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1、基层党建督查员制度 基层党建督查员制度 近日,制定出台了基层党建工作督查员制度,加大对基层党建工作催促、指导和检查力度,保证基层党建工作的各项目标任务落到实处。一是明确督查员条件,严格聘请程序。要求基层党建工作督查员必须熟悉党在新时期的路线方针政策和党建理论,了解和掌握基层党建工作情况,有较强的议事能力、研究能力、指导能力和口头表达能力,敬业勤奋,作风扎实,廉洁自律,联系群众,有责任心,从事党务工作5年以上。基层党建工作督查员实行兼任制,除市委组织部的全体干部外,市直部门单位党委工委、党组根据要求推荐人选,填写推荐表,市委组织部进行专项考察,聘请熟悉党务工作的副县级以上领导干部68名、科级党务



4、教育培训。市委组织部每年对基层党建工作督查情况进行一次总结,除尘滤布对督查员进行一次考核,对督查工作成绩突出的进行表彰奖励;对督查工作思想不重视、态度不端正、工作不扎实的提出批评,造成不良影响和严重后果的,取消督查员资格。同时,加强对督查员队伍的教育培训,定期组织督查员学习中央关于党建工作的政策理论和省、市委关于党建工作的决策部署,定期组织督查员赴国内外和周边地方学习借鉴党建工作先进经验,定期召开汇报会、总结会或研讨会,沟通思想,交换意见,集思广益,凝聚智慧,增强合力,提高督查工作质量。awareness and service level of the office of cadres an

5、d workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmos

6、phere.(four) to strengthen the team building. Stick with the system of management, strict implementation of the work system, strictly regulate the work procedures; adhere to the training of people with business, the cadres and workers more responsibility, more to provide the stage, to help with, str

7、engthen staff training; adhere to unite people with feelings, really care about the work, learning and life style; adhere to infect people, guide the cadres and workers of self-discipline, dedication, unity, pragmatic, hard-working and carry forward the spirit of selfless dedication, a successful ca

8、reer in the extraordinary position; adhere to work drive, office team members adhere to lead, take the lead To be, learning, solidarity, pragmatic and incorruptible example.Attachment 2:XX municipal Party committee of the Communist Youth League work points,With Deng Xiaoping theory and the important

9、 thought of Three Represents as guidance, comprehensively implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, the implementation of the partys eight plenary session of the two session of the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, municipal Party committee, the Central Committee of Com

10、munist Youth League in the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, XX two session of the five Committee in accordance with the spirit of leapfrog development, requirements of first-class people-oriented and service innovation. Means to promote the work, regulate the procedure of ma

11、nagement, enhance the quality of image work philosophy, adhere to the service of the work of the center, serve the development of the career of the Communist Youth League, the informatization construction of service agencies, organizations to develop XX, 11th Five-Year youth career development plann

12、ing, to further deepen the Communist Youth League The theoretical research, the full implementation of the Knowledge Youth Information Digital XX League construction project in XX city and popularization of engineering, unity and cohesion of youth work theory research and information technology team

13、 of young talents, and vigorously promote the 2023 year key project implementation work, and strive to achieve the XX chapters of theoretical research and the level of informatization construction on a new level.,Make a plan to develop XX City, 11th Five-Year youth career development plan, for the i

14、mplementation of the name of the city government.To promote the two projects. To vigorously promote the popularization of knowledge youth information XX city project, and strive to improve the informatization level of teenagers; vigorously promote the digital XX League construction project, make ful

15、l use of information technology services and promote the work of the Communist Youth League.The construction of three platforms. To improve the efficiency, rich content, give full play to the Communist Youth League edit work. To further strengthen cooperation with departments and grassroots organiza

16、tions, constantly to enhance awareness and service level of the office of cadres and workers. There are plans, steps to arrange the staff to participate in the exchange of learning and testing exercise, and strengthen the office of the Communist Youth League, and other provinces and cities Level office of the office of business exchanges, and strive to form a strong learning atmosphere.(four) to streng


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