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1、摘 要随着“互联网+本文采用文献研究法、比照分析法、案例分析法等研究方法。首先,简要介绍本文研究的行业背景、消费背景、互联网开展背景,阐述服装零售业营销模式相关理论的研究背景、研究意义和国内外研究现状。进而,对服装行业现实背景下的国际知名女装品牌欧时力的营销模式现状进行研究,围绕其买手模式、SPA模式、O2O模式及全渠道模式的推广现状进行分析。其次,通过比照分析法、案例分析法基于营销理念、营销渠道、用户体验角度找出其营销模式中尚有的缺乏。最后,针对欧时力品牌营销模式的问题提出改良方案。关键词:服装零售业;欧时力;营销模式;全渠道营销摘 要AbstractWith With the Intern

2、et plus and the rapid rise of mobile terminal, rely on the rapid development of mobile platform retail, digital technology, network technology and other new media makes the marketing become diversified way based on. New media provide new ways and means for brand communication of enterprises, and bri

3、ng new opportunities and challenges to brand marketing. At present, the value of new mediamarketinghasattractedwideattentionfromallwalksoflife.Somewell-known enterprises at home and abroad also use new media channels to launch marketing and get more positive feedback. With the rapid expansion of mob

4、ile mobile terminals and the rapid development of social networks such as WeChat and micro-blog, new media has brought more effective and more accurate information transmission channels for many brands. The clothing retailing industry keeps pace with the pace of entering the new era, and the new mar

5、keting mode should be born and perfected continuously.Duetotheinfluenceofexternalenvironmentandinternalcost, many clothing brands have been constantly impacted in the new model. Although the multi platform promotes the rapid development of its retail direction, this situation can not solve the curre

6、nt dilemma, and the domestic research around the whole channel is oriented to the whole retail industry or a certain industry, The marketing opinion is more general and lack of pertinence. In the face of this predicament, the marketing model is used for reference, but there are still many problems a

7、nd challenges in the development of its marketing mode. Therefore, this paper studies the marketing mode of the clothing brand of Ou Shi Li, hoping to provide reference for its future development.This paper adopts literature research method, comparative analysis method, case analysis method and othe

8、r research methods. First of all, this paper briefly introduces the background of the study,thebackgroundofconsumptionandthebackgroundofthedevelopmentofthe Internet, and expounds the research background, significance and status of the research on the marketing model of clothing retail industry. Then

9、, the current situation of the marketing mode of the internationally famous womens clothing brand in the garment industry is studied, and the promotion status of the buyer model, the SPA model, the O2O model and the full channel model is analyzed. Secondly, through comparative analysis and case anal

10、ysis, we find out the deficiencies in marketing mode based on marketing concept, marketing channel and user experience. Finally, it puts forward the improvement plan according to the question of brand marketing mode.燕山大学本科生毕业设计论文Keywords: Clothing retailing; Ochirly; marketing model; Omni-channel ma

11、rketing目 录摘 要 IAbstract III目 录 I第1章 绪 论 11.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 11.1.1 研究背景 11.1.2 研究意义 21.2 国内外研究现状 31.3 研究方法 51.4 研究内容 5第2章 相关概念与理论根底 72.1 营销模式的概念 72.2 营销模式的构成 72.3 营销模式的分类 72.3.1 买手模式 82.3.2 SPA模式 82.3.3 O2O模式 92.3.4 全渠道模式 102.4 本章小结 11第3章 欧时力营销模式现状分析 123.1 欧时力服装品牌介绍 123.2 欧时力服装品牌营销模式现状 123.2.1 基于买手模式

12、的现状 133.2.2 基于SPA模式的现状 133.2.4 基于全渠道模式的现状 163.3 本章小结 18第4章 欧时力营销模式存在的问题 194.1 基于营销理念的问题 194.1.1 品牌定位不够准确 194.1.2 营销流程不够科学 194.2 基于营销渠道的问题 204.2.1 线上线下渠道不同利益分配 20线上线下业务结合度低 204.3 基于用户体验的问题 21零售的便利性欠佳 21与消费者的有效互动少 224.4 本章小结 22第5章 欧时力营销模式改良措施 235.1 明确品牌定位,加强品牌风格 235.2 打破渠道壁垒,促进线上线下融合 245.3 优化交流互动,挖掘顾客

13、需求 245.4 完善供给链体系,提高反响速度 255.5 充分利用科学技术,提升消费体验 265.6 本章小结 27结 论 28参考文献 29致 谢 30目录第1章绪论课题背景及研究的目的和意义研究背景1行业背景:国内外快时尚品牌的迅速开展,女装品牌公司上市热情高涨受竞争剧烈、店面租金上升、劳动力本钱提高、消费者偏好转移等因素的影响,快时尚服装市场近两年经历了较大波动,现已回暖。截止2023年,在国内的门店总数已经超过1600家,与2023年同期相比增长了16%。相比于国际快时尚品牌,外乡快时尚品牌的优势更为凸显,其中热风和UR以品质稳定、性价比高的优势,成功吸引千禧一代消费者的注意力。上市

14、是女装品牌借用资本市场的力量开展品牌的重要手段。2023年A股上市的品牌公司有安正时尚、播母公司、地素时尚。经营良好的女装品牌江南布衣在香港上市,股价先抑后扬,成为一匹黑马。作为排名第一的设计师品牌,近期江南布衣在不断增加品牌,增加店铺数量。电商的销售也在加速,17年上半年比上一年同期增长 49.6%,毛利率也从 38.6%增长到 48.3%根据2023-09-06招银国际的研报。另外,女装品牌裂帛、茵曼、玛丝菲尔等也提交了上市申请。一些女装品牌为了迅速扩大销量,占有市场,选择收购海外经营成熟的女装品牌。2消费背景:中国消费群体及其需求的变化根据2023年1月10日发布的2023中国新型中产阶




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