1、英语口语出国旅游英语口语 美联英语提供:出国旅游英语口语关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里/test/quwen.aspxtid=16-73675-0入境检查 你有签证吗 Do you have your visa 您是什么国籍 Whats your nationality 我的签证有效期只剩一天了。My visa expires in one day. 这是我的最终目的地。This is my final destination. 您方案呆多久 How long do you plan on staying 您来这里的目的是什么公务还是旅游 Whats the purpose of your
2、visit, for business or for pleasure 我方案停留天左右,我是来出差的。I m planning to stay for days or so, Im here for business. 我是来开会的。I have come for a conference. 我把护照弄丢了。I lost my passport.海关通关你能告诉我怎样办理通关手续吗 Can you tell me how to go through customs 请让我看看您的护照和证件好吗 Would you please show me your passport and papers
3、我已经填完所有的通关表格了。I filled out all the customs forms.这是我的报关单。I have my declaration form here.我没什么可申报的。I have nothing to declare.您能解释一下这条规定吗 Can you explain this regulation for me预订与入住 你们宾馆能住得下名游客吗Can your hotel accommodate tourists 我想预订一个单人间。Id like to book a private room with single bath. 外加床铺要收费吗 Is t
4、here any charge for an extra bed 我打 来是想确认一下,我预定的月日的房间。Im calling to conform my reservation for May th. 我想我已经预订了。I believe I have reservation. 还有空房吗 Do you have any vacant rooms 我想预订房间。Id like to make reservation. 我想办理入住登记。Id like to check in, please. 前台提供小时效劳吗Do you offer -hour service at the front-
5、desk宾馆效劳 怎么叫客房送餐效劳 How do I get room service 如何请人早上叫醒我 How do I arrange a wakeup call 请在点叫我起床。Id like a wakeup call at oclock. 请收拾一下浴室好吗 Could you tidy up the bathroom 帮我把窗帘拉上好吗 Could you help me draw the curtains 我的热水瓶空了。My thermos is empty. 我们想订明天的早餐。Wed like to order breakfast for tomorrow. 我想打国际
6、长途到中国。Id like to make an overseas call to china. 你们提供洗衣效劳吗 Do you offer laundry service结账退房 我是现在退房还是一会儿再退。Shall I check out now or later 现在可以结帐吗Can I settle my bill now 能给我账单明细表吗Can you give me an item of my bill 这款项是什么费用What does this amount for 我没有打国际长途。I didnt make any overseas calls 你们这里能用信用卡支付吗
7、 Do you take credit card 请给我发票。Id like an invoice please 你能帮我拿一下行李吗Can you help me with my luggage 非常感谢您的帮助。Many thanks for your help. 过了结账离店时间会收罚金吗Is there a penalty for late check- out 拍照留念我想请人给咱们照张相。Id like to ask someone to take a photo for us.这照片拍出来效果应该不错。It would be a good shot.你站的离她近点,好吗 Plea
8、se stand closer to her.这样不行,我需要用闪光灯。Now,I need to use flash.我要从不同角度给这个雕塑拍照。Ill shoot the sculpture from various angles.说茄子,好吗 Say cheese, OK我们得把胶卷洗了。We need to have the films developed.这台数码相机的内存不够了。The memory of this digital camera is not enough.你们这里有这种电池吗 Do you have this kind of battery关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里/test/quwen.aspxtid=16-73675-0