1、区委组织部长履行一岗双责党风廉政建设情况汇报 区委组织部长履行一岗双责党风廉政建设情况汇报 今年以来,根据上级关关于党风廉政建设和反腐败工工作的指示精神,认真履行“一岗双责,切实加强分管管工作中的党风廉政建设,同同时严格按照廉洁自律的有关关规定标准自己的行为。下面面,将自己履行党风廉政建设设责任和个人廉洁自律情况汇汇报如下。一、立足本职职,坚持正确的用人导向一是围绕开展配班子。认真学学习贯彻干部任用条例,坚持以开展论英雄,重实绩绩用干部。筹备召开了区第七七次党代会,参与组织了区人人代会、政协会换届选举工作作,圆满完成了区、镇领导班班子换届选举任务。对局部乡乡镇(街道)、区直单位主要要领导班子进
3、干部的实施方案,面面向全1名团团区委副书记,面向全区范围围公开选拔8名镇(办)副科科级干部,作为加强镇(办)领导班子建设的必要补充,通过笔试、面试、综合能力力测试、差额考察逐轮淘汰,确保了选出的干部实绩突出出、群众公认、舆论肯定。460余名科级级级领导干局部两批赴山东枣枣庄市参观学习,进一步促进进广阔领导干部解放思想、转转变作风,积极推动城区的转转型跨越开展。19条具体措施,以提提醒谈话、谈心谈话、诫勉谈谈话、组织函询、党内通报为为抓手,着力构建强化预防、及时发现、严肃纠正的干部部监督机制。严格执行干部选选拔任用“四项监督制度,认真落实干部选拔任用“一一报告两评议制度,充分发发挥 、信访、网络
5、,以过硬的作作风出色地完成各项工作任务务。三是以“三从严为准准那么加强党风廉政建设。引导导组工干部坚持原那么、从严律律己,争做创先争优的表率、勤政廉洁的表率,特别要在在换届工作中带头遵守干部人人事纪律,严于律己、恪尽职职守、公正正派、严格把关,进一步树立组工干部可靠、可信、可亲、可敬的良好形形象。三、以身作那么,带头头执行廉洁自律各项规定 一是坚持加强政治理论学习习。认真学习马列主义、毛泽泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三三个代表重要思想,重点学学习了十七大报告、胡锦涛同同志“七一讲话和党纪政纪纪条规,时刻注意把握政治方方向,站稳政治立场,严守政政治纪律,始终与党中央和上上级党委保持高度一致。积极极参
6、加上级组织的各级各类培培训班,进一步夯实了立党为为公、执政为民的思想根底,筑牢了拒腐防变的思想道德德防线。二是坚持自觉接接受各方面的监督。认真执行行个人重大事项报告制度,特特别是认真贯彻执行领导干部部廉洁自律三项制度,时时处处处按区委的要求去做。按时时参加双重组织生活会,积极极开展批评和自我批评。按照照民主集中制的原那么,健全完完善了部长办公会制度。 and style rectification activities revealing implementation plan stage also ask questions does not exist a lot of problems,
7、 such as the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, work stress and other aspects still can not fully meet the new situation and new tasks, mainly has the following several aspects:One is the theory of learning initiative, self-consciousness is not high. Often recent information submi
8、tted to the task heavier than or is writing material for reasons, not consciously take the initiative to take the time to calm down to learn, work and leisure use of spare time to learn less. Often is asked to learn what to learn what what to learn more, and close working relationship, with little w
9、orking relationship, often need less to learn, what is urgent with what to learn, what to learn, with only material to find the basis, check the information. There is no system to learn some legal knowledge and modern scientific and technological knowledge, not high quality writing material work esp
10、ecially. Pay attention to the study of political theory degree is not enough, not to be able to understand and grasp the essence of the socialist concept of rule of law leading quality connotation, for the use of the socialist law comprehensive concept to guide their work and the importance of learn
11、ing should also lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before, although the understanding of the material, but also just only know fur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowled
12、ge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwilling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentati
13、on quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective of leadership to think of thinking, lack of overall To grasp, not very good understanding of the leadership intention and
14、 meaning into the text. Although his eyes now write only a relatively small number of materials, but also quite difficult, even to a molding material herself seems not very satisfied with the quality of service needs to be enhanced.Three is a lot of work to implement passive, active and advanced. Mo
15、st contractors do matters assigned by the leadership, work is often in the orders, to implement the task, do not want to lead, not want to think ahead, plan ahead, and to seek the leadership; seek deep into the research, provide information good staff seek. Especially in the writing process of mater
16、ial, it encountered much, time tight, heavy task, is often the soldiers to be blocked, the water to soil cover water, struggling to cope. Overall, the work of the prospective, innovation is not enough, as the leading service just to write some simple briefing. Other work is not enough, and leadership There is a considerable gap between the requirements. And in the encounter the tedious work, complex things, someti