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1、乡镇农业示范基地建设标准及示范户评选标准 乡镇农业示范基地建设标准及示范户评选标准乡镇农业示范基地培植尺度及示示范户评选尺度一、“高效效茶园示范基地培植尺度 一基地连片培植50亩亩以上,园相整洁,树势健壮壮。三建有机采采操作道,实现机械修剪及采采茶。四园内吊挂频振振式杀虫灯、黄色粘虫板等 防虫行动措施,有专业机防防队,病虫防治到达无公害要要求。五茶园栽植遮阴阴树30棵/亩。100公斤。100公斤,亩产值到达5000元,名名优茶产量比重到达30%,名优茶产值到达70%。九以村为单元培植,村委会有有专人负责,有基地培植和打打点方案。二、茶叶示范户户评选尺度一农户培植植茶园3亩以上,茶树按规格格种植



4、蚕室长810米、宽宽56米、高米;砖混结结构,有对流窗;六面光。五其他要求:蚕室终年严严禁堆放粮食,柴草等物,防防止发生壁虱。日常平常洼意意封锁蚕室门,防止有毒气体体或其它不良气体超脱至室内内。七、烘茧站培植尺度 一培植选址在镇规划规规模内,交通便当,蚕农集中中。二站房建筑面积1150平方米以上,地面硬化化,墙面白化,整洁卫生。2500公公斤以上。3万公斤的经营营能力和蚕茧发卖能力。make use of civil servants in the home station to search for the body.Eighth: discipline style wind rectifi

5、cation party members and cadres to analyze the materialThrough the pre meal discipline style rectification mobilization, focus on learning, special counseling, seminars and the central city autonomous region and self Union, its three public security security organ style building on a series of docum

6、ents, through the questionnaire, the masses and grassroots police, democratic life Comrades give me comments and suggestions I, from the thought, style, discipline, work in various aspects of serious reflection, profound check out their own problems, found itself has many shortcomings, the analysis

7、on the following:One, the existence of their own problems(a) political and ideological consciousness is not strong enough. In: think of the partys ideological route, policy implementation and implementation lack of political acumen and insight, does not have a not I stay the sense of mission and sen

8、se of crisis. In the use of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaoping theory armed his head there is a gap in the brain, cultivating yourself from the angle of observation, analysis, understanding of things also some stay on the surface, not through the nature of the phenomenon, the und

9、erstanding of things is not profound, not comprehensive.(two) the purpose of the concept is not enough strong. From the ideological point of view, his opposition party for the public, the recognition is not deep enough, always think yourself at the grassroots level to the rural work office, familiar

10、 with twenty points, sometimes attitude towards the state visiting people all cannot always keep warm service, when the hand is a little more work. It is troublesome, some impatient temper, that attitude is not good enough, sometimes too much to consider about personal gains and losses, being subjec

11、tive for self, objective for others and nothing is not related to an armchair thought, so that their services for the people of the public servant consciousness to do not fade, the to all the people, anxious people are anxious 。(33) not to delve into business knowledge. In the table: treat as insuff

12、icientlyactive product actively, only to meet with the superior authorities and given the task of leadership, difficulties in work, not good at thinking, and thinking, often wait for the leadership, said step by step, not my work done, do deep, do fine, as long as go on it. Do not pay enough attenti

13、on to the business knowledge and knowledge, a lack of professionalism, think they have some business knowledge can adapt to the aim of the present work, do not pay attention to comprehensive business knowledge, until the problem there will deal. Sometimes due to work The repetition of a single, coat

14、ed, copy, as long as the time to complete the work. Even if the trouble at work to meet complicated, complicated things, have a drag on the state of mind, not today, tomorrow again, to escape the mining method, that the ship to reach the bridge straight, not their own force to find countermeasures,

15、but to wait for their appearance, the lack of a hard drill into the spirit of the work in charge of business knowledge and learning to relax, no self compression and scalability since the prospective value of its own.(four) in the style of work is not solid enough. In: working with times to cope with trouble attitude, do not really want to work in the field, to find a shortcut to size, it is best not to spend too much energy would be able to get things done. Sometimes due to selfishness as strange, do exist a lot of wrong, less wrong, do not good attitude, in addition to their req


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