1、彩8时评2023,期待更高质量的轨道交通陈小鸿(同济大学铁道与城市轨道交通研究院院长、磁浮交通工程技术研究中心主任,教授)2022 岁末,中共中央、国务院印发了扩大内需战略规划纲要(20222035年)。加快基础设施建设、持续推进重点领域补短板,轨道交通继续成为投资热点。这是交通强国建设的应有之义。尽管我国城市轨道交通、高速铁路的建设总量与建设速度位居世界第一,但相对于辽阔的国土面积、巨大的城市人口总量、更高的城市开发密度,轨道交通仍然是城市群与都市圈健康发展、综合交通系统运行的“短板”。不仅如此,当轨道交通在特大城市与大城市成网、在城市群与都市圈尝试组网联网,轨道交通建设就不再是“只要建就好
4、间及城市活动提供了极佳的入口。依托轨道网络与信息网络率先实现数字化转型,从轨道建设引领城市空间结构优化、到引导生活生产组织方式改变,从集约化运输方式、到以轨道为核心建立一站式出行平台、组织多种交通工具延伸高品质交通服务,是轨道交通发展新的机遇与责任。2023,城市会让生活更美好;高品质的轨道交通,会让城市更有活力、更有效率、更具韧性!Commentary2023,Envisioning the Higher Quality ail TransitCHEN Xiaohong(Dean of Institute of ail Transit of Tongji University,Directo
5、r of Maglev Transportation Engineering D Center,Professor)At the end of 2022,the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council of the Peoples epublic of Chinaissued the Outline of the Strategic Planning for Expanding Domestic Demand(20222035)Infrastructure construction isprompted an
6、d weak spots in prioritized fields are bolstered ail transit investment continues to be under the spotlightThe attention is inevitably called for by transportation power establishment Even though China has the worlds largest totalconstruction volume and fastest construction speed of urban rail trans
7、it and high-speed railway,rail transit remains the weakspot for urban clusters,healthy development of metropolises and operation of comprehensive transportation systems,in relationto Chinas extensive area,enormous urban population and high urban development density Moreover,when rail transit attempt
8、sfor building networks in supercities and large-cities,and interconnecting networks among urban clusters and metropolises,railtransit construction of merely built is no longer satisfying Citizens have become accustomed to the accessible ride on metrosand high-speed trains thus further expectation is
9、 born:the higher quality rail transit from availability to excellency(Continued on Page 250)2023 年加大文物保护力度。因此妥善处理好城市轨道交通建设与沿线文物之间的关系是建设过程中的主要难题和重大使命。轨道交通建设对文物的影响主要表现为:土体沉降、振动等导致文物结构出现沉降、变形及倾斜,进而影响文物的结构安全;轨道交通建筑结构与文物风貌的不协调导致对文物周边景观产生负面影响。本文通过检测文物结构、评估影响及分析数值计算结果,结合相关规范要求及国内外类似工程经验,提出基于文物结构安全的沉降、倾斜、变形
10、、振动等文物保护控制指标,并在此基础上确定监测控制值以确保文物结构安全。在设计上采用线路站位绕避、加大隧道深埋、加强基坑强度、加设轨道减振构件和文物本体预加固等措施,通过加强对地面环境的实时动态监测、信息化动态施工等方法,最大程度地减少城市轨道交通建设和运营对文物产生的不利影响。根据施工监测结果,绍兴轨道交通 1 号线在建设过程中采取上述措施后,能够较好地控制施工过程中对周边土层的扰动变形和振动影响,有效减少了 1 号线施工对沿线文物的影响,对后期线路的建设具有较大的借鉴意义。参考文献1伍建国,徐明,王安理,等西安市轨道交通周边文物保护问题研究与实践J都市快轨交通,2011,24(5):38W
11、U Jianguo,XU Ming,WANG Anli,et al On the protectionof cultural relics around Xi an SubwayJUrban apid ailTransit,2011,24(5):382陈志华,李楠地铁站施工对邻近文物建筑的影响研究J路基工程,2016(3):65CHEN Zhihua,LI Nan Study on influence of metro station con-struction on adjacent historical and cultural relics buildingJSubgrade Engin
12、eering,2016(3):653秦东平地铁施工变形对邻近建筑物安全影响分析D北京:北京交通大学,2016QIN DongpingAnalysis of the influence of deformation in metroconstruction on the safety of adjacent buildingsD Beijing:Beijing Jiaotong University,20164魏广文北京地铁盾构隧道施工引起的地表沉降及建(构)筑物的变形控制标准研究D北京:北京交通大学,2008WEI GuangwenStudy on standard of the ground
13、 surface settle-ment and structures deformation induced by shield tunnellingconstruction in Beijing SubwayDBeijing:Beijing Jiaotong U-niversity,20085朱衍峰,周晓军,邓彬地铁施工中地下建筑物对地表沉降的控制标准J四川建筑,2008,28(1):86ZHU Yanfeng,ZHOU Xiaojun,DENG BinControl standard ofunderground buildings on surface subsidence in sub
14、way con-structionJSichuan Architecture,2008,28(1):86(收稿日期:20211201)(Continued from Commentary)Higher quality rail transit,first of all,is the precise supply in compliance with demand,benefiting the bigger crowds in moreregions by diversified modes and innovative technology services Consequently,vari
15、ous modes of rail transit other than metro areneeded For example,by making one-network-broad-coverage through three 1 000-kilometre,intercity railway network in majorurban clusters is constructed as a headstart,pushing forward development of city(suburban)railway and urban rail transit in majormetro
16、polises ail transit will no longer be a signature of downtown,but also belongs in the life of every local citizen In additionto metro of large traffic volume,city(suburban)railway and multi-format low-volume urban rail transit are also needed,to mani-fest a similar sense of attainability to crowds in different regionsHigher quality rail transit is also the resilience in facility,service and even requirements It will be the most resilient meridianflowing through the city operation support system