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2、间去开门、接 、换电视频道,而且不关水龙头;洗手、刷牙、洗脸时不关水龙头等。根据专家分析,只要改掉这些不良习惯,就能节水70%左右,不仅为自己省了钱,也为社会节约了水资源。我们国家的水资源虽然非常丰富,但可以用的淡水资源却很少,并且随着工业的开展,水污染成了一个严重的问题,很多工业废水污染得臭不可闻,这是多么可怕的一件事啊!此外浪费水的现象也十分严重,据统计。一个中等城市每年浪费的水相当于一个洞庭湖的水量!珍爱生命之水!不经意之间浏览到的一那么公益广告,让我的内心久久不能平静,电视画面上有一个水龙头,此时正在艰难的往外滴水,滴水的速度愈来愈慢,终究就慢慢枯竭了。随之出现的是这样一句话:如果人类


4、法生存,没有水,就不会有秀美的湖光山色节约用水,不仅仅是一句口号,应该从爱惜一点一滴水做起,牢固树立“节约用水荣耀,浪费用水可耻的观念,时时处处注意节约用水。每年的3月22日是世界水日。每年的这一天,世界各国都会宣传:大家要爱惜水资源,保护生命之水。其实,不光在这一天,在我们生命中的每一天,都应该珍惜每一滴水,用实际行动珍爱生命之水。小学生节水演讲稿:请节约每一滴水尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学:大家好!我叫xx。今天 ,我走上讲台演讲的题目是:“节约每一滴水,我相信一些不节约水的人听了会有所启发,以后会节约水源。世界的最后一滴水将是人类的泪水。我们中国是12个贫水国家之一,由于人们的浪费,水源越来越

5、少了。因此,我们要尽力保护水源。但是,生活中还有很多浪费水的现象,比方:有些小朋友买来水枪装满水到处射水;还有一些学生洗完碗或洗完手以后都不关水龙头,浪费了许多水;甚至还有些人打水仗,把水随便泼洒.我国人均水源量占全世界的五十几名,最近云贵高原那里长时间持续干旱,使得那里的居民生存面临着严重威胁,针对这个问题,我们中国13亿要养成节约用水的意识。因此,我在这里向大家呼吁:“我们要节约水,合理利用水资源。我希望大家能好好保护水资源。谢谢大家!节水抗旱英语演讲稿child plays on a dried-up riverbed on the outskirts of zhengzhou, hen

6、an province on february 5. reuterswen jiabao told officials to give top priority to drought relief during his visit to henan province, even though rain brought a slight bit of relief to parts of drought-hit areas over the weekend.the worst drought to hit china in half a century has affected the live

7、s of people in eight provinces. the government has declared an emergency across the north, where 4.4 million people lack adequate drinking water winter wheat crops are withering. heres some background information on the drought and what needs to be done.q: what has caused this especially severe drou

8、ghta: abnormal air movements around the globe kept warm ocean air currents from reaching northern parts of china. without adequate warm, humid air, rain does not form, hence the drought.to make matters worse, excessive use of underground water in recent years in the northern provinces has drawn down

9、 the water table so less resources are available.q: since the drought did not form over a short period of time, why is it only now being covered in news reportsa: droughts might be the most easily overlooked natural disaster. to begin with, they are cumulative. the water problem is a long-term one r

10、ather than some incident that suddenly occurs. moreover, droughts do not carry clear warning signs like, say, a flood. most important, though, is that droughts do not result in immediate, alarming death tolls, or property damage. so, droughts are not often at the top of an editors in box.q: how will

11、 this drought affect our livesa: as of last friday, the drought had destroyed crops on about 10 million hectares of land. what does this mean well, obviously, that means a reduction in the amount of grain for the market. so, there have been fears of a price hike in grains. but its still too early to

12、 say what influence it will have on the price of wheat this year because that depends on t 2src otal grain output.the fact that the drought has hung on means greater pressure on water use in urban areas. to ensure the well-being of residents, the state will have to put more limits on water usage by

13、factories. it could mean a rise in industrial production costs.q: whats the solution how long will it takea: some areas got a touch of rain and sleet over the weekend after clouds were seeded with thousands of rockets and cannon shells loaded with silver iodide pellets.in addition, more than 5 billi

14、on cubic meters of water have been diverted from the yellow river. more water from the yangtze and the yellow rivers could be diverted to drought-hit areas.irrigation covered 52.7 percent of the wheat land in drought-hit provinces by saturday. but the drought could persist into march, with the domin

15、ant weather pattern across the north not expected to change in the near term. 西南抗旱节水演讲稿:水!生命源泉珍惜生命之水,节约从我做起节俭朴素,人之美德;奢侈华美,人之大恶。“水是生命之源,我们要保护每一滴水。这句话说得没错,如果没有了水,地球就会干裂;如果没有了水,就没有了我们这个美丽的世界。我们要爱惜每一滴水,爱惜地球母亲每一滴眼泪。长期以来,人们普遍认为水是“取之不尽,用之不竭的,事实上,中国的水资源十分紧缺,人均占有水资源总量只有2300立方米左右,相当于世界平均水平的四分之一。由此来看,我们在日常用水中存

16、在着相当严重的问题,稍加留意就会发现自己身边确实存在着这样或那样浪费水资源的现象。普通家庭中浪费水的不良习惯数不胜数。用抽水马桶冲掉烟头和细碎的废物;在用水期间去开门、接 、换电视频道,而且不关水龙头;洗手、刷牙、洗脸时不关水龙头等。根据专家分析,只要改掉这些不良习惯,就能节水70%左右,不仅为自己省了钱,也为社会节约了水资源。我们国家的水资源虽然非常丰富,但可以用的淡水资源却很少,并且随着工业的开展,水污染成了一个严重的问题,很多工业废水污染得臭不可闻,这是多么可怕的一件事啊!此外浪费水的现象也十分严重,据统计。一个中等城市每年浪费的水相当于一个洞庭湖的水量!珍爱生命之水!不经意之间浏览到的一那么公益广告,让我的内心久久不能平静,电视画面上有一个水龙头,此时正在艰难的往外滴水,滴水的速度愈来愈慢


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