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2、寻找自己的战略地位。中小企业资源有限,如果不集中使用资源,就不可能建立自己地竞争优势。行之有效的方法是:将有限的人力.物力.财力和技术力量聚集起来,剪除多余地经营品种,专门针对某一特定市场地特定消费群体生产经营单一的经营品种,为此,中小企业应当谋求“小生位,实施重点集中战略。 中小企业不具有规模优势,实施低本钱战略必须解决好两个问题:一是树立正确的本钱效益观念和本钱的管理系统观念;二是运用降低本钱的有效方法,例如活用外部资源、重视产品质量、处处精打细算等。中小企业应当注重物流运作过程的系统化和物流要素的合理配置;积极引入第三方的物流管理,优化运作体系,降低物流本钱,提高物流效率;采用先进的物流

3、管理系统和物流技术,不断优化物流运作过程。本文在以下方面有一定的创新:1. 在透彻分析中小企业比较优势的根底上,提出了充分发挥比较优势、能够能动的适应环境和“避借、联的战略定位原那么,以及各经营战略中贯彻这一原那么2. 系统全面的研究了具有中小企业特色的重点集中、差异化、低本钱、虚拟经营战略和营销、品牌、物流策略,在为中小企业提供多种战略选择的同时,构建较完整的中小企业战略体系。3. 将市场创先、虚拟经营、JIT等多种先进的经营管理理念和管理方法运用到差异化、低本钱战略中。4. 论证了这样的一种战略思维模式:中小企业根据国家政策和自身实力进入适宜的产业,根据重点集中的要求确定“小生位;选择有效

4、的差异和低本钱途径,利用内部有效资源并通过虚拟经营方式借助外部力量,迅速抢占市场,通过实施中小企业特色的营销、品牌、物流策略、不断提高竞争力 本文共4章14节。第一章“我国中小企业开展状况,包括中小企业的概念与界定、我国中小企业在战略方面存在的问题及原因;第二章“中小企业的比较优势与战略选择原那么;第三章“中小企业经营战略选择方案,包括重点集中战略、低本钱战略、差异战略、虚拟经营战略;第四章“中小企业相关经营战略问题的进一步探讨,包括产业定位、营销、品牌、物流等战略问题。关键词:中小企业 经营战略 Abstract In this new century, the enterprise dev

5、elopment mainly rely on strategy management, which decide an enterprises existing and developing. Compared with a large-scaled enterprise, strategy thinking is more important to those small and medium-sized enterprises, which seem more fragile to those big potatoes in this changing environment. But

6、it is pity that some of our small and medium-sized enterprises still face such problems on strategy management like lack of strategy thinking, without clear strategy target and position, carrying out the decision carelessly, eager for quick success and instant benefit, and blind expansion. All these

7、 are originated in enterprises immature decision system and policy ,and empiricism in vogue.In order to avoid the disadvantage of resource and win the competition, those small and medium-sized enterprises should know the difference with those large scaled enterprises and vigorously adapt to the Unit

8、ing, which are more suitable for the enterprises own characteristics, the marketing requirement and the directions of development.The theory innovations of the thesis are the below:1、Based on the thorough analysis of small medium-sized enterprises advantages, the author concludes on how to make good

9、 use of advantages, adapting to the environment actively and the strategy position of Avoiding, Borrowing and Uniting, and how to avoid the disadvantages of resource bottleneck.2、To study those strategy systematically and comprehensively for small and medium-sized enterprises on Concentrating, Marki

10、ng Differences, Low Cost and Invented Management, and the planning like marking, brand logistic. In this way, the strategy system for small and medium-sized enterprises is built.3、Apply those advanced management theories like Marketing Leading. JIT and Invented Management to the strategy of Making D

11、ifference and Low Cost,which is beneficial to strategy innovation and the effectiveness of execution.4、To prove the strategy thinking model that small and medium-sized enterprises fix the modest position in the proper industry counting on their strength and the state policy and the principle of Conc

12、entrating.The thesis includes 4 chapters and 14 sections. Chapter one is about the current situation of small and medium-sized enterprisers in our statues, and the problems on strategy and the reasons. Chapters Two is about the compared advantage and strategy choosing for small and medium-sized ente

13、rprise. Chapter Three is about how to choose the management strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises. Chapter-four is about the further thinking on strategy problems for small and medium-sized enterprises, including industry position, marketing model, brand and logistic, etc. Keywords: small

14、and medium-sized enterprises Strategy management. 前言企业是现代社会的细胞,是市场经济的主体,而占企业绝大多数的中小企业测试这一主体中最活泼、最富活力的组成局部。中小企业在国民经济中占据了相当大的比重,创造了大量的就业时机;中小企业文化及其培育出来的企业家精神和风险意识,已经成为现代文明及市场经济的精髓,成为市场经济体制不断创新和开展的根底。我国的中小企业绝大多数诞生于改革开放的20年, 正是在这种特殊环境下,注定了我国中小企业是缺乏个性,具有很大的同一性和重复性。一方面,中小企业大多生产消费品,其本身差异性不大,而且由于中小企业规模小、资金短

15、缺、设备陈旧、人才缺乏,新产品和技术创新能力有限、加上其他地域性较强,目标消费者单一或趋同,导致产品具有高度的同一性,在性能、质量甚至外观上面都非常相似,大局部中小企业都没有特色产品和固定的消费群体。另一方面,我国中小企业在建立成长的初期,主要是模仿抄袭社会紧俏商品,一旦某行业供给缺乏,盈利丰厚,先行企业的成功就成为其他企业模仿的对象。大量的中小企业都是以这种方式开始最初的生产经营活动的,没有形成自己的经营特色。 随着我国市场经济体制的逐步建立,人民生活水平的逐步提高,购置力的逐步增强,在对外开放力度加大,市场竞争日益加剧的今天,落后的经营方式使中小企业处境艰难。当前企业开展已经进入战略经营阶段,中小企业要想在未来的剧烈竞争中生存并获得更大的开展,就必须构筑中小企业新的经营战略。中华人民共和国中小企业促进法已于2023年1月1日正式实施,我们在为中小企业开展环境得到明显改善而感到快乐的同时,我们必须清醒地认识到,依靠政府结局企业自身问题的时代已经结束,企业优胜劣汰的步伐必然进一步加快。那些战略目标明确,战略思维清晰、战略措施有力的中小企业,才能在剧烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。第一章 我国中小企业开展状况第一节 中小企业的概念与界定中小企业是相对大企业而言的,中小企业取决于对“中小的理解,从不同的角度的刀不同的结果。从理论的角度看,企业的大小应表示企业对经济生活的影响和作用的大


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