1、公安民警个人三等功材料 公安民警个人三等功材料何挺,男,1973年3月出生,中共预备党员,大学本本科文化, 1996年年7月参加工作,现任台台海市公安局刑侦支队二二大队四级探长,一级警警司。99年被评为为优秀公务员并于20230年受到支队嘉奖。何挺同同志自参加公安工作以来来,无论在什么工作岗位位,无论工作任务有多繁繁重,都能自觉加强政治治思想学习,高举邓小平平理论和“三个代表重重要思想伟大旗帜,学习习贯彻执行党的十六大精精神和十六届四中全会精精神,学习法律、法规,加强和改善执法观念,切实做到立警为公,执执法为民,加强理论联系系实践,不断增强党性观观念,增强事业心和责任任感,以维护社会治安的的安
6、的第一现场,王王蔼是本案的重大犯罪嫌嫌疑人。11月26日专专案组干警在郑南副支队队长的带着下在安徽宿州州顺利将王蔼抓捕归案。何挺同志不顾十几天连连续加班辛劳,通宵熬夜夜对王蔼展开预审,在凌凌厉的攻势下,在确凿的的证据面前,王蔼很快就就对“碎尸案的罪行供供认不讳。何挺同志在XX,XX年年度的工作中表现优异,特别是在侦破“4。22成心杀人案,“碎碎尸案中能够不畏辛苦,不分昼夜加班加点,在在工作中勤于动脑,善于于思考,认真细致为案件件的破获做出了突出的贡奉献,根据人民警察法法奖惩条例拟给何挺同同志报个人三等功。and style rectification activities revealing
7、implementation plan stage also ask questions does not exist a lot of problems, such as the ideological and political quality, theoretical level, work stress and other aspects still can not fully meet the new situation and new tasks, mainly has the following several aspects:One is the theory of learn
8、ing initiative, self-consciousness is not high. Often recent information submitted to the task heavier than or is writing material for reasons, not consciously take the initiative to take the time to calm down to learn, work and leisure use of spare time to learn less. Often is asked to learn what t
9、o learn what what to learn more, and close working relationship, with little working relationship, often need less to learn, what is urgent with what to learn, what to learn, with only material to find the basis, check the information. There is no system to learn some legal knowledge and modern scie
10、ntific and technological knowledge, not high quality writing material work especially. Pay attention to the study of political theory degree is not enough, not to be able to understand and grasp the essence of the socialist concept of rule of law leading quality connotation, for the use of the socia
11、list law comprehensive concept to guide their work and the importance of learning should also lack the necessary understanding.Two is the business foundation is not solid, the text level is not high. Their work in the army before, although the understanding of the material, but also just only know f
12、ur, text level, writing ability is still in a low level interface. The knowledge is not complete, especially it is very little about professional some departments know knowledge, to write Chinese but not false, sometimes rely on online writing or presentation of ready-made one-sided materials, unwil
13、ling to make a deep thinking, put all sorts of things together, the presentation quality is not high, due to the overall quality of their own quality is not high, the leadership of departments can not understand, it is difficult to stand in the perspective of leadership to think of thinking, lack of
14、 overall To grasp, not very good understanding of the leadership intention and meaning into the text. Although his eyes now write only a relatively small number of materials, but also quite difficult, even to a molding material herself seems not very satisfied with the quality of service needs to be
15、 enhanced.Three is a lot of work to implement passive, active and advanced. Most contractors do matters assigned by the leadership, work is often in the orders, to implement the task, do not want to lead, not want to think ahead, plan ahead, and to seek the leadership; seek deep into the research, p
16、rovide information good staff seek. Especially in the writing process of material, it encountered much, time tight, heavy task, is often the soldiers to be blocked, the water to soil cover water, struggling to cope. Overall, the work of the prospective, innovation is not enough, as the leading service just to write some simple briefing. Other work is not enough, and