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1、培训师的英文简历模板一份好英文简历,事半功倍不用愁。可如何准备好自己完美的英文简历,你真的清楚吗下面搜集了培训师的英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!培训师的英文简历模板No.67, Lane123 Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, 202270(+86) 13xxxxxxxxx Objective: Teacher/TrainerEDUCATION BACKGROUNDUniversity of California, Los AngelesBachelor of Arts, SociologyExpected June 2023•GPA: 3.3•

2、Awarded the Chancellor’s Service Award•Relevant Coursework: Child Development, Social Psychology of Higher Education, Understanding GiftedStudents, and Academic Success in your Undergraduate ExperienceTEACHING EXPERIENCEProject Literacy, UCLASept. 2023-present•Travel once per week, f

3、our hours per week, to tutor a 4th grade student in a low-income, urbancommunity•Assist the student in developing personal learning strategies•Review homework, create flashcards, and engage the student in the learning process•Consult with teachers and parents regarding student progres

4、s and attendanceUndergraduate Section Leader, UCLASept. 2023-Dec 2023•Led section of 15-students through discussion of course material and review for midterm•Utilized learning theories to create interactive lessons and student-run discussion•Assisted students in selecting and writing

5、a 20-page research paper•Oversaw the development of a training manual for future section leadersAcademics in the Commons; Workshop Leader, UCLASept. 2023-June 2023•Trained to provide educational workshops to fellow undergraduates•Presented 4 workshops per quarter, on topics including:

6、 “;Preparing for Law School,; “;Transfer Adjustment,;and “;Study Skills;•Utilized technology to engage students through visual and interactive learningSwim Instructor / LifeguardSummers 2023, 2023•Taught 30-minute swim lessons to students, ranging from 2 years old to adults•Presented

7、safety workshops to educate the students on issues including: pool safety, community health,and handling emergency situations•Evaluated mastery of techniques for advancement to the next skill levelLEADERSHIP EXPERIENCEResident Assistant, UCLASept 2023-Present•Assisted with the high school

8、to college transition for 90 first-year students•Facilitated roommate contracts and effectively handled counseling situations•Created 7 active and passive programs per quarter on academics, personal growth, citizenship and community development•Awarded Hall of Fame programming award f

9、or canned food drive•Served as part of a rotating duty team enforcing on-campus housing policyHR说简历:请别再犯这些错误,我快崩溃了!你自认为完美的简历,可能,在hr眼中却漏洞百出。结合10位HR对简历的咆哮吐槽,小编整理了简历中最不可原谅的6个低级错误。亲,看完后,请改掉,谢谢配合。错误一:简历没主题各位尊敬的面试同学,如果你不是通过网申的标准模板发送,是直接电邮简历的,麻烦一定要写主题!否那么HR很容易当成垃圾广告,然后清理掉。错误二:简历没 连 都不留,你让hr怎么联系你他们不是万能

10、的神,每个人手上都有很多的工作内容,不可能为了找一个 而煞费苦心,除非你特别、非常、顶级优秀。错误三:应征岗位多而杂常听到HR前辈或朋友抱怨说又碰到应聘者一份简历投多个岗位的情况,对此许多HR是 深恶痛绝 的。所以请各位务必不要一份简历投多个岗位,应征目标和简历内容相符并用一句话简洁并清晰表达。错误四:字体过小、排版过乱有些同学很吃亏,可能是WORD的问题,导致HR翻开的时候排版和他自己看到的不一样,甚至有时候看不全,缺字少字显示不出。所以还是建议大家WORD用最常规的方式或者转换成PDF或者JPEG更保险。错误五:轻易不要放艺术照除非你应征模特、文秘、前台、主持、记者等靠脸蛋吃饭的,否那么只需要1张常规的证件照就可以了。错误六:网络用语禁止出现在简历上不管你是90后还是80后,哪怕你是杀马特,宁可装B用英语都不要出现网络文字,何况上30岁的HR根本看不懂,最近我都成翻译控了。


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