1、分类号: (按中国图书分类法) 单位代码: 10636 密 级:(注明密级与保密期限) 学 号: 专业学位硕士论文中文论文题目 : M公司房地产投资信托基金模式探析 英文论文题目: (16pt Time New Roman,Bold) 论文 指导教师: 专业学位类别: 专业领域: 论文形式: 所在学院: 论文提交日期: 年 月 日 论文辩论日期: 年 月 日 四川师范大学学位论文独创性声明 本人声明:所呈交学位论文 ,是本人在导师 指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本文的研究做出重要奉献的个人和集体,均
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6、房地产行业的良性开展具有重要的借鉴性意义。 关键词:M公司,房地产投资信托基金,组织结构,风险控制AbstractReal estate investment trust fund is applied to real estate, the investment trust industry investment fund securitization, establish special investment operations team and financial institutions, through the issuance of income proof, widely ab
7、sorbs most of the money to society for real estate investment directly or indirectly, to assign these earnings are in proportion to the investors a way of long-term investment. Because the real estate investment trust is a centralized management and all-round investment, can effectively avoid risk,
8、to gain higher returns, to say the real estate investment trust fund is to real estate bond financial way. Set high stability, high profitability, and the characteristics of the low tax burden at a suit, is a kind of important forms of real estate securitization, money management standardization, in
9、vestment strategy, rigour advantaged conditions, etc. In order to further the understanding and cognition of the mode of the real estate investment trust fund, this article from the basic concept of real estate investment trust fund, analyzes the features and the operating mode of real estate invest
10、ment trust fund.At the same time, combining with the actual situation of company, from the analysis on real estate company background, analyzes the background and current situation of the development of real estate investment trust fund. And from real estate fund organization, fund source and to bui
11、ld and into, fund exit way three aspects analyzes the characteristics of real estate investment trust company model. To real estate investment trust model are compared with those of the other modes of real estate investment trusts, real estate investment trust model of M company has carried on the c
12、omprehensive understanding, on this basis, combining with the SWOT analysis method, the M company of real estate investment trusts has high liquidity, diversified portfolio diversification, and the competition advantages of the companys growth, fund operation regulation become a mere formality compe
13、titive disadvantage was analyzed, at the same time, combining with the M real estate company development faced by the external environment factors, the real estate industry development of mature, investment subject has been gradually formed, business development has become increasingly standardized
14、development opportunities and the company faces the market faced by excessive speculation risk, social risk factors such as cultural barriers has carried on the comprehensive consideration, the author puts forward the reasonable control including financial leverage, the use of developed property sustained expansion of cash flow, etc, M company improvement project of real estate investment trust model and includes creating REITs the necessary legal environment, improve the market environment, establish REITs organizati