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1、小妇人英文读书笔记篇一:小妇人英语读后感gave the little woman this book, i was in the book touched. the four sisters, theylove each other in different ways of working, struggling, headed toward their dreams.mrs. march when joe said : dear, you still have family, amy and all the people,they are good, is love each other.

2、 remember : dont let the angry clouds blotted outthe sun, forgive, help each other and start again tomorrow. see mrs. march remarks,i lament : and friends will always have some questions and problems are bound toproduce some contradictory.and we should also like mrs. march, dont let the angryclouds

3、blotted out the sun.home a human side of the most beautiful place, there is a selfless loveof. everyone here began to pursue, as the four little sisters, and each one of theobjectives would eventually have to stay at home. i hope to read this book every mancan live in the moment, then make its beaut

4、y.篇二:小妇人读后感 小妇人读后感当我把小妇人这本书读完时,我最深的感受是:幸福就是这么简单!幸福就是亲情,友谊,健康,劳动和心灵的安宁。当我们拥有幸福时,我们只觉得它很平常,并不觉得它特殊,也不珍惜它,但当我们失去它时,或许我们才会发现幸福是这世间上任何东西都无法替代的。每个人所拥有的幸福都是独一无二的! 在读这本书的过程中,我能从中找寻到自己年少时的童真,我可以找到我自己的影子,我可以找到自己的成长过程,我可以忘记烦心事,我也可以像小孩子一样把一切抛之脑后。我就这样一个人静静地读完了这本书。 小妇人是美国作家路易莎梅奥尔柯特写的,书名小妇人是指故事中马奇家的四姐妹。这本书可以当做一个家庭

5、的传记来读,但它讲的并不是大人们的奋斗,而是孩子们的成长。 这本小说讲述了普通家庭马奇家四个性格不同,理想不同的女孩,因为她们自身的善良和勤劳,最终都找到了属于自己的幸福。书中讲述了四个女孩如何从天真走向成熟,从脆弱走向坚忍,从急迫走向耐心,从自我走向他人。书中处处都是活泼,少年们的天真,纯洁,勇敢和对未来的理想。她们四个人中每一个人的故事都能令人感动。 故事发生在美国南北战争时期,由于马奇先生常年跟随军队在外打仗,家中只剩下四个女儿和马奇太太相依为命。马奇太太十分注重女儿们的教育,培养她们不趋附权势,乐于助人的优良品德。虽然她们自身家境贫寒,但在可能的情况下,马奇太太还是教育女儿们依然要去帮

6、助更为困难的人。马奇家的邻居劳伦斯家有祖孙二人,爷爷慈祥,孙子劳里为人热情,他们也都热于助人。劳伦斯家比拟富裕,但他们从来不在外面显阔。两家人以平等的姿态相处得很好。 马奇家四个女儿的年龄不同,性格也当然是截然不同的。从她们任何一个人发生的故事中,我都能学到很多!梅格,16岁,丰腴,美艳,有吸引力,艳羡华美衣裙,做家教,她是典型的贤妻良母型,结婚后,她持家有道。从大女儿梅格的身上,可以学到不会因家庭贫穷而受到金钱的诱惑。她能够为了爱情而甘于贫困。乔,15岁从二女儿乔的身上,可以学到她有着为了自己的梦想而努力奋斗的坚决不移的决心,最终她成为了一名作家。她是豁达开朗型,个性十分独立,她写作所得的稿

7、费都用来补贴家用。贝丝,14岁,从三女儿贝丝的身上,可以学到做任何事毫无怨言,总是为他人着想,十分善良。她是不怕死亡型,能够坦然面对死亡。她擅长弹琴,在音乐上有造诣。 艾美,12岁,从四女儿艾美的身上,可以学到坚强生活,她把扶贫济穷当作她自己的信念。她是淑女型,注重仪态举止,喜爱艺术,对绘画,雕塑感兴趣。四个女孩身上共有的品质是坚强和乐观。 整本书都充满了人性美。我被马奇家的天伦之爱所感动。她们提醒着我要坚强乐观地生活,同时要有一颗纯洁善良的心!篇三:小妇人英语读后感 小妇人英语读后感little womenbefore i read this book, i had watched a ca

8、rtoon movie made by japan. so i havea strong interest on it.it all begins in the dead of winter; the christmas season. the coldest one ofall, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. while her husband is offat war, marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: jo, meg, beth, and amy

9、.on christmas eve, marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the lessfortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father. the all gather togetheraround the fire to read the letter. afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. marmee kissesthem and they are off to bed.as dusk falls, the g

10、irls are all up in the attic acting out jos play, which shereads from the local (fake) newspaper. as they areperforming, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.the 2 oldest girls: jo and meg, get ready to attend the christmas ball. whilejo is curling megs hair, there is a s

11、trange smell to the air. amy screams, megs hairis being singed. they continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of whitegloves.it is interesting to examine the last half of chapter 20, 小妇人读后感2篇小妇人读后感一小妇人是奥尔科特的一本自传体小说。整部作品没有此起彼伏的情节,但是其中温馨的生活和纯真的情感深深地感动了我,让人读起来倍感温暖。作品讲述了父亲离家参军,四姐妹与母亲相依为命、

12、艰难度日的故事。在和家人、朋友、邻居的友好相处和互帮互助中,姐妹们体会到了生活的艰苦和温馨,使她们逐渐长成了一个个成熟的“小妇人。四姐妹性格各不相同,但她们共同的特点是互助互爱、自强自立,一起支撑起困难的家庭。其中我最喜欢的人是乔,她是一个意志坚决的女孩,也很懂事,当她得知父亲生病住院时,把她珍爱的漂亮的长发卖来换钱,将钱交给父亲。虽然钱不够,但却表现了她能勇敢地担起家庭的责任。我也想希望自己像乔一样,为了自己的梦想,为了身边爱我和我爱的人,勇于担当责任和追求幸福。这本书教给我即使在困难中也要充满自信和希望。希望我可以真正长成一位合格的小妇人,像书中的四姐妹一样,得到幸福的人生。 小妇人读后感

13、二小妇人是奥尔科特的一本自传体小说。整部作品没有此起彼伏的情节,但是其中温馨的生活和纯真的情感深深地感动了我,让人读起来倍感温暖。作品讲述了父亲离家参军,四姐妹与母亲相依为命、艰难度日的故事。在和家人、朋友、邻居的友好相处和互帮互助中,姐妹们体会到了生活的艰苦和温馨,使她们逐渐长成了一个个成熟的“小妇人。 四姐妹性格各不相同,但她们共同的特点是互助互爱、自强自立,一起支撑起困难的家庭。其中我最喜欢的人是乔,她是一个意志坚决的女孩,也很懂事,当她得知父亲生病住院时,把她珍爱的漂亮的长发卖来换钱,将钱交给父亲。虽然钱不够,但却表现了她能勇敢地担起家庭的责任。我也想希望自己像乔一样,为了自己的梦想,

14、为了身边爱我和我爱的人,勇于担当责任和追求幸福。这本书教给我即使在困难中也要充满自信和希望。希望我可以真正长成一位合格的小妇人,像书中的四姐妹一样,得到幸福的人生。篇二:小妇人英语读后感小妇人英语读后感Little WomenBefore I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all,

15、were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father.

16、 The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out


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