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1、2023沈阳市义务教育八年级上期末试卷-英语考试时间90分钟,试卷总分值100分温馨提示:请将第1-89小题的答案填写在第8页答题卷相应题号的横线上。一听力测试20 A)情景反响 听下面四个问句,然后选出可以答复以下问题的最正确选项。1Ane tenth of May BOn Monday Clast week2AVery well BA little CSevenI think3AAir pollution BNoise at home CNothing else4ASix BTwelve CTwenty seven B)听短文,看图画,排顺序听下面一段单独,然后根据内容排列图画的顺序。5_

2、 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_C)短对话理解听下面四段对话,然后从A、B、C、三个选项中选出最正确选项。11Why are trees getting fewer and fewer APeople cut down millions of them BPeople begin to plant millions of them CPeople make their house with them1 2What are the man and woman talking aboutASomething in our city BTraffic accidents CPollution13Wh

3、at does the man ask the woman to do ADo experiments BSay something again CSpell the word experiments14Where is the woman going AThe post office BThe nearest shop CPolice stationD)长对话理解听下面一段对话,然后根据对话内容从15-16小题中选择最正确选项。15What do you know about the boy and the girl from the dialogue7AThe boys name is B

4、ob and the girls name is MaryBThe boys name is Mary and the girls name is BobCThe boy is fifty years old and the girl is fifteen16.When is the boys birthdayAOn Jan3rd BOn Jan13th COn Jan30thE)听下面两段单独,然后根据内容选择最正确答案。17.Where does the man workAIn the police station BIn a small Office CIn a big shop18.W

5、hat job do you think the man doesAA TV maker BA policeman CA guard19.How long does the woman work in a small roomAHalf a day BAll day CAll night20.What job do you think the woman doesAA dentist BA nurse CA teacher二、词汇与语法30A)选择并抄写单词21I was_ (keen;born)on January 2 in 1 997 and I am thirteen years old

6、 now22Disneyland is a famous amusement_ (park;street)in the United States23Wendy Wang usually achieves A grade in all her subjectsShe_ (sometimes; never)fails an exam24People usually wait_ (happily;quietly)for the ferry,but that afternoon we heard a big argument25Dinosaurs_ (came;lived)on earth over

7、 sixty million years ago26Abacuses are _ (so; too) fast and accurate that people still use them today 27I finish my homework in an_ (minute;hour)or two before dinner28Its_ (strange;important)that Mary doesnt want ice creamShe always loves sweet things 29The ancient Chinese wore_ (different;beautiful

8、)clothes from the modem Chi-nese30If there is an accidentyou must_ (find;report)it to the headmaster B)根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式31Trees cool the air as well as_ it(净化)32We flew from China to Japan then to Korea,and_ back to China(最后)33Bob spent nearly all his_ and had hardly any34We are having_ with our carI

9、t wont start35English letters usually have an address at the_ right corner (顶部) C)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空36John_ his car once a week(wash)37My parents enjoy swimming while my brother and I enjoy_ football (play)38Monday is the _ day of the working week (one)39I ask you some_ Please answer me(question)40The t

10、raffic is moving _ today (slow)D)选择填空41You can go this way because its_ one-way streetAa Ban Cthe D(不填)42Look! The baby_ YesShe knows that you are her friendAsmiles Bsmiled Cis smiling Dhas smiled43Our dog eats meat,drinks_ and guards our houseAmilks Bmilk Cthe milk Da milk44_does it take you to get

11、 to schoolAbout twenty minutesAHow long BWhen CHow often DWhat45Whats the weather like in Shenyang from March to May _seldom rainsAThere BHere CIt DThis46There_ always a lot of people in Taiyuan Street on SundaysAhas Bhave Cis Dare47I need_ medicineI have a terrible coldAmany Bsome Cno Dfew48Books a

12、re nearly always_ paperAmaking in Bmade in Cmaking of Dmade of49_ is Mr BrownAWhat BHow CWhere DWhen50Please_ make a noise when you are in the classroomAnot to Bto not Cdont to Ddont三、语言交际 10% A完成对话,从方框A-G中选出可以完成对话的最正确选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:2890 6521B:Hello, Rita _51_A:Hi, May, What can I do for youB:I think I copied down a homework problem wrongly _52_A:Sure, Which oneB:_53_is it 0.92 multiplied by 18.18 A:_54_it should be multiplied by 18. 16B:Thanks, Rita. See you tomorrow. ByeA:_55_ May B补全对话,填入适当的单词,使对话完整与正确A:What can we do


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