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1、2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1 Can I pay the bill by check? Sorry, sir. According to the rules of our hotel, the payment _ be made in cash.Ashall Bne

2、edCwill Dcan2Meyer and his team were the first _ how the disease spreads fromanimals to humans.AshowingBshowCto showDshown3Ted couldnt remember the exact date of the storm, but he knew it was Sunday because everybody was at church.A/, theBa, /C/, aDthe, /4After the argument Colin ran away and_since.

3、AIsnt heard ofBwasnt heard ofChasnt been heard ofDhadnt been heard of5When on holidays, the railways put on trains to make peoples travel more convenient.AregularBspecialCparticularDunusual6Cell phones are now widely used in our daily lives,_ it possible for us to talk to anyone easily.Ato makeBmade

4、CmakeDmaking7Wed better discuss everything _before we work out the plan.Ain detailBin generalCon purposeDon time8Don t worry. A number of efforts are being made _ the whole system operating normally.Abeing keptBkeptCkeepingDto keep9Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find a supermarket?I happen t

5、o know _ nearby. Come on, Ill show you the way.AoneBitCthatDsome10Hes quite _, but I cant imagine him as president of such a large listed company.Aenthusiastic BgenerousCcompetent Dsympathetic11-Whenever you want a good meal, come to my restaurant and eat for free.-Believe me. That is an _ I will no

6、t refuse.AapproachBofferCideaDinstruction12Right now, lots of people search for products on the Internet but still buy them at stores. Internet shopping will really _ when people are sure that it is safe.Aset upBset offCtake offDtake up13一Would you be so kind as to take this heavy box upstairs for m

7、e?一 AIts my pleasure BHelp yourself CSure,with pleasure DTake your time 14_ children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.AIf BSince CUnless DThough15He started school the same day as I did and_to it like a duck to water.AappealedBtookCcateredDsaw16She is a strong-wil

8、led woman and not once _ in to any difficulty in her life.Ashe has givenBdid she giveCshe gaveDhas she given17Meizhou Island is such a beautiful place of interest_ everyone likes to visit.AasBthatCwhichDwhere18Dont touch your eyes, nose and mouth, because they arent covered by skin and can _ the vir

9、us more easily.Atake upBpick upCmake upDset up19-Hi, Betty, are you free at present? I have to ask you for a favor-_With pleasureASorry, I am busyBGo aheadCHelp yourselfDAsk, please20I think her opinion _, because she is an experienced teacher.Anumber BcalculatesCfigures Dcounts第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短

10、文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) A company in San Francisco, California, has found a way to turn used plastic bottles into womens shoes.Every day, millions of Americans drink water and other liquids from plastic bottles. More than 4 million of them are thrown away each day. Many of the plastic bot

11、tles end up in landfills or are burned with other waste products.A San Francisco start-up company called Rothys, however, turns this plastic waste into environmentally friendly shoes. Roth Martin is the companys co-founder. He explains how they turn plastic into soft material for womens feet. They t

12、ake the plastic, clean it, and break it down into small pieces. Then they press them through a device that makes soft fibers. Those fibers are then combined together. This is done by a 3D machine. It is designed to reduce waste while making the shoes. The knitted stuff and the inner part of the shoe

13、 are then attached to the shoes outer part, called the sole (鞋底). This outer sole is also made from environmentally friendly material: responsibly sourced no-carbon rubber.Rothys shoes are sold online. They are flat shoes, with either a rounded or pointed toe. They come in different colors and desig

14、ns. They cost either $ 125 or $ 145 per pair, depending on the design. After American actress Gwyneth Paltrow discovered them last year, the demand for the shoes grew. Martin says there is no shortage of material to fill that demand. “Were not going to run out of water bottles any time soon. So we h

15、ave a limitless supply of material, and I think that is a good sign for our future.” When the environmentally friendly shoes wear out, customers can return them at no cost to a company that uses the recycled materials to make other products.For now, the shoes are only available to be shipped in the Unite


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