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1、英语班会主持词范文嘉:Good morning. Dear Mr. Liu .Dear teachers and friends玮:尊敬的刘老师,亲爱的老师们同学们,早上好.嘉:Welcome to our school. Welcome to our English party. We wish you a happy time.玮:欢迎你们来到我们学校,参加这次英语班会.希望你们今天能度过一个欢乐的时光.嘉:Today we will show you an interesting party. That happens between Keke village and Lele vill

2、age. But what happened? Lets go and have a look!玮:今天我们将为您呈现一个有趣的班会.那是发生在可可村和乐乐村之间的故事,但是会发生什么呢?让我们一起去看看吧.嘉:At first ,let our monitor to deliver a welcome address.玮:首先,请班长致辞.班长:Good morning. Ladies and Gentlemen, Im Lucy. First, on behalf of our class, please allow me to deliver our warmest welcome an

3、d honest thankful to all of you. Thanks for your coming.首先我代表我们班全体同学对大家的到来表示最热烈的欢迎和最诚挚的感谢.谢谢你们的光临和指导.Today, its so cold outside. But we feel so warm inside. Because we can sing, dance and play together. We will show you a happy English party. I wish you a happy time here. May our party succeed. At l

4、ast , let me announce that our party begin.今天,虽然屋外寒风凛冽,我们却觉得非常温暖,因为我们将会为大家带来一场开心的英语班会.预祝本次班会取得圆满成功,最后,我宣布,班会正式开始.Are you ready?班会过程雨:Here is our village Keke.(3人做耕田状上台)心:Here is our village Lele. (另外3人做耕田状上台)(6人齐挖地,突然挖到一个金元宝)刘A:Oh, whats this?齐:Its a gold. It should be ours. (做争吵状)心:Stop! Lets go to

5、 the Yamen. OK?齐:OK!(击鼓声音乐,7人做击鼓状,县官与师爷出场)县官:Harry, whats the matter? Its too noisy outside.师爷:I will go out and have a look! Please wait a minute.(师爷出门张望,把7人领进衙门内,并带入相应的位置)师爷:Follow me. Sit here please.(县官拍案)县官:Who are you ? (注意语气)齐KEKE: We are from Keke Village.齐LELE : We are from Lele Village.(县官

6、再次拍案)县官:What happened?心:They found a golden.县官:(做手势)Go and take it.(师爷把它呈上来)鑫瑶:We saw it first .It should be ours.齐KEKE : Yes yes yes.齐LELE : No no no .It should be ours.(争吵)Ours. Ours. (县官第三次拍案)县官:Stop! I see. But Id like to see your performance. And then I will make a decision, OK?齐:OK!(手势)县官:Are

7、you ready?齐:Go!县官:Now, who can try first?齐KEKE: Lets try.县官:Come on, please!县官: Wonderful.师爷:Wonderful!县官:Keke village you did a good job.王翊玮:No,no. Its just a piece of cake. We can dance to you . 县官:OK! Thats great. Welcome.鑫瑶:You are very good. But our Snow White is more exciting.齐:Thats right.县官:

8、Look ! The Snow White is coming. Lets see the performance from Keke village.县官:Oh! How beautiful is the snow white.师爷:Yes.yes.So beautiful.县官:Lele village ,come on .王翊玮:We can sing a song for you . Lets go.县官:Yes, I hope that our tomorrow will be better.师爷:Good better best. You are the best.齐:Good b

9、etter best. We are the best.周剑嘉:(站起来)We are the best. We can act for you.县官:Your performance is great, and I could not help reading a poem. Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again. Who can read with me ? 心,翔,博:I can , I can .县官:Come here ,please.师爷:Nice work.县官:Thanks for your cooperation .Keke village an

10、d Lele village you all did a good job. But what should I do ? (摸摸金元宝)(师爷做耳语状)县官:OK,OK. Its a good idea.(做手势)(师爷拿出县官自己的另外一个金元宝)县官:Now ,I have two golds. This is for you,Keke village. And its for you,Lele village.县官:Are you happy today?齐:Yes.县官:Lets song a song together. Ok?齐:Ok!(唱完歌后)齐:We are shining friends .Thats all. Goodbye.周剑嘉:我们的班会到此结束,现在请我们的英语老师进行总结.Our party is over. Welcome our English teacher to make a conclusion.


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