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1、Study on the Optimization of Synthetic Process ofAnti-aging Drug Urolithin AYOU Xianhui ZHAO Tiantian DENG Mingxia HUANG YalingAbstract:Urolithin A shows excellent effects on anti-oxidation,anti-inflammatory,anti-tumor.At present,the reported synthetic methods of urolithin A have some shortcomings,s

2、o the development of efficient and simple syntheticmethods still needs further research.On the basis of comprehensive consideration of raw material cost,reaction yield andother factors,the appropriate synthesis route was selected and the key step(cyclization reaction)was optimized.When themolar rati

3、o of 2-bromo-5-hydroxybenzoic acid to resorcinol is 61,the mass fraction of NaOH solution is 5%,and themass fraction of CuSO4solution is 15%,the cyclization reaction is effective,and the target product urolithin A is obtainedwith 86%yield.Key words:Urolithin A;Cyclization reaction;2-Bromo-5-hydroxyb

4、enzoic acid3刘慧勇.尿石素 A 缓解椎间盘退变的体内外实验研究D.武汉:华中科技大学,2019.4刘国军,黄绪群.尿石素 A 对乳腺癌细胞 MCF-7 增殖、凋亡的影响及其机制研究J.药物评价研究,2020,43(2):221-225.5LARROSA M,GARC魱A-CONESA M T,ESP魱N J C,et al.Ellagitannins,ellagic acid and vascular healthJ.Molecular Aspects of Medicine,2010,31(6):513-539.6BANIHANI S,SWEDAN S,ALGURAAN Z.Po

5、megranateand type 2 diabetes J.Nutrition Research,2013,33(5):341-348.7YIN P P,ZHANG J W,YAN L L,et al.Urolithin C,a gutmetabolite of ellagic acid,induces apoptosis in PC12 cellsthrough a mitochondria-mediated pathway J.RSC Advances,2017,7(28):17254-17263.8COZZA G,GIANONCELLI A,BONVINI P,et al.Urolit

6、hinas a converging scaffold linking ellagic acid and coumarinanalogues:design of potent protein kinase CK2 inhibitorsJ.ChemMedChem,2011,6(12):2273-2286.9WU Y Q,LU H J,ZHAO W T,et al.A convenient andefficient H2SO4-promoted regioselective monobrominationof phenol derivatives using N-bromosuccinimide

7、J.Synthetic Communications,2020,50(6):813-822.收稿日期:2022 年 9 月ColorForwardTM预测:和谐的色彩结合丰富的飞溅效果将成为 2024 年主流前不久,埃万特公司为塑料行业发布了由 ColorWorksTM团队制作的年度颜色预测指南“ColorForwardTM2024”。ColorForwardTM连续推出 18 年,今年同样包含由色彩、市场营销和社会趋势专家推荐的20 种颜色和效果。趋势报告每年更新一次,以帮助塑料产品设计师、品牌经理和营销人员作出更明智的色彩选择。ColorForwardTM团队每年举办一次研讨会,共同探讨最

8、新的全球趋势故事。他们会根据这些趋势选定 2024 年消费者可能青睐的颜色和效果。包装和消费类塑料产品的品牌所有者和设计师可以从这些颜色和效果中汲取灵感,打造品牌美学价值,创造更受市场认可的产品。ColorWorks 亚太区经理 Norzihan Aziz 表示:“近两年来,我们都通过线上研讨会进行讨论。而2023 年,我们恢复了线下会议,大家可以在研讨会上与各个地区的多文化团队面对面沟通,这种方式显然更受大家欢迎。当面互动的效果更棒,头脑风暴能擦出更多智慧的火花。今年的会址选在了新加坡的 ColorWorks 工厂,我们也能利用我们庞大的色板库确定 2024 年的颜色选择。”埃万特集团致力于提供专业并可持续的材料解决方案,化客户挑战为机遇,不断推陈出新,让世界变得更美好。(Grace)上 海 化 工第 48 卷14 DOI:10.16759/ki.issn.1004-017x.2023.01.028


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