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1、法律英语复习(一) 短语: cause of action 案由 at hand 近在手边,手头(的) civil law 大陆法 common law 一般法give rise to 引起 provide for 规定compensate (sb.) for 补偿 (某人的)hellip; be entitled to 有权hellip;,有资历hellip; be entitled to 有权,有资历 单词: Coercive 强迫的,强迫的 enforcement 施行,强迫执行 norm 标准,标准Entity 实体 legislative 立法的,立法机构创立的 judicial 司

2、法的adherence 遵守 procedure 程序 lawsuit 诉讼,案件 appeal 上诉breach 违犯 constitution 宪法的 tort 侵权 litigation 诉讼compensate 补偿 adjudicate 判决 statute 成文法,法条 precedent 先例,判例 1、 法律是一组规那么,违犯这些规那么将引起案由,可在法院起诉。 Law is a set of rules. Violation of these rules may give rise to a cause of action in a court. 2、 一种流行的观点认为法律

3、不仅仅是一组规那么,而且仍然为使人们遵守规那么而采取的行动。 One popular view of law holds that law is not only a set of rules, but also actions for the purpose of adherence to these rules. 3、 不管如何样界定法律,法律离不开一个强迫性机构,这个机构通过强迫人们遵守社会标准而保持操纵。 No matter how law is defined, it is dependent on a coercive apparatus which maintains contr

4、ol through enforcement of social norms. 4、 有时法律被划分为实体法和程序法。实体法被直截了当用于处理纠纷,而程序法规定法庭处理案件的程序。程序法也可能阻碍案件的结果。 Sometimes law is classified into substantive law and procedural law. Substantive law is used to directly resolve the disputes, and procedural law provides for the procedure by which the court han

5、dles a case. Procedural law may also affect the outcome of a lawsuit. 5、 西方社会法律的开展因循了两条不同的道路,构成了两个不同的体系。 Law in Western societies has developed along two different lines and into two different systems. 6、 在讲英语的国家中,法官常将已决的案例适用于手头案件的新事实,因而在某种程度上,已决的案件是有约束力的先例,是法律的一局部。 In the English-speaking countries, judges often apply decided cases to the new facts at hand. So, to a certain extent decided cases are binding precedents and they form part of the body of law.


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