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1、外朗老电影雅思托福英语电影词聚集5 外朗老电影雅思托福英语电影词聚集5 日期:雅思托福英语电影词汇13 Going on 30 今年十三,明年三十Jenna: I dont know what Lucy said to you about me but I want you to know that whoever that was she was talking about wasnt me.Matt: It doesn t matrter what Lucy said, I stopped trusting her after she stole my Pop Rocks in the t

2、hird grade.Jenna: Matt, l am not the awful person that l know that I was. I dont even know that person. And ld ljke to believe, I have to believe that if you knew that, if in your heart, you really, really knew that, you wouldnt be getting ready to marry someone now, unless that someone were me.Matt

3、: Jenna, lm not gonna lie to you. I have felt things these past few weeks, that I didnt know I could feel anymore. But I have realized in these past few days you cant just turn back time.Jenna: Why not Matt: I moved on. You moved on. Weve gone down different paths for so long. We made choices. I cho

4、se Wendy. Thats her family down there. We care about each other, you knew You dont always get the dream house, but you get awfully close. Please don t cry, Jenna.Jenna: Oh, lII be fine, I promise. ( Matt takes the dream house down from the ctoset. ) MattY, can I have it Please Matt: Youre not gonna

5、whip it at me Jenna: No. Look, I wont have you late. Just go. Go on. lm fine. Im just crying because l m happy. I want you to be so so happy. love you, Matt. You are my best friend.Matt: Jenna. l, lve always loved you.珍娜:我不知道露西跟你说了我什么,但我想让你知道,无论她说的是谁,都不是我。马特:露西说了什么都无关紧要,她三年级偷了我的流行摇滚唱片后,我就不再信任她了。珍娜:马

6、特,我并不是原来那种可怕的人,我甚至不认识那个人。我愿意相信,我不得不相信,如果你知道,如果在你心中,你确确实实知道,那你现在就不准备去娶别人了,除非新娘是我。马特:珍娜,我不想对你撒谎。我在过去这几个星期里已经感觉到了,我原以为自己不会再有这种感觉了呢。但我在过去这几天里意识到你根本无法让时光倒流。珍娜:为什么不能7马特:我向前走, 你也向前走,我们已经分道扬镳了很久。我们已经做出了选择,我选择了温迪,她的家人就在楼下。你知道我们相互关心吗?你并不总是拥有梦幻小屋,但你非常接近。请别哭,珍娜。珍娜:噢,我没事儿,我保证。马特从壁橱上取下梦幻小屋。马蒂,能给我吗?求你了7马特:你不会用它抽打我吧?珍娜:不会,听着,我不会耽误你。请走吧,走吧,我没事儿。我只是喜极而泣。我想让你也开开心心,我爱你,马特。你是我最好的朋友。马特:珍娜,我,我永远爱你。更多雅思托福英语电影词汇请查看 外朗教育官网


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