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1、2023学年度聊城莘县第二学期七年级学业水平检测英语试题1听力局部:共20小题,20分一词语辨音:听录音,选出你在句子中所听到的内容。每个句子朗读一遍。1. Aold Bcold Corder Dcoach2. Aweek Bread Cgreen Dleaf3. Agive . Blive Cdid Dvisit4. Apost office Btake a walk Ctake a taxi Dwould like5. Aat night Bas well as Cgo out Dhave a party二单句理解:听录音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子朗读两遍。6. AIs there a

2、 bank near hereBIs there a park near hereCIs there a post office near here7. AWhy do you like pandasBWhy does he like bearsCWhy does she like elephants8. AWhat would you likeBWhat do you likeCWhat kind of pizza would you like9. AWhat does Sally s mother doBWhat does Sally s father doCWhat does Sally

3、 s mother want to be10. AOn Saturday morning ,I played football.BOn Sunday morning, I stayed at home.COn Sunday morning, I did some reading.三对话理解:根据你所听到的对话以及针对该对话所提出的问题。选出能答复该问题的最正确答案。每段对话和问题朗读两遍。11. AHe is at home. BHe is at school.CHe is in the library. DHe is in the supermarket.12. ALinda. BGina.

4、 CTina. DAlice.13. AGreen. BBlue. CWhite. DBlack.14. AIt s 6:30. BIt s 7:00. CIts 7:30. DIts 8:00.15. AHe likes a yellow jacket. BHe likes a green shirt.CHe likes a white shirt. DHe likes a white T - shirt.四短文理解:根据你所听到的短文内容,完成第l6至20题。短文朗读两遍。16. Bob is a _man with long hair.Atall Bshort Cfat Dthin17.

5、 Bob comes from _AAmerica BEngland CAustralia DChina18. Bob teaches _is our school.AChinese Bmath Cmusic DEnglish19. Bob is _years old. Afifty Bthirty Cforty Dsixty20. Bob of ten _Atells us interesting storiesBplays games with usCvisits some interesting placesDgoes shopping with us单项选择题:15分21. Its c

6、old outside. Please put _your sweater.Aon Bup Cin22. -Can you help me with this box- _ASure BThats all fight CYoure welcome23. My father isnt at home. He is _Afor work Bat work Cwork24. We still have _ bananas in the fridge.Aa few Ba little Ca lot25. -Do you like sports-Sure. Im looking forward to _

7、 the school sports next week.Awatch Bwatches Cwatching26. There _ going to _ a parents meeting after school.Aare, be Bis, be Cis, have27. A _ can help us in maths. Acalculator Bdictionary Ccell phone28. -Its so hot today!-Yes. The radio says it will be _ later on. So lets go swimming to keep cool.Ah

8、ot Bhotter Cmore hot29. The mountain near the city is about 3,000 meters _Ahigh Btall Cwide30. Is your sister good at _Aswiming Bswimming Cswim31. - _is the river-Its two thousand kilometers long.AHow long BHow far CHow wide32.- _do you go to dance-Three times a week.AHow long BHow often CHow many33

9、. Sophia doesnt work hard, _she cant pass the test.Aso Bbut Cbecause34. When I have free time ,I like going to the beach and _ in the sun.Alie Blying Cto lie35. Lets make a postcard and give it to _Ahim Bhe Chis完形填空:10分Boys and girls,May I have your attention注意,please We arent going to have 36 class

10、es on FridayWere going to go on a 37 We will将要spend the day in the West GardenThe garden is about six kilometers away from our 38 ,so we are going to take the bus thereWe are going to 39 some beautiful houses and a great lakeThere 40 also many kinds of trees and flowers thereWe 41 table tennis and v

11、olleyballAt eleven thirty were going to have a picnic by the lakeAfter 42 ,we are going to go fishing and swimmingWell leave at half past eight in the morning and 43 back at about five oclock in the afternoonI suggest建议that everyone should take a sun hat because the weather call be very 44 And dont forget to wear your sports shoes and 45 your swimming suitsThats all,Thank you 36. Asome Bno Cany 37. Atrip Bparty Choliday 38. Aschool Bhome Cclassroom 39. Amake Bvisit Cplay 40. Ahave Bhas Care 41. Aare playing


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