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1、中国病案2023 年第 24 卷第 2 期 40 11 贾军朴,金承刚.情感障碍伴或不伴重要躯体合并症住院治疗总费用的比较分析J.中国病案,2020,21(7):56-59.12 Baker LA,March DS,Wilkinson TJ,et al.Clinical practice guideline exercise and lifestyle in chronic kidney disease.BMC Nephrol,2022,23(1):75.13 魏媛媛,马迎春.慢性肾脏病患者功能评估及康复服务规范J.中华全科医学,2021,19(12):1983-1988.14 许立霞,李艳萍

2、,郑志彬,等.日间手术对综合医院手术科室平均住院日的影响J.河南医学研究,2021,30(17):3089-3092.15 余艳,陈燕.多举措缩短平均住院日效果分析J.中国现代医药杂志,2020,22(10):95-97.16 李梦滢,孙志成,唐尧,等.基于 DRG 的公立医院临床路径管理体系建设J.卫生经济研究,2022(2):67-69,74.17 所伟,石秀锦,许莎,等.医院药师在医疗保险合理用药与费用管理中的作用J.中国医药,2020,15(2):300-302.18 Ramalho de Oliveira D,Brummel AR,Miller DB.Medication thera

3、py management:10 years of experience in a large integrated health care systemJ.J Manag Care Pharm,2010,16(3):185-195.(2022-04-06 收稿)2010 年-2020 年湖北地区甲状腺癌发病及死亡趋势分析 余 洁 李莹莹 简 辉 杜 恒 吴安定*李超伟 摘要 目的 了解 2010 年-2020 年湖北地区甲状腺癌发病及死亡趋势,为制定甲状腺癌防治策略提供依据。方法 分层整群抽样抽取湖北地区 2010 年 1 月 1 日-2020 年 12 月 31 日监测到的肿瘤登记人群,其

4、中甲状腺癌发病研究总数量为 3237 例,甲状腺癌死亡研究总数量 126 例,采用统一调查表登记与甲状腺癌发病及死亡相关的信息,计算不同特征人群甲状腺癌发病和死亡粗率、标化率、变化百分比、年度变化百分比。结果 2010 年-2020 年甲状腺癌粗发病率为 16.36/10 万,标化发病率为 14.51/10 万。男女发病比例为 1:3.28,女性甲状腺癌发病率是男性的 2.66 倍;014 岁甲状腺癌发病率低,2024 岁快速升高,在5054 岁达到高峰(43.36/10 万),之后的随年龄呈下降趋势,85 岁以上组下降至最低(6.51/10 万),其中3059 岁者占发病总人数的 80.61

5、%,女性发病率在 5054 岁组达高峰(66.54/10 万),男性发病率在 2024岁开始上升,4070 岁趋近于平稳,在 85 岁以上又开始升高。湖北地区甲状腺癌标化发病率从 2010 年的9.84/10 万上升至 2020 年的 26.58/10 万,发病率变化百分比为 114.87%,年度变化百分比(95%CI)为14.87%(11.88%-18.98%),呈明显上升趋势。甲状腺癌粗死亡率为 0.42/10 万,标准死亡率为 0.48/10 万。男女死亡比例为 1:1.21。甲状腺癌死亡率随年龄增大而升高,55 岁之前的死亡率均处于较低水平,55 岁59岁死亡率开始快速上升,在85岁以

6、上达到最高峰(8.69/10万)。甲状腺癌标化死亡率从2010年的0.43/10万 上 升 到 2020 年 的 0.63/10 万,死 亡 变 化 百 分 比 为 6.23%,年 度 变 化 百 分 比(95%CI)为6.23%(4.55%-8.74%)。结论 2010 年-2020 年湖北地区甲状腺癌发病及死亡均呈增长趋势,应重视青中年人群以及女性的甲状腺癌危险因素防控。关键词 湖北地区;甲状腺癌;发病率;死亡率;标化率;年度变化百分比1 Analysis on the Trends in Thyroid Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Hubei Ar

7、ea from 2010 to 2020Analysis on the Trends in Thyroid Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Hubei Area from 2010 to 2020 Yu Jie,Li Yingying,Jian Hui,Du Heng,Wu Anding*,Li Chaowei AbstractAbstract Objectives Objectives To investigate the trends in thyroid cancer incidence and mortality in Hubei area,and

8、provide the basis for formulating the prevention and treatment strategy of thyroid cancer.Methods Methods Stratified cluster sampling was used to select the thyroid cancer patients from a population-based cancer registry in Hubei area from January 1st,2010 to December 31st,2020,and unified questionn

9、aire was applied to record the information related to the thyroid cancer incidence and mortality.A total of 3237 cases with thyroid cancer and 126 cases died from thyroid cancer were studied.The incidence rate,crude mortality rate,percent change and annual percentage change among thyroid cancer pati

10、ents with different population characteristics were calculated.ResultsResults The crude incidence rate of thyroid cancer was 16.36/100,000 from 2010 to 2020,and the standardized incidence rate was 14.51/100,000.The incidence ratio of male to female was 1:3.28;The incidence of thyroid cancer was 2.66

11、 times higher in female than in male.The incidence rate of thyroid cancer was quiet low in 0-14 age group,showed a rapid increase in 20-24 age group,reached a peak in 50-54 age group(43.36/100,000),then decreased with age,and the rate was the lowest in 85+age group(6.51/100,000).Among the total case

12、s,80.61%were in 30-59 age group.Among the female,the incidence rate peaked in 50-54 age group(66.54/100,000).Among the male,the incidence rate began to rise in 20-24 age group,tended to be stable in 40-70 age group,and began to rise again in 85+age group.The standardized incidence rate of thyroid ca

13、ncer in Hubei increased from 9.84/100,000 in 2010 to 26.58/100,000 in 2020,with an incidence percent change and annual percentage change(95%CI)of 114.87%and 14.87%(11.88%-18.98%),showing a significant upward trend.The crude mortality rate of thyroid cancer was 0.42/100,000,and the standardized 长江大学附

14、属黄冈市中心医院,湖北省,黄冈市,438000 湖北省黄冈市卫生健康委员会,湖北省,黄冈市,438000*通信作者 中国病案2023 年第 24 卷第 2 期 41 mortality rate was 0.48/100,000.The ratio of male to female was 1:1.21.The mortality rate of thyroid cancer increased with age,and the rate was at a low level before 55 years old,begin to rise rapidly in 55-59 age gro

15、up,and peaked in 85+age group(8.69/100,000).The standardized mortality rate of thyroid cancer increased from 0.43/100,000 in 2010 to 0.63/100,000 in 2020,with a mortality percent change and annual percentage change(95%CI)of 6.23%and 6.23%(4.55%8.74%).Conclusions Conclusions The incidence and mortali

16、ty of thyroid cancer in the Hubei area were on the rise from 2010 to 2020,so the prevention and control of thyroid cancer risk factors in the young and middle-aged people and the female were of vital importance.Key words Key words Hubei area;Thyroid cancer;Incidence rate;Mortality rate;Standardized rate;Annual percentage change FirstFirst-authorauthors addresss address Department of gastrointestinal surgery,Huanggang Central Hospital Affiliated to Changjiang University,Huanggang 438000,Hubei Pro


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