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1、第 43 卷第 1 期2023 年 1 月Vol.43,No.1Jan.,2023环境科学学报Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae20152020年广东臭氧污染特征、污染天气分型及局地气象要素影响曹梅1,2,范绍佳1,3,*,靳春4,蔡倩2,贺沅平1,31.中山大学大气科学学院,珠海 5190822.广东省气象公共服务中心,广州 5106303.广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 5102754.珠海市气象局,珠海 519099摘要:利用20152020年广东省102个国控大气环境监测站臭氧(O3)监测数据、广东省21个地市国家基本气象站地面气象

2、观测数据和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)第五代大气再分析全球气候数据(ERA5再分析资料),研究了20152020年广东O3污染特征、污染天气分型及局地气象要素影响.结果表明:20172019年广东O3污染较严重,45月O3浓度逐步上升,6月出现一定下降后7月开始持续上升,峰值出现在910月;珠三角O3超标率明显高于全省其他地区,粤东O3超标率低于全省平均水平,但浓度平均值高于全省其他地区.基于自组织映射(SOM)方法,将20152020年逐日海平面气压和10 m水平风进行分型得到12类环流型,按污染程度分为“污染天气型”、“轻污染天气型”和“清洁天气型”.其中“污染天气型”有台风外围叠加

3、副高型、冷锋前部型、热带系统降水前静稳型、高压底前部型4类.12类天气型所对应的O3浓度与日照时数、最高气温呈显著正相关,与相对湿度呈显著负相关;高温低湿易出现O3污染,但不同区域O3对温度、湿度的响应不同.进一步分析台风外围叠加副高型控制下O3浓度与气象要素的关系,发现日照时数4 h以内,O3浓度增长速率最大,台风外围叠加副高型O3污染跨省输送主要路径为偏北和偏东方向.珠三角O3浓度日变化呈双峰,夜间峰值可能是由于残留层储存日间混合层内的高浓度O3气团,在夜间偏北风的作用下由江西-韶关-清远向珠三角传输,经下沉运动作用下传输至地面导致的.关键词:臭氧;污染天气型;局地气象影响;广东文章编号:

4、0253-2468(2023)01-0019-13 中图分类号:X51 文献标识码:AO3 pollution characteristics,weather classifications and local meteorological conditions in Guangdong from 2015 to 2020CAO Mei1,2,FAN Shaojia1,3,*,JIN Chun4,CAI Qian2,HE Yuanping1,31.School of Atmospheric Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University,Zhuhai 5190822.Guang

5、dong Meteorological Public Service Center,Guangzhou 5106303.Field Scientific Observation and Research Station of Climate,Environment and Air quality Change around the Pearl River Estuary of Guangdong,Guangzhou 5102754.Zhuhai Meteorological Service,Zhuhai 519099Abstract:Based on the ozone(O3)monitori

6、ng data from 102 state-controlled atmospheric environment monitoring stations in Guangdong,the surface meteorological observation data from the national basic meteorological stations in 21 cities of Guangdong,and the fifth generation atmospheric reanalysis global climate data(ERA5)produced by the Eu

7、ropean Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)from 2015 to 2020,we studied the O3 pollution characteristics,weather classifications and meteorological conditions of O3 pollution in Guangdong.The results showed that:The O3 pollution was relatively serious from 2017 to 2019.The O3 concentrati

8、on gradually increased from April to May,and decreased in June,and then continued to rise from July,with a O3 peak occurred between September and October.The non-attainment rate of O3 in the Pearl River Delta region was significantly higher than the other regions of Guangdong,and the average concent

9、ration of O3 in the eastern Guangdong was higher than the other regions.Using the self-organizing mapping method(SOM),the daily sea level pressure field and 10-m horizontal wind field from 2015 to 2020 were DOI:10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2022.0416曹梅,范绍佳,靳春,等.2023.20152020年广东臭氧污染特征、污染天气分型及局地气象要素影响 J.环境科学学报,43

10、(1):19-31CAO Mei,FAN Shaojia,JIN Chun,et al.2023.O3 pollution characteristics,weather classifications and local meteorological conditions in Guangdong from 2015 to 2020 J.Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,43(1):19-31收稿日期:2022-09-01 修回日期:2022-10-15 录用日期:2022-11-15基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划项目(No.2020B1111360003);广东

11、省科技计划项目(科技创新平台类)(No.2019B121201002)作者简介:曹梅(1991),女,工程师,E-mail:;*责任作者,E-mail:环境科学学报43 卷classified into 12 circulation patterns.According to the pollution levels,the circulation patterns were divided into“polluted weather type”,“light pollution weather type”and“clean weather type”.The“pollution weathe

12、r type”includes the subtropical high pressure superimposed typhoon periphery,the front of cold front,the static stability type before precipitation of tropical system and the south to high.The O3 concentration corresponding to the 12 weather types was strongly positively correlated with sunshine dur

13、ation and maximum temperature,negatively correlated with relative humidity.O3 pollution was more likely to occur in high temperature and low humidity environment,but the O3 concentration had different responses to temperature and humidity in different regions.By analyzing the relationship between O3

14、 concentration and meteorological elements under the control of subtropical high pressure superimposed typhoon periphery(T10),we found that the increase rate of O3 concentration was highest within 4 h of sunshine duration.Under the control of T10,the main trans-provincial paths of O3 transport were

15、northward and eastward.The diurnal variation of O3 concentration in the PRD region showed a bimodal pattern.The peak value at night might be caused by a large amount of O3 stored in the residual layer.The O3 mass was transmitted from Jiangxi,Shaoguan,Qingyuan to the PRD region under northerly winds

16、at night,and then transmitted to the ground affected by downdraught.Keywords:ozone;weather classification;local meteorological conditions;Guangdong1引言(Introduction)“十三五”期间,随着 大气污染防治行动计划 和“蓝天保卫战”等的实施,我国城市PM2.5 浓度及重污染天数大幅降低(生态环境部,2019),但近地面O3污染问题凸显,区域O3污染范围不断扩大,O3污染月份提早,O3污染程度波动上升(姜华等,2022;谢静晗等,2022),当前O3是影响城市空气质量的重要因素(黄顺祥,2018;Wang et al.,2019),已经成为继PM2.5之后另一种需要控制的超标污染物.近地面O3主要由挥发性有机物、氮氧化物和一氧化碳等自然排放和人为排放的前体物在太阳辐射下发生光化学反应而成的二次污染物.大量研究表明,在污染排放源相对稳定的条件下,近地面O3浓度与气象要素有显著相关性,气象要素通过影响光学反应速率和扩散传输从而影响O3的生


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