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1、主持或参加科研项目课题情况主持或参加科研项目课题情况 一、主持或参 加 科研项目(课题)情况:1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,混合图的 Hermite 谱研究,2018/01-2021/12,48 万元,在研,参加 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,定向图谱理论研究及其应用,2016/01-2019/12,50 万元,在研,主持 3.国家自然科学基金青年项目,一些传递图类及其相关问题的研究,2014/01-2016/12,22 万元,已结题,参加 4.国家自然科学基金面上项目,图的谱性质及在复杂网络研究中的应用,2012/01-2015/12,46 万元,已结题,参加 5.国家自然科学基金面上项目,

2、基于谱图理论的非刚体形状匹配,2008/01-2010/12,25 万元,已结题,参加 6.国家自然科学基金青年项目,图的 Laplace 谱理论及其在计算机视觉中的应用,2007/01-2009/12,15 万元,已结题,参加 7.主持完成浙江省自然科学基金一般项目:有向图斜谱理论研究(Y12A010 04 9),2012.1-2014.12;8.主持完成安徽省教育厅项目:图的特征向量的组合结构性质(kj2008b238)2009.1-2010.12;9.主持完成安徽省教育厅重点项目:图的谱性质及在复杂网络中的应用(kj201 0A092)(重点)2011.1-2012.12;二的、主要发表

3、的 SCI 源期刊论文 1 Shi-Cai Gong,On the rank of a real skew symmetric matrix discribed by an oriented graph,Linear and Multilinear Algebra,65(10)(2017)19341946.2 Yi Wang,Shi-Cai Gong,Yi-Zheng Fan,On the determinant of the Laplacian matrix of a complex unit gain graph,Discrete Mathematic,341(1),(2018)81-86

4、.3 Shi-Cai Gong,Xue-Liang Li,On the Maximal Energy of Integral Weighted Trees with Fixed Total Weight Sum,MATCH Commun.in Math.Comput.Chem.,76(2016)615-633.4 Shi-Cai Gong,Xue-Liang Li,Guang-Hui Xu,I.Gutman,B.Furtula:Borderenergetic Graphs,MATCH Commun.in Math.Comput.Chem.,74(2)(2015).321-332.5 Xue-L

5、iang Li,Mei-Qin Wei,Shi-Cai Gong,A Computer Search for the Borderenergetic Graphs of Order 10,MATCH Commun.in Math.Comput.Chem.,74(2)(2015)333-342.6 Shi-Cai Gong,Xue-Liang Li,I.Gutman,Guang-Hui Xu,Yu-Xiang Tang,Zhong-Mei Qin,Kang Yang,On Maximal Energy of Trees with Fixed Weight Sequence,MATCH Commu

6、n.in Math.Comput.Chem.,75(2016)267278.7 Guang-Hui Xu,Shi-Cai Gong,The effect on synchronizability of networks under edge perturbation,Utilitas Mathematica,Accepted.(第一通讯作者).8 Hui-Qiu Lin,Ming-Qing Zhai,Shi-Cai Gong,On graphs with at least three distance eigenvalues less than-1,Linear Algebra and its

7、 Appl.,458(2014),548558.9 Li-Pu Zhang,Ying-Hong Xu,Guang-Hui Xu,Shi-Cai Gong,A Particle Swarm Runge-Kutta Optimization Algorithm for Solving the BVP of Ordinary Differential Equation,J.Information&Comput.Science 11:1(2014)79-91.10 Shi-Cai Gong,X.L.Li,Guang-Hui Xu,On the oriented graphs with minimal

8、skew energy,Electronic J.Linear Algebra,27(2014),692-702.11 Shi-Cai Gong,Guang-Hui Xu,4-regular oriented graphs with optimum skew energies,European Journal of Combinatorics,36(2014)77-85.12 Ming-Qing Zhai,Hui-Qiu Lin,Shi-Cai Gong,Spectral conditions for the existence of specified paths and cycles in

9、 graphs,Linear Algebra and its Appl.,459(2014),638547.13 Guang-Hui Xu,Shi-Cai Gong,On oriented graphs whose skew spectral radii do not exceed 2,Linear Algebra and its Appl.,439(2013),28782887.14 Shi-Cai Gong,Yao-Ping Hou,Ching-Wah Woo,Guang-Hui Xu,Xiao-Ling Shen,On the integral weighted oriented uni

10、cyclic graphs with minimum skew energy,Linear Algebra and its Appl.,439(2013)262-272.15 Xiang-Hao Yang,Shi-Cai Gong and Guang-Hui Xu,Minimal skew energy of oriented unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter,Journal of Inequalities and Applications,2013:418.(第一通讯作者)16 Li-Pu Zhang,Ying-Hong Xu,Guang-Hui Xu

11、,Shi-Cai Gong,A Catfish Effect Inspired Harmony Search Algorithm for Optimization,Int.J.Nonlinear Sci.Numer.Simul.2013;14(6):413422 17 Shi-Cai Gong,Guang-Hui Xu,On the nullity of graphs with cutpoint,Linear Algebaric and its Application,436(2012)135142.18 Shi-Cai Gong,Guang-Hui Xu,3-regular digraphs

12、 with optimum skew energy,Linear Algebaric and its Application,436(2012)465471.(高被引论文)19 Shi-Cai Gong,The characteristic set with respect to k-maximal vectors of a tree,Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra,23(2012)66-78.20 Shi-Cai Gong,Guang-Hui Xu,The characteristic polynomial and the matchings pol

13、ynomial of a weighted oriented graph,Linear Algebra and its Appl.,436(2012)35973607.21 B.A.Richard,Jia-Yu Shao,Shi-Cai Gong,Chang-Qing Xu,Guang-Hui Xu,On the extremal energy of integral weighted trees,Linear and Multilinear Algebra,60(11-12)(2012)1255-1264.22 Shi-Cai Gong,Yi-Zheng Fan,The Property o

14、f Maximal Eigenvectors of Trees,Linear Algebaric and multilinear Algebaric,58(1)(2010)105-111.23 Shi-Cai Gong,Yi-Zheng Fan,Zhi-Xiang Yin,On the nullity of the graphs with pendent trees,Linear Algebaric and its Application,433(7)(2010)1374-1380.三、主讲课程 1.主讲的本科生课程:高等代数、高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计、图论、组合与优化理论 2.主讲的研究生课程:图论、矩阵理论、化学图论、矩阵分析 很受用的一篇范文,谢谢分享!


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