1、法律英语术语之第三人与第三者 法律英语术语之第三人与第三者: 众所周知,法律上的第三人“其英语译名不是the third person“而是the third party“。那么,现代法制文学“下第三者文学“分支中的主人公(因此还有主人婆)即第三者“,译英语该如何样表达呢? 有同志也把上述第三者译成“the third party了。但那样译是不贴切的,由于“第三人大于而不等于“第三者,或者说“第三者是“第三人属下的详细的、特别的个体。 因此,就下决心睁大眼睛,从英语原作中去寻找第三者“的表达法。结果总算找到了the third man.可惜没有把它记下来存档归案,因此也就没有书面材料为此作证
2、。前几天又看到了第三者“的英语表达法the other woman“。这回,接受了前此的教训,就诲人不倦,把上下文一古脑儿全都照录不误。谨转抄如下,以飨读者: She also has a married lover,which makes her the portly Of The New Other Woman. Richardson,47,a professor at his State University,is married and says she has never served as anyones other woman,old model or new. 1n gener
3、al,she found,the Other Woman,of today is her pursuing a promising career or trying to get past the turmoil Of a divorce. Richards On found that this happed even to veteran Other Women on their third or fourth affair.The single woman Who falls in 1ove With a married man often creates a private cultur
4、e of Shared jokesmouthier saris,“and a scrapbook or photo album that takes on asemisacred“Character by affirming a relationship that cannot be made public. The author believes that the number of other Women 1ikely to keep rising. As women enter the work force they have more PopperUnities for affairs
5、 and as they get 01der,there are fewer marriageable menthe age group 40 to 44 contains 233 Single women for every 100 Single men. But the new other Women seem to be just as disenchanted with their married men as the Old Other Women.Richardson says thatthe overwhelming majority Of those She interviewed Said they would not advise any woman to get involved with a married man -Time,January 20,1986,p.42 由此可见,把第三者“译成the other woman“是有英语实践按照的。但是,有一点必须留意否那么要犯大错误。由于妇女半爿天,在第三者中妇女充其量也不过半数,要是把第三者“一律译成the other woman“岂不是往女同胞脸上抹黑。故曰:第三者“的英语译为the other(wo)man“。 学习有任何疑征询,可加小编(falvjiaoyuwang)征询哦!