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ANSI C82.3-1983 R1995 荧光灯镇流器的规范.pdf

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1、for reference ballasts for fluorescent lamps-,-,-A N S I C82.3 83 W 072Ll150 O006137 2 W ANSI C82.3-1983 Revision of ANSI C82.3-1977 American National Standard for Reference Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps Secretariat National Electrical Manufacturers Association Approved May 16,1983 American Nationa

2、l Standards Institute,Inc-,-,-American An American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions.An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manu-National facturer,the consumer,and the general public.The existence of an Ameri

3、can National Stan-dard does not in any respect preclude anyone,whether he has approved the standard or not,Standard from manufacturing,marketing,purchasing,or using products,processes,or procedures not conforming to the standard,American National Standards are subject to periodic review and users ar

4、e cautioned to obtain the latest editions.Published by American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway,New York,New York 10018 Copyright O 1983 by American National Standards Institute,Inc All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval sy

5、stem or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in no circum-stances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover,no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpr

6、efation of an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards Institute.CAUTION NOTICE:This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any the.The procedures of the American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reaffirm,revise,or withd

7、raw this standard no later than five years from the date of approval.Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.Printed in the United States of America AMS83/6-,-,-Foreword(This Foreword i

8、s not part of American National Standard C82.3-1983.)In order to obtain satisfactory performance of fluorescent lamps and their associated bal-lasts,it is necessary that certain features of their designs be properly coordinated.Specifi-cations for the operation of either the lamps or the ballasts mu

9、st naturally be written in terms of measurements made against some common baseline of reference.Because of the inherent instability of gaseous discharge lamps,experience has shown them to be unsuited as a reference.A ballast,however,can be specially designed to provide a reasonably permanent and rep

10、roducible baseline for measurements.Such ballasts are de-signated as reference ballasts,This standard describes those characteristics that have been found necessary in ballasts to ensure permanence and reproducibility.This standard was originally published for tra1 and criticism in 1950 and again in

11、 1953.It was first approved as an American National Standard in 1956.Subsequent editions were published in 1957,1962,1972,and 1977.Dimensions in this standard are given in inches;millimeter conversions are given in parentheses and have been rounded.Suggestions for improvements of this standard will

12、be welcome.They should be sent to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association,2101 L Street,NW,Washington,D.C.20037,This standard was processed and approved for submittal to ANSI by American National Standards Committee on Lamp Ballasts,C82.Committee approval of the standard does not necessari

13、ly imply that all committee members voted for its approval.At the time it approved this standard,the C82 Committee had the following members:Anton Franke,Chair Fred P.Smith,Secretary Organization Represented AdvanceTransformerCompany.Duro-TestCorporafion.ETLTestingLaboratories,Inc.General Electric C

14、ompany.General Services Administration.GTE Products Corporation.Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.National Electrical Manufacturers Association.OSRAMSaIesCorporation.L.North American Philips Lighting Corporation.Telephone Group.Universal Manufacturing Corporation.Underwriters Laborat

15、ories,Inc.Westinghouse Electric Corporation.Wide-Lite.Name of Representative A.E.Feinberg J.Shurgan A.R.Naysmith S.Pasternak(Alt)T.A.Pickett G.L.Apostolou R.P.Bonazoli D.Cooper Robert Munson B.Gershen(Alt)R.D.Liddle,Jr J.Hofmann(Alt)A.C.Rousseau W.R.Beckley M.A.Stein W.O.Marquardt A.P.Arnone W.T.Rya

16、n(Alt)W,Long-,-,-.A N S I C82-3 83 W 0724350 000bL40 2 Subcommittee C82-1 on Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts,which developed this standard,had the following members:Anton Franke,Chair Wing K.Luk,Secretary W.R.Alling A.E.Feinberg(Luminoptics Corporation)R.W.Wisbey(Alt)M.W.Fellows A.Franke E.A.Graff J.Hoffman(Alt)E.E.Hammer V.W.Miller(Alt)J.P.Holloway D.Swanson(Alt)F.M.Latassa R.G.Collins(Alt)J.Luchetta W.O.Marquardt A.Castellone(Alt)D.T.Muiien R.Munson A.R.Naysmith S.Pasternak(Alt)G.Radtke T.Rufner R.B


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