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1、Unit 3 Life in the future 单元测试第一局部:英语知识运用(共 45 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 15 分)1. Most of the people _ to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 2. Ive applied for the job but Im not very _ about my chance of getting it. A. optimistic B. optimism C.

2、 optimistically D. optimist3. _ great help, I can get rid of all the difficulty and succeed. A. Offered B. Offering C. Offer D. Having offered4. If you want to slow down, you must _ harder on the brakes. A. take B. press C. sweep D. carry5._ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A.

3、 Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose6. The computer center, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened7. Do you know the brave people _ the police _ looking into the murder case A. assist; in B. assist; with C. assisting; with D

4、. assisting; in 8. Your house requires _. Yes, Ill have some workers _ it. A. mending; to mend B. mending; mend C. to mend; mend D. to be mended; to mend9. The bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion. A. indicating; interrupting B. indicated; interrupting C. indicating; interrupte

5、d D. indicated; interrupted10. The boy_ on the ground _ that one of his hens _ two eggs yesterday. A. lay, laid; lied B. lying; lied; laid C. laying; lied; laid D. lying; laid; lied 11. I had the impression _ he didnt trust me. A. on B. on that C. on which D. that12. Everything _, we went home happi

6、ly. A. did B. doing C. to do D. done13. _ from his clothes, he is not so poor. A. Judged B. Judging C. To judge D. Having judged14. The man kept silent in the room unless _. A. spoken B. speaking C. to speak D. spoken to 15. His stomach began to _ because of the bad food he had eaten. A. harm B. inj

7、ure C. pain D. ache第二节:完型填空 (共 20 小题 ;每题1分,总分值20分)One day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms. He was so 16 what he had bought that he offered to 17 the mushrooms with his brother officers. When their breakfast arrived the next day, each officer found some mushrooms on his plate. “L

8、et the dog 18 a piece first, suggested one 19 officer who was afraid that the mushrooms might be poisonous. The dog seemed to 20 his mushrooms, and the officers then began to eat their meal saying that the mushrooms had a very strange 21 quite pleasant taste.An hour 22 , however, they were all aston

9、ished when the gardener rushed on and said 23 the dog was dead. 24 , the officers jumped into their cars and rushed into the nearest hospital. Pumps (泵) were used and the officers had a very 25 time getting rid of the mushrooms that 26 in their stomachs. When they 27 to the police station, they sat

10、down and started to 28 the mushroom poisoning. Each man explained the pains that he had felt and they agreed that 29 had grown worse on their 30 to the hospital. The gardener was called to tell the way 31 the poor dog had died. “Did it 32 much before death asked one of the officers, 33 very pleased

11、that he had escaped a 34 death himself. “No, answered the gardener looking rather 35 .“It was killed the moment a car hit it.16. A. sure of B. careless about C. pleased with D. disappointed at17. A. share B. grow C. wash D. cook18. A. check B. smell C. try D. examine19. A. shy B. frightened C. cheer

12、ful D. careful20. A. refuse B. hate C. want D. enjoy21. A. besides B. but C. and D. or22. A. later B. after C. past D. over23. A. cruelly B. curiously C. seriously D. finally24. A. Slowly B. Carefully C. Suddenly D. Immediately25. A. hard B. busy C. exciting D. unforgettable26. A. stopped B. dropped

13、 C. settled D. remained27. A. hurried B. drove C. went D. returned28. A. study B. discuss C. record D. remember29. A. this B. these C. it D. they30. A. road B. street C. way D. direction31. A. how B. in that C. which D. in which32. A. suffer B. eat C. harm D. spit33. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. having felt34. A. strange B. painful C. peaceful D. natural35. A. happy B. interested C.


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