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1、卫生服务研究安徽省居民中成药用药风险 KAP 调查及影响因素研究张威风李颖罗欢郭燕燕高家荣基金项目:中国药学会科技开发中心科普项目(编号:CMEI2022KPYJ001113)作者单位:230031安徽合肥安徽中医药大学第一附属医院药学部(张威风,李颖,罗欢,高家荣)230012安徽合肥安徽中医药大学药学院(张威风,郭燕燕)通信作者:高家荣,zyfygjr2006163 com 摘要 目的调查安徽省居民使用中成药用药风险的知识 态度 行为(KAP)现状,分析居民中成药用药风险的影响因素。方法2022 年 5 月,以年龄19 岁的安徽省居民为调查对象,依托安徽省某些医院及高校,通过问卷星发放并回

2、收问卷,分析居民基本信息及中成药用药风险 KAP 得分情况,采用最优尺度回归分别对居民中成药用药知识、行为和态度得分的影响因素进行分析,并对居民中成药用药知识、行为和态度之间进行 Spearman 相关性分析。结果共收集 1 720 份问卷,剔除 2 份不符合要求的问卷,问卷回收有效率为 99 88%。居民中成药用药知识、行为和态度的得分分别为(79 02 30 28)分、(54 26 26 12)分和(35 34 11 94)分。最优尺度回归分析显示,居民中成药用药风险知识得分的影响因素是职业、受教育程度、医疗保障情况和月收入(P 0 05),行为得分的影响因素是医疗保障情况、职业、性别、月

3、收入、受教育程度和年龄(P 0 05),态度得分的影响因素是受教育程度、职业、医疗保障情况、月收入和年龄(P 0 05)。Spearman 相关性分析显示,居民中成药用药知识、行为和态度之间呈正相关性(P 0 05)。结论安徽省居民中成药用药知识和行为得分良好,态度得分及格,需要进一步提高居民 KAP 水平。职业、受教育程度和医疗保障情况等因素对安徽省居民中成药用药 KAP 得分的影响较大,可结合上述影响因素,对居民开展适宜的中成药用药科普宣传。关键词 知识 态度 行为;调查问卷;中成药;用药风险;影响因素doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000 0399.2023.01.022A st

4、udy on risk KAP survey and factors influencing use of proprietary Chinese medicines by residents in Anhui provinceZHANG Weifeng1,2,LI Ying1,LUO Huan1,GUO Yanyan2,GAO Jiarong11 Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230031,Chi

5、na2 School of Pharmacy,Anhui University of Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230012,ChinaFund project:Science popularization project of Science and Technology Development Center of Chinese Pharmaceutical Association(NoCMEI2022KPYJ001113)Corresponding author:GAO Jiarong,zyfygjr2006163 comAbstract ObjectiveTo in

6、vestigate the current situation of the knowledge attitude practice(KAP)on the risk of using proprie-tary Chinese medicines in Anhui province and analyze the factors influencing the risk of proprietary Chinese medicines in residents MethodsIn May 2022,residents of Anhui province aged19 years old were

7、 surveyed,and the questionnaires were distributed and collected byWJX,relying on certain hospitals and universities in Anhui province,to investigate the KAP of the risk of Chinese patent medicine use in An-hui province CATEG was used to analyze the factors influencing the scores of residentsknowledg

8、e,practice and attitude towards the useof proprietary Chinese medicines separately,and Spearman correlation analysis was performed between residentsknowledge,practice and at-titude towards the use of proprietary Chinese medicines esultsA total of 1 720 questionnaires were collected and 2 questionnai

9、res wereexcluded,with an effective rate of 99 88%And the mean scores of residentsknowledge,practice,and attitude toward the use of proprieta-ry Chinese medicines were(79 02 30 28),(54 26 26 12)and(35 34 11 94),respectively CATEG showed that the influencingfactors for the knowledge score of the Chine

10、se proprietary medicine risk among residents were occupation,education level,health care cover-age status,and monthly income(P 0 05),the influencing factors for the practice score were health care coverage status,occupation,gen-der,monthly income,education level and age(P 0 05),and the influencing f

11、actors for the attitude score were education level,occupa-tion,health care coverage status,monthly income,and age(P 0 05)Correlation analysis revealed a significant positive correlation be-701第 44 卷第 1 期安徽医学2023 年 1 月Anhui Medical Journaltween knowledge,practice,and attitude towards the use of propr

12、ietary Chinese medicines among the population(P 0 05)Conclusionsesidents of Anhui province have favorable knowledge and practice scores on the use of proprietary Chinese medicines and passing attitudescores,and and their KAP levels need to be further improved Factors such as occupation,education lev

13、el and medical coverage have a grea-ter influence on the KAP scores of Anhui residents,and appropriate scientific propaganda on the use of proprietary Chinese medicines can becarried out for residents by combining the above mentioned influencing factors Key words Knowledge attitude practice;Question

14、naire;Proprietary Chinese medicine;Medication risk;Influencing factors中成药具有使用简单、贮藏方便和疗效确切等优点1,在防病治病、保障人民群众健康方面发挥了重要作用。尤其是新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称新冠肺炎)疫情暴发后,中医药在疫情防控及救治方面做出了突出贡献2。新冠肺炎诊疗方案(试行第九版)中多种中成药为推荐用药3。居民对中成药合理用药的意识程度直接关系到公众健康4,目前,居民中成药用药风险调查研究文献较少。知识 态度 行为(knowledge attitude practice,KAP)模式是指对被调查人的知识、态度和行

15、为进行调查的一种理论模式,是改变人类健康相关行为的模式之一,目前已被广泛运用到健康行为研究中,且有较好的解释力5。本文主要运用 KAP 模式分别从获得知识、态度和实际行为 3个方面对安徽省居民中成药的用药风险 KAP 现状进行调查,并对用药风险 KAP 的影响因素进行研究,分析其影响因素,为开展具有针对性中成药合理用药科普宣传提供参考。1对象与方法1 1研究对象采用横断面研究,于 2022 年 5 月以安徽省 3 所医院及 6 所高校为平台,通过问卷星线上发放并回收调查问卷,调查对象为年龄19 岁,并愿意参与此次调查的安徽省居民。1 2方法1 2 1问卷来源问卷参考中国药学会科技开发中心提供的

16、 中国居民用药行为风险 KAP 调查问卷6 模板。本次调查问卷知识维度的信度系数为 0 966,行为维度的信度系数为 0 966,态度维度的信度系数为 0 941,问卷总体信度系数为 0 976。效度检验用验证性因子分析,得到 x2/dt为 3 557,MSEA 为0 04,比较拟合指数为0 955,Tucker Lewis 指数为0950,增值拟合指数为 0 955,基于模型复杂度和样本量可知问卷拟合度可接受7。1 2 2质量控制问卷设置同一 IP 地址、同一个手机号只能提交一份问卷,问卷须全部答完以后才能提交,剔除答卷时间小于 1 分钟、非安徽省居民填写和填写不完全等不符合要求的答卷,保证问卷质量。共发放问卷 1 720 份,其中有效问卷 1 718 份,有效回收率为 99 88%。12 3问卷内容及评分标准问卷第一部分前言告知公众调查目的和意义,匿名填写,并对参加者表示感谢。问卷第二部收集调查对象的基本信息,包括性别、年龄、月收入、居住地及医疗保障情况等。问卷第三部分共 63 道题,为中成药用药风险 KAP 调查,共含有 3个维度,其中知识维度 28 题,包含居民对中成药及使用的


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