1、群众路线教育实践活动联系点情况汇报 群众路线教育实践活动联系点情况汇报根据省委安排,我和省委第第xx督导组负责联系指导xxx厅开展党的群众路线教育育实践活动。7月xx日参加加了xx厅教育实践活动发发动大会,先后两次听取了xxx厅党组书记和督导组长对活活动开展情况的汇报。厅党组组xx同志和督导组对这次活活动很重视,活动开展比拟顺顺利,主要特点是:一、抓抓组织发动,确保教育实践活活动全覆盖xx厅是省委指指定的重点督导单位,教育实实践活动的起点高,厅党组十十分重视,把活动作为当前的的首要政治任务来抓。省委召召开发动部署会后,xx厅第第一时间就组织专题研究,成成立了教育实践活动领导小组组和下属督导组;
4、加了支支部学习讨论活动,为广阔党党员干部做出了表率。三、抓开门纳谏,广泛征求意见见省xx厅先后采取“四座座谈、两走访、一函询等形形式,组织专题座谈、实地走走访、登门拜访、发函征求意意见等,听取各方面的意见。征求意见的对象涵盖了厅机机关、直属单位、各级地方政政府、相关大型企业、市、县县两级xx部门、省直业务相相关厅局和厅离退休老干部代代表等各个领域、各个层面, zhlzw.coom涉及企业xx多家、单位位xx多家,发出征求意见函函xx份、发放征求意见表xxx余份,收集到意见xxx余条,意见主要集中在以以下四个方面:一是在建设设项目xx审批、xx监管等等方面,存在权限交叉、权限限不明、权责脱离的问
7、不深。征求意意见的面还不够广泛。三三查找问题还不够实。在查查找问题方面,没有紧密结合合xx实际对照检查,工作问问题讲的多,“四风“问题讲讲的少。四边学边改改动作偏慢。对征求到的意见见,还没有及时转换为新的制制度,形成长效机制方面动作作偏慢。我们将认真贯彻省省委召开的第一批群众路线教教育实践活动单位主要负责同同志会议精神,按“聚焦四风风、“五个决不放过的要要求组织回头看,使这次群众众路线教育实践活动解决实际际问题,收到实际效果。at various levels to guide the work of the office and communication, to ensure the si
8、tuation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the grassroots, inspired by the basic spirit of innovation, the formation of good ability of the league office work.Three, pay close attention to the quality of official documents, efforts to improve the ability to deal with textAdhere to hig
9、h standards, strict requirements, careful attention to the drafting of the draft work, strict document drafting, audit clearance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to deal with the text, and the overall work of the service center.(a) earnestly. To further establish
10、 the draft document presentation system research, adhere to the practice, especially the drafting of important days and months multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the situation the situation, fully understand the intention of the leadership, to ensure the outpu
11、t, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript. A manuscript quality appraisal system, the implementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the comparison of office draft manuscript quality. Establish a reward system to reward the outstanding manuscript selection out, the wrong
12、investigated persons responsible for the major errors.(two) strict master document quality. Strengthening document quality awareness, efforts in the drafting of documents, audit checks, printed all aspects of efforts, strict policy documents audit, content, format and procedures, adhere to the upper
13、 and lower check, and check before and after the check, ensure the document style format in the understanding of leadership intentions in place, ideas in the language in place, and strive to improve the quality of various documents.(three) a comprehensive specification document operation. To further
14、 standardize the document transfer procedures, emphasizing the precision in document processing, in strict accordance with the operating procedures document sign, registration, approval, distribution, handling, repaying, filing, ensure the document processing standard, accurate, and efficient. Espec
15、ially to strict dispatch, strict audit document content. Strictly implement the document procedures step by step Shenqian, strict and unified file format, to ensure the normative document. Further the implementation of electronic document processing mode, the full implementation of OA office system,
16、 efforts to improve the work efficiency.Four, pay close attention to the work of supervision, efforts to improve the executive abilityThe citys major issues and focus on the overall work of the Communist Youth League to carry out supervision and inspection, insist on the idea, the handling of the key, efforts to promote the implementation of decisions, to