303.2.2 账号信息管理303.2.3 根本信息维护323.2.4 工程管理333.2.5 付款管理333.2.6 收款管理333.2.7 库存管理333.2.8 运输管理333.2.9 文件管理333.2.10 资料查询修改333.2.11 资料信息统计333.3 系统用例模型33系统级用例图34系统用例的细化353.4 数据库

15、设计35数据需求分析36概念设计37逻辑结构设计38物理设计41关系模式标准化理论41系统数据库设计41本章小结47第4章 系统详细设计与实现484.1 系统开发环境及工具484.2 数据库设计484.3 系统界面详细设计544.3.1 用户界面544.3.2 用户主界面554.3.3 部门管理界面554.3.4 用户信息管理界面564.3.5 商品根本信息管理界面584.3.6 工程信息管理界面594.4 本章小结61第5章 系统测试62软件测试方法和工具62软件测试方法62软件测试工具63系统平安性测试分析645.2.1 操作员身份信息确认645.2.2 数据信息多用户并发访问测试655.2.3 数据的平安性及审批流程的测试655.2.4 本系统实际测试用例举例655.3 本章小结66第6章 结论与展望676.1 结论676.2 展望67参考文献68致谢70 ContentsChapter 1 Introduction.错误!未定义书签。1.1 Research Background.


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