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1、卫生服务研究2015 2020 年兰州市省属医院 629 例医疗纠纷发生原因分析王斌杨一龙雷泽林王立先崔琦张入文彭伟军王永军张晓光基金项目:甘肃省卫生健康行业科研计划项目(编号:GSWSKY2020 45),兰州大学大学生创新创业行动计划项目(编号:20200060017)作者单位:730000甘肃兰州兰州大学第一医院医务处(王斌,雷泽林,王立先,崔琦,王永军,张晓光)730000甘肃兰州兰州大学第一临床医学院(杨一龙)730000甘肃兰州甘肃第三方医疗调解委员会办公室(张入文,彭伟军)通信作者:雷泽林,18909310403163 com 摘要 目的探寻兰州市省属医院医疗纠纷发生情况及其原因

2、,为进一步精准制定医疗纠纷的预防和处置措施奠定基础。方法回顾性分析甘肃第三方医疗纠纷人民调解委员会 2015 2020 年处理的兰州市 13 家省卫健委直属医院归档结案的 629例医疗纠纷案件的基本人口学信息、纠纷原因等,依据 医疗过失分类编码 中一、二、三级指标对医疗纠纷发生的原因进行分析。组间比较使用 2检验或 Fisher 确切概率法。结果住院(81 72%)、女性(54 69%)、年龄 40 60 岁(32 59%)和农民患者(32 75%)医疗纠纷发生最多。医疗纠纷发生原因一级指标以医疗技术过失(69 48%)、医疗人文过失(24 64%)和医疗流程过失(3 49%)为主;二级指标以

3、手术/操作相关(27 19%)、治疗相关(22 26%)和医患沟通相关(19 71%)为主;三级指标以沟通措辞不当导致误解(19 39%)最常见。门急诊和住院患者的医疗纠纷发生原因不尽相同,差异有统计学意义(2=27 166,P 0 05);不同性别患者(2=10 212,P=0 116)和不同年龄段患者(2=17 799,P=0 469)的医疗纠纷发生原因无差别,差异均无统计学意义;不同职业患者的医疗纠纷发生原因不尽相同,差异有统计学意义(2=42 314,P=0 012)。结论医院应提高医疗技术水平、重视医疗人文建设、优化医疗流程,并根据不同诊疗场所、不同特征患者建立有效机制来减少医疗纠纷

4、的发生。关键词 医疗纠纷;医患关系;原因分析doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000 0399.2023.02.021Analysis of causes of 629 medical disputes in Lanzhou provincial hospitals from 2015 to 2020WANG Bin1,YANG Yilong2,LEI Zelin1,WANG Lixian1,CUI Qi1,ZHANG uwen3,PENG Weijun3,WANG Yongjun1,ZHANG Xiaoguang11 Department of Medical Administrati

5、on,the First Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China2 The First School of Clinical Medicine of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China3 The Third Party of Medical Mediation Committee Office of Gansu,Lanzhou 730000,ChinaFunding project:Health Industry esearch Project of Gansu Province(NO

6、GSWSKY 2020 45),College Students Innovation and Entre-preneurship Action Plan Project of Lanzhou University(NO 20200060017)Corresponding author:Lei Zelin,18909310403163 com Abstract ObjectiveTo explore the situation and causes of medical disputes in provincial hospitals of Lanzhou,and to lay a foun-

7、dation for formulating the prevention and treatment measures of medical disputes MethodsThe method of retrospective analysis was appliedfor the basic demographic information and causes of 629 cases of medical disputes,which were handled by the People s Mediation Committeefor third party medical disp

8、utes of Gansu Province and 13 hospitals affiliated to the Provincial Health Commission in Lanzhou between 2015and 2020 were recruited,then the causes of medical disputes were analyzed according to the first,second and third level indexes in medicalnegligence classification code 2test or Fisher was a

9、dopted to compare between groups esults81 72%of in patients,54 69%of fe-male patients,32 59%of 40 60 year old patients and 32 75%of peasant patients respectively had the most medical disputes Thefirst level indicators of the causes of medical disputes were mainly medical technical fault(69 48%),medi

10、cal humanistic fault(24 64%)and medical process fault(3 49%);the second level indexes were related to operation(27 19%),treatment(22 26%)and doctor patient communication(19 71%);the third level indexes were related to miscommunication(19 39%)The causes of medical disputeswere different between patie

11、nts in out patient and in patient department(2=27 166,P 0 05),and there was no significant differencein the causes of medical disputes between patients of different gender(2=10 212,P=0 116)and different age(2=17 799,P=0212安徽医学第 44 卷第 2 期Anhui Medical Journal2023 年 2 月469),while there was significant

12、 difference in the causes of medical disputes between patients of different occupation(2=42 314,P=0012)ConclusionsHospitals should improve the level of medical technology,pay attention to the construction of medical humanities,opti-mize the medical process,and establish effective mechanisms to reduc

13、e the occurrence of medical disputes according to different diagnosis andtreatment places and patients with different characteristics Key words Medical disputes;Doctor patient relationship;Causes analysis随着医疗纠纷数量的不断增长,医患关系紧张已成为一个全球性的顽疾、痼疾1 2。近十年来,我国医疗纠纷案件数整体上仍呈现出上升趋势3,每百名执业医师医疗纠纷发生率为 5 89 件,每百名医务人员医

14、疗纠纷发生率为 1 88 件4。医疗行业的高风险性、部分医务人员服务意识的缺乏和公民对医疗效果的过高期望及维权意识的高涨,促使医疗纠纷频发,甚至出现了多起形态各异的恶性伤医事件5。这不仅造成巨大的经济损失,对医务人员的安全构成很大的威胁,而且还严重扰乱着医疗秩序、影响社会的和谐稳定6 7。研究医疗纠纷发生的原因、预防和控制医疗纠纷,不仅有助于缓解紧张的医患关系,而且有助于针对性地制定预防和处理医疗纠纷的控制措施,从而提高医疗质量和保障医疗安全。为此,笔者通过与甘肃第三方医疗纠纷人民调解委员会合作,利用回顾性分析的方法对兰州市省属医院经第三方出面协调并现已结案的医疗纠纷案件的发生原因进行深刻剖析

15、,为进一步精准地制定医疗纠纷的预防和处置措施奠定基础。1对象与方法1 1研究对象以在甘肃第三方医疗纠纷人民调解委员会(以下简称医调委)2015 2020 年结案归档的629 例完整案件为研究对象,案件纳入标准:案件发生医院均为在兰州市的甘肃省卫健委直属医院;资料完整,包含患者的基本人口学信息、纠纷原因、解决方式、处理结果、医疗责任鉴定书等信息。排除标准:撤诉或重复的案件;医疗纠纷原因不完整的案件;案件仍未结案或正在用于其他研究。12研究方法回顾性分析医调委 2015 2020 年处理的兰州市 13 家省卫健委直属医院发生的 644 件医疗纠纷卷宗相关资料,完整率 97 7%。对完整案件相关内容

16、进行有效提取,并将信息进行统一归类编码,共选取完整案件 629 件。医疗纠纷原因归类采用北京卫生法学会患者安全专业委员会发布的医疗过失分类编码(classification of medical negligence,CMN)8,一级指标 7 个,二级指标 26 个,三级指标 113 个。1 3观察指标记录医疗纠纷患者的一般资料(医疗纠纷发生场所、性别、年龄、职业)。依据医疗过失分类编码 中一、二、三级指标对医疗纠纷发生的原因进行归类分析,用例和百分数记录医疗纠纷发生原因的案件数,计算并比较不同医疗场所间和不同患者特征间医疗纠纷发生原因的差异。1 4统计学方法应用 SAS 9 2 软件对数据进行统计分析,计数资料用例和百分比表示,组间比较使用 2检验或 Fisher 确切概率法。以 P 0 05 为差异具有统计学意义。2结果2 1医疗纠纷发生情况2015 2020 年兰州市的甘肃省卫健委直属医院共发生医疗纠纷 644 件,其中完整案件629 件:门急诊医疗纠纷115 件,占比18 28%;住院医疗纠纷 514 件,占比 81 72%;案件所涉的性别分布中,女性占比最多,为 54 69%


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