1、学校编码:10384 分类号 密级 学号:12920231150475 UDC 硕 士 学 位 论 文 金融隐私权的法律保护问题研究 以银行法为中心Legal Protection on the Financial Privacy RightCenter on Banking Law江华开 指导教师姓名:刘志云 教授 专 业 名 称:经 济 法 学 论文提交日期:2023年3月 论文辩论时间:2023年 月 学位授予日期:2023年 月 辩论委员会主席: 评 阅 人: 2023年 月厦门大学学位论文原创性声明兹呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下独立完成的研究成果。本人在论文写作中参考的其他个人
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5、行分析,并在此根底上对建立适合我国国情的银行保密义务制度作出了完善建议。关键词:金融隐私权;法律保护;客户隐私AbstractABSTRACTIn modern society where information flows freely, banks have controlled countless financial information of individuals, which increasingly reflects its economic value. Meanwhile, due to banks impulse to purchase benefits in the g
6、ame playing of information, customers financial privacy is exposed to the danger of being illegally revealed or used. Thus customers are eager to affirm and assert their rights. On the other hand, how to handle privacy possessing economic value in the information era has become a highly concerned is
7、sue for government and banks as well as customers. Accordingly, how to balance each partys interests will be a special problem needs to be resolved.This paper, which aims to put forward the suggestion on how to build up and improve Financial Privacy protection system in accordance with alien legisla
8、tion practice and domestic status, is divided into three parts: preface, body (which includes four chapters) and conclusion.Chapter 1 is the summary of legal protection system for Financial Privacy, which consists of the origin, definition and characteristics of legal protection on Financial Privacy
9、, analyzing national and international situation, and points out that China should learn from each others strong points by rationally utilizing post-advantage.Chapter 2 is the analysis on legal relation of Financial Privacy. It is focused on conflicts about interests under this juristic relation amo
10、ng customer, bank and government from game theory angle.Chapter 3 is the analysis on the rights system of Financial Privacy protection. Taking customer as the breakthrough point, it figures out the juristic basis and reality urgency of endowing customers with Financial Privacy Right, and then offers
11、 advice on the construction of customers rights system.Chapter 4 is a chapter that theoretically and practically analyzes the obligation system of Financial Privacy protection by taking bank as the breakthrough point, and proposes the advice on establishing a confidentiality system which accords wit
12、h national status of China.Key Words: Financial privacy right;Legal protection;Customers privacy缩略语表与案例表缩略语表(Abbreviations)FINMA瑞士金融市场监管机构GDP国内生产总值GLBA美国金融效劳现代化法NTIA美国国家电信与信息管理局OECD经济合作与开展组织RFPA美国金融隐私权法案例表Table of Cases原告被告国家年份资料来源 案例 1TournierNational Provincial and Union Bank of England英国1924LEXIS
13、-NEXIS法律数据库 案例2PetersonIdaho First National Bank美国1961LEXIS-NEXIS法律数据库 案例3DjowharzadehCity National Bank and Trust Company of Norman美国1982LEXIS-NEXIS法律数据库 案例4StevensFirst Interstate Bank美国2023LEXIS-NEXIS法律数据库目 录目 录前言1第一章 金融隐私权的法律保护概述2第一节 金融隐私权概述2一、金融隐私权的概念2二、金融隐私权的特征3第二节 金融隐私权法律保护的意义与一般机制4一、金融隐私权法律保
14、护的意义4二、金融隐私权法律保护的一般机制5第三节 国内外金融隐私权法律保护的现状6一、国外金融隐私权法律保护现状以美国、欧盟为例6二、我国金融隐私权法律保护现状9小结13第二章 金融隐私权保护的法律关系主体博弈分析14第一节 银行与客户的博弈14第二节 银行与政府的博弈15第三节 客户与政府的博弈17小结18第三章 金融隐私权法律保护的权利体系以客户为切入点19第一节 金融隐私与权利19一、从隐私到权利19二、金融隐私权20第二节 赋予客户金融隐私权的正当性分析20一、权利本位的回归20二、新金融环境下客户维护自身权利的终极需要21第三节 客户金融隐私权与知情权的博弈分析23一、知情权的知己指向与金融隐私权保护24二、知情权的知他指向与金融隐私权保护24第四节 金融隐私权法律保护的权利体系建构路径25一、金融隐私权的权利属性25二、金融隐私权的权利主体26三、金融隐私权的权能27四、我国金融隐私权法律保护的权利保障体系的建构28小结30第四章 金融隐私权法律保护的义务体系以银行为切入点31第一节 银行金融隐私保护义务的正当性分析31一、从