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1、本 科 生 毕 业 论 文年 份 2023 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语 年 级 2023级 题 目 大学生内部称谓语使用状况调查研究 以云南民族大学为例 姓 名 罗娅丹 学 号 202308401320 指导教师 张彪 教 务 处 制A SURVEY ON INTERNAL APPELLATION BY COLLEGE STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY AT YUNNAN MINZU UNIVERSITYA THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES (ENLISH MAJOR) YUNNAN MINZU UNIVE

2、RSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHEL OR OF ARTSBYLUO YADANClASS OF 2023STUDENT CODE: 202308401320SUPERVISED BYZHANG BIAOAPRIL 27, 2023云南民族大学毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文(设计),是本人在指导教师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。除论文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文没有抄袭、剽窃他人已经发表的研究成果。本声明的法律结果由本人承当。 毕业论文(设计)作者签名:

3、 日 期: 年 月 日.关于毕业论文(设计)使用授权的说明本人完全了解云南民族大学有关保存、使用毕业论文(设计)的规定,即:学校有权保存、送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅,学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或局部内容,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文(设计)。保密论文在解密后应遵守指导教师签名: 论文(设计)作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. A special acknow

4、ledgement should be shown to my supervisor Mr. Zhang Biao, who gave me kind encouragement and useful instructions all through my writing. Second I wish to extend my thanks to Pro. Li Qiang, who supplied me with reference materials of great value. Finally I want to thank my roommates. All of us come

5、from different places and have different characters, but we could get along very well. We learn from each other and help each other.Thank my teachers, classmates and friends for their help with my thesis. Thank you very much!AbstractAppellation is both a linguistic phenomenon and social cultural phe

6、nomenon. Appellation means: A name comes from relatives or other aspects of the relationship, as well as the identity, occupation, etc. In any languages, appellations play an important role in social etiquette. The sources of appellations are different. They includes campus culture, network media, r

7、egional culture and foreign culture. In this paper, it adopts the way of questionnaire to survey the use and influencing factors of appellation and it extracts 100 students in Yunnan Minzu University who are from different grade, major, gender. Based on the survey results it puts forward the suggest

8、ion about reasonable use of appellations in order to build harmonious interpersonal relationship among college students.Key words: college students; internal appellation; source; normalization摘 要称谓语既是语言现象也是社会文化现象。称谓,人们由于亲属和别的方面的相互关系,以及由于身份、职业等等而得来的名称。称谓语都担当着重要的社交礼仪的作用。称谓语的来源也各不相同,有校园文化、网络传媒、地域文化、外来文

9、化的影响等。本文通过对内部称谓语的使用状况及其影响因素的调查研究,采用抽样问卷调查的方法,在云南民族大学抽取了100名来自不同年级、专业、性别的学生,从而进行分析。基于调查结果进而提出合理使用标准称谓语,构建和谐的大学生人际关系的建议。关键词:大学生;内部称谓语;来源;标准Contents云南民族大学毕业论文(设计)原创性声明AcknowledgementsAbstract摘 要1. Introduction11.1 Research Background11.2 Aim and Significance of the Study21.3 The Structure of the Thesis

10、22. Literature Review32.1 The Definition and the Change of Appellation32.2 The Sources of Appellation52.2.1 Campus Culture52.2.2 Network Media52.2.3 Regional Culture62.2.4 The Influence of Foreign Culture72.3 Foreign Study82.4 Domestic Study83. Result and Analysis93.1 The Appellations of Teachers93.

11、2 The Appellations of Schoolmates103.3 The Appellations of College Students Cadres113.4 The Appellations of other Staffs124. Conclusions and Implication13References14Appendix 115Appendix 2211. Introduction1.1 Research BackgroundLanguage is a means of human communication, and language is a unique too

12、l of human communication. For peoples communicating with each other, the first question is how to call each other. That is appellation. Appellation, Modern Chinese Dictionary is interpreted as: A name comes from relatives or other aspects of the relationship, as well as the identity, occupation, etc

13、. Such as father, master, secretary and so on.10 Appellation is the most frequent and indispensable part of human communication. It not only reflects many characteristics of communication, such as age, identity, occupation, but also reflects the relationship between the two sides and the level of in

14、timacy.11 Between the different objects, due to environmental and cultural factors, the appellations among them are different. Today, it is an era that the development of the Internet is rapid, and appellations have also undergone enormous changes. And more and more network-based language appears in our daily life. The use of appellations is also deeply affected, especially the


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